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time would be following the religion of Islam just as destruction of the cross too is a metaphoricremark in this regard. Eradication of enmity, grudge, hatred and jealousy too may mean that thesewill be obviated between the Jew and Christian by the blessings of Isa‐ibn‐Maryam's descension.Manifestation of the Religion of IslamThe author of "Eqdud‐Durar" (chapter two) narrates from Abul‐Hassan Rab'ee Maleki whonarrates from Huzaifa‐ibn‐Yaman that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) while mentioning aboutMahdi, his agnomen and place of allegiance says:Allah will restore the religion by means of Mahdi and will produce victories and triumphs for him.Then, except for those who say "There is no god except Allah" none others would be left on theearth...? The author of "Yanabi‐ul‐Muwadda" narrates (on page 476) from Shaikh Mohyiddin Arabifrom his book "Futouhat‐Makkiyah" (chapter 366) about Mahdi and his ministers and says: Mahdiwill emerge when religion would be on the decline. The one who would not accept will be killedand the one who would engage in debate with him will be defeated. He will so reveal the realitiesof religion that had the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) been alive, he too would have judged in the samemanner. He will eradicate the (false) religions from the face of the earth. Then, except for thepure religion, no other religion would remain over the earth.Mahdi's ReformsThe author of "Yanabi‐ul‐Muwadda" narrates (on page 486) from the book "Manaqib" whichnarrate from Hazrat Ali‐ibn‐Musa ar‐Ridha who narrates from his father that the Messenger ofAllah (S.A.W.A.) while mentioning about the virtues of his household and his Meraj (ascension toheaven) said: I asked: 'O my Lord, who are my legatees? I heard a call saying: "O Muhammadi Yourlegatees are those whose names have been written on the enclosure of My throne."I looked and saw twelve lights. A green cover spread over each light and the names of my legateeswere written on each of them where the first of them was Ali and the last of them Mahdi. I asked:'O Lord, Are they the legatees after me?I heard a call saying: After you, they are My friends, chosen ones and proofs upon My creatures.They are your legatees. I swear by My Glory and Majesty that I will cleanse the earth from itstyranny by the hands of the last of the one who is Mahdi. I will make him conquer the East andPresented by &

time would be following the religion of Islam just as destruction of the cross too is a metaphoricremark in this regard. Eradication of enmity, grudge, hatred and jealousy too may mean that thesewill be obviated between the Jew and Christian by the blessings of Isa‐ibn‐Maryam's descension.Manifestation of the Religion of IslamThe author of "Eqdud‐Durar" (chapter two) narrates from Abul‐Hassan Rab'ee Maleki whonarrates from Huzaifa‐ibn‐Yaman that the Messenger of <strong>All</strong>ah (S.A.W.A.) while mentioning aboutMahdi, his agnomen and place of allegiance says:<strong>All</strong>ah will restore the religion by means of Mahdi and will produce victories and triumphs for him.Then, except for those who say "There is no god except <strong>All</strong>ah" none others would be left on theearth...? The author of "Yanabi‐ul‐Muwadda" narrates (on page 476) from Shaikh Mohyiddin Arabifrom his book "Futouhat‐Makkiyah" (chapter 366) about Mahdi and his ministers and says: Mahdiwill emerge when religion would be on the decline. The one who would not accept will be killedand the one who would engage in debate with him will be defeated. He will so reveal the realitiesof religion that had the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) been alive, he too would have judged in the samemanner. He will eradicate the (false) religions from the face of the earth. Then, except for thepure religion, no other religion would remain over the earth.Mahdi's ReformsThe author of "Yanabi‐ul‐Muwadda" narrates (on page 486) from the book "Manaqib" whichnarrate from Hazrat Ali‐ibn‐Musa ar‐Ridha who narrates from his father that the Messenger of<strong>All</strong>ah (S.A.W.A.) while mentioning about the virtues of his household and his Meraj (ascension toheaven) said: I asked: 'O my Lord, who are my legatees? I heard a call saying: "O Muhammadi Yourlegatees are those whose names have been written on the enclosure of My throne."I looked and saw twelve lights. A green cover spread over each light and the names of my legateeswere written on each of them where the first of them was Ali and the last of them Mahdi. I asked:'O Lord, Are they the legatees after me?I heard a call saying: After you, they are My friends, chosen ones and proofs upon My creatures.They are your legatees. I swear by My Glory and Majesty that I will cleanse the earth from itstyranny by the hands of the last of the one who is Mahdi. I will make him conquer the East andPresented by &

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