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just as I fought as per the revealation. Ibn‐Hejar in his "Swae'q" (page 98) and the author of"Yanabi‐ul‐Muwadda" (page 433) have narrated a tradition with almost the same contents. Theauthor of "Es'aaf‐ur‐Raghebean" (page 161) says: Mohyiddin Arabi in "Fotouhat‐Makkiyah" says:Mahdi will act by virtue of Divine inspiration since the Holy Prophet's canons will be revealed toMahdi by inspiration just as the tradition:refers to this very matter.Thus the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) has made us realize that Mahdi is the follower of the HolyProphet (S.A.W.A.) and not that he is a heretic. Besides he makes us realize that Mahdi is aninfallible. Such analogy is needed ‐ In spite of being infallible and in spite of receiving inspirationfrom God. As a matter of fact, some of the researchers reckon analogy to be forbidden for all thedivine men since the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) can be witnessed for them. When the divine mendoubt in any tradition or command they refer to the Holy Prophet and he in turn directlyacquaints them with the truth. The Master of the affairs is needless of following any of the Imams,other than the Holy Prophet.Mahdi's Virtuous WayThe author of "Eqdud‐Durar" (chapter five) narrates from Abu Amro Osman‐ ibn‐Sa'eed Muqarri(from his book 'Sunan') who narrates from108 Huzaifa‐ibn‐ Yaman that the Messenger of Allah(S.A.W.A.) said:The inhabitants of the sky, the inhabitants of the earth, the birds, the beasts and the fishes willbecome delighted by Mahdi's existence. In the seventh chapter of the same book, its authornarrates from Abu Na'eem (from the book "Sefat‐ul‐Mahdi") and Imam Ahmad (from the book"Musnad") who in turn narrate from Abu Saeed Khudri that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.)said: I give you glad tidings about Mahdi... The inhabitants of the earth and the heavens will besatisfied with him.In the third chapter of the same book, its author narrates from Na'eem‐ibn‐ Hemad (from thebook "Fatan") that Jabir‐ibn‐Abdullah said: A person approached Imam Muhammad Baqir (A.S.)and said: Accept these five hundred dirhams as 'Zakat' (poll tax) on my wealth. Imam MuhammadBaqir (A.S.) replied: You may give those five hundred dirhams to your Muslim neighbours and toyour Muslim brethrens who are in distress. Thereafter Imam (A.S.) said: When Mahdi, the 'Qae'm'from our progeny will emerge; he will distribute wealth equally and will tread the farmers withjustice. In the same chapter of the same book, the author narrates from Abu Amro Muqarri (fromhis book 'Sunan') and Hafiz: Na'eem‐ibn‐Hemad (from the book 'Fatan') that Ka'ab al‐Akbar said: Isee Mahdi's name in the books of the Prophet. His rule is neither in just nor oppressive.Presented by &

just as I fought as per the revealation. Ibn‐Hejar in his "Swae'q" (page 98) and the author of"Yanabi‐ul‐Muwadda" (page 433) have narrated a tradition with almost the same contents. Theauthor of "Es'aaf‐ur‐Raghebean" (page 161) says: Mohyiddin Arabi in "Fotouhat‐Makkiyah" says:Mahdi will act by virtue of Divine inspiration since the Holy Prophet's canons will be revealed toMahdi by inspiration just as the tradition:refers to this very matter.Thus the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) has made us realize that Mahdi is the follower of the HolyProphet (S.A.W.A.) and not that he is a heretic. Besides he makes us realize that Mahdi is aninfallible. Such analogy is needed ‐ In spite of being infallible and in spite of receiving inspirationfrom God. As a matter of fact, some of the researchers reckon analogy to be forbidden for all thedivine men since the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) can be witnessed for them. When the divine mendoubt in any tradition or command they refer to the Holy Prophet and he in turn directlyacquaints them with the truth. The Master of the affairs is needless of following any of the Imams,other than the Holy Prophet.Mahdi's Virtuous WayThe author of "Eqdud‐Durar" (chapter five) narrates from Abu Amro Osman‐ ibn‐Sa'eed Muqarri(from his book 'Sunan') who narrates from108 Huzaifa‐ibn‐ Yaman that the Messenger of <strong>All</strong>ah(S.A.W.A.) said:The inhabitants of the sky, the inhabitants of the earth, the birds, the beasts and the fishes willbecome delighted by Mahdi's existence. In the seventh chapter of the same book, its authornarrates from Abu Na'eem (from the book "Sefat‐ul‐Mahdi") and Imam Ahmad (from the book"Musnad") who in turn narrate from Abu Saeed Khudri that the Messenger of <strong>All</strong>ah (S.A.W.A.)said: I give you glad tidings about Mahdi... The inhabitants of the earth and the heavens will besatisfied with him.In the third chapter of the same book, its author narrates from Na'eem‐ibn‐ Hemad (from thebook "Fatan") that Jabir‐ibn‐Abdullah said: A person approached Imam Muhammad Baqir (A.S.)and said: Accept these five hundred dirhams as 'Zakat' (poll tax) on my wealth. Imam MuhammadBaqir (A.S.) replied: You may give those five hundred dirhams to your Muslim neighbours and toyour Muslim brethrens who are in distress. Thereafter Imam (A.S.) said: When Mahdi, the 'Qae'm'from our progeny will emerge; he will distribute wealth equally and will tread the farmers withjustice. In the same chapter of the same book, the author narrates from Abu Amro Muqarri (fromhis book 'Sunan') and Hafiz: Na'eem‐ibn‐Hemad (from the book 'Fatan') that Ka'ab al‐Akbar said: Isee Mahdi's name in the books of the Prophet. His rule is neither in just nor oppressive.Presented by &

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