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Annaf said: "O Ali what are those qualities? He replied: They will swear allegiance that they willnot steal, commit adultery, kill someone injustly, defame the honor of a respectable person,abuse a Muslim, swarm a house, mount on a thin and weak animal, decorate themselves falsely(wear gold), wear fur, wear silk, wear clogs obstruct the path for anyone, commit injustice to theorphans, play trick and deceit anyone, eat the wealth of the orphans, indulge in homosexuality,drink wine, commit treason in trust, breach the promises, hoard wheat and barley, kill someonewho seeks refuge in him, pursue the defeated one, shed blood injustly and embark on killing theinjured one. Moreover one should wear coarse garments, consider the ground as ones pillow, eatbread made out of barley, be satisfied with whatever meagre he receives, participate in 'Jihad'(holy war) the way it should be done, smell musk and other good fragrances, avoid impurity…"Second ConclusionReferencesAmongst the matters which are good and rather necessary to mention is the names of books andauthors ‐ the sources from which we have narrated the traditions in the book of 'Al‐Mahdi'. This isso that the rights of those authors are duly paid and rather, the respected readers gain selfsatisfaction.The following are the references of the book "AL‐MAHDI": 1. The book "Es'aaf‐ar‐Raghebeen" is about the virtues of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) and his Ahl‐e‐bayt (A.S.). It'swritten by Shaikh Muhammad Saban who died in the year 1206.2. The book "Ja'ame‐ul‐Lalif" is about the exellence of Mecca and the construction of the HolyMosque. Its author is <strong>All</strong>ama Shaikh Jamaluddin Muhammad Jarrullah‐ibn‐Muhammad‐ibn‐Nuruddin‐ibn‐Abu Bakr‐ibn‐Ali Zahiray Qurshi Makhzumi. This book was written in the year 950Hijri and was printed in the year 1276 in the printing‐house of Dar Ehya‐ul‐ Kitabul‐Arabiya.3. Commentary on Nahjul‐Balagha ‐ written by a leading personality in literacy and history by thename of Shaikh Ezzuddin Abu Hamed Abdul Hamid‐ ibn‐Hebtullah Mada'eni famous as Ibne‐AbilHa did who died in the year 655 Hijri. This book has been printed in four volumes in Darul‐Kitab al‐Arabiya in Egypt.4. Sahih Bukhari ‐ written by a leading traditionist Abu Abdullah Muhamamd‐ibn‐Isma'eel‐ ibn‐Ibrahim‐ ibn ‐Mughaira who died in the year 256 Hijri. This book has been printed in the year 1312in the publishing‐house of Maimaniya in Egypt.5. Sahih Sunan Mustafa ‐ written by a leading traditionist Abu Dawoud Sulaiman‐ibn‐Asha'rSajestani who died in the year 357.Presented by http://www.alhassanain.com & http://www.islamicblessings.com

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