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who said: 'The light on Mahdi's face will be from my light. The one whose place of care is Zahra (apart of his own self), none shall receive a position similar to the position which I have bestowedupon Mahdi. Then, the one who says that he is the Mahdi has spoken the truth.Apart from what we have written, there are yet other poems in Persian and Arabic, which anyoneinvestigating into them will become enlightened. The author of 'Yanabi‐ul‐Muwadda' has narratedmany such poems like the poems of Shaikh Ah mad Jaami, Shaikh Athar Naishabouri, ShaikhJamaluddin Rumi and others. However what we have narrated is adequate.Chapter Two : Mahdi is From the Arab DescentAuthor of "Eqdud‐Durar" in Chapter one section 4 narrates from Abu Abdullah Na'eem‐ibn‐Hemaad (from his book "Al‐Fatan") who is turn narrates from Ali (AS.) who said: ‐ "The kingdom ofBani‐Abbass is such that if the Turks, Deylamites, and the inhabitants of Indus valley and Indiawere to attack them they would fail to destroy them and Bani‐Abbass would continue to besuccessful until they become aggressive towards the slaves and the weak. Then God will make a'Gusale' (the wicked one who will revolt against Bani‐Abbass and destroy them) to dominate overthem which shall come out from a place where their kingdom will be disclosed. He shall not passany city but that which conquers; no flag will be hoisted before him but that which he destroysand he will not come across any bounty but that which he misuses. Woe be to the one who takeshis side. This shall continue until victory is achieved by the hands of an Arab who shall rise fore thetruth and act upon it."It is apparent that 'on Arab' in the above sentence refers to Mahdi, the Awaited One who shallappear at the end of time and his signs are the very ones which have come in the same chapter ofthe aforesaid book which has been taken from the book of "Al‐Fatan", where its author, ImamAbu Abdulla Na'eem‐ibn ‐Hemaad narrates from Abi Qabil as such: "People shall always be incomfort until the kingdom of Bani‐Abbass comes to an end. Then they will live in disturbedconditions until the advent of Mahdi."Author says: History bears witness that right from the time of Holaku's revolt; the East has notenjoyed liberty. Disturbed conditions and discord among the rulers and kings has alwayscontinued to exist. Thus Ali's saying that: Until he gains victory and hands it over to an Arab isperhaps referring to this point that that discord and disturbed conditions are all incidental to thecoming of Holaku and his subsequent revolt and it shall remain till the advent of Mahdi.Presented by &

who said: 'The light on Mahdi's face will be from my light. The one whose place of care is Zahra (apart of his own self), none shall receive a position similar to the position which I have bestowedupon Mahdi. Then, the one who says that he is the Mahdi has spoken the truth.Apart from what we have written, there are yet other poems in Persian and Arabic, which anyoneinvestigating into them will become enlightened. The author of 'Yanabi‐ul‐Muwadda' has narratedmany such poems like the poems of Shaikh Ah mad Jaami, Shaikh Athar Naishabouri, ShaikhJamaluddin Rumi and others. However what we have narrated is adequate.Chapter Two : Mahdi is From the Arab DescentAuthor of "Eqdud‐Durar" in Chapter one section 4 narrates from Abu Abdullah Na'eem‐ibn‐Hemaad (from his book "Al‐Fatan") who is turn narrates from Ali (AS.) who said: ‐ "The kingdom ofBani‐Abbass is such that if the Turks, Deylamites, and the inhabitants of Indus valley and Indiawere to attack them they would fail to destroy them and Bani‐Abbass would continue to besuccessful until they become aggressive towards the slaves and the weak. Then God will make a'Gusale' (the wicked one who will revolt against Bani‐Abbass and destroy them) to dominate overthem which shall come out from a place where their kingdom will be disclosed. He shall not passany city but that which conquers; no flag will be hoisted before him but that which he destroysand he will not come across any bounty but that which he misuses. Woe be to the one who takeshis side. This shall continue until victory is achieved by the hands of an Arab who shall rise fore thetruth and act upon it."It is apparent that 'on Arab' in the above sentence refers to Mahdi, the Awaited One who shallappear at the end of time and his signs are the very ones which have come in the same chapter ofthe aforesaid book which has been taken from the book of "Al‐Fatan", where its author, ImamAbu Abdulla Na'eem‐ibn ‐Hemaad narrates from Abi Qabil as such: "People shall always be incomfort until the kingdom of Bani‐Abbass comes to an end. Then they will live in disturbedconditions until the advent of Mahdi."Author says: History bears witness that right from the time of Holaku's revolt; the East has notenjoyed liberty. Disturbed conditions and discord among the rulers and kings has alwayscontinued to exist. Thus Ali's saying that: Until he gains victory and hands it over to an Arab isperhaps referring to this point that that discord and disturbed conditions are all incidental to thecoming of Holaku and his subsequent revolt and it shall remain till the advent of Mahdi.Presented by &

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