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fabricated, refers to the first type of interpretation. So do not be heedless about them.The author of "Yanabi‐ul‐Muwadda" (page 448) narrates from the book "Fara'ed‐us‐Semtain"which narrates from Hafiz Abu Naeem that Imam Muhammad Baqir (A.S.) said: <strong>All</strong>ah has set fearin the hearts of our friends and followers. When our 'Qa'em' who is Mahdi will emerge, oneperson from our followers will be more courageous than a fierce lion and sharper than the pointof a spear.Author says: Undoubtedly, a group which loses its leader also loses its will‐ power and aim andrather its very progress as against a group possessing a leader with an upright will‐power, earnestaim and firm power. This is because such a state eventually leaves an impression on the conductand morale of that group. It seems that the afore‐mentioned tradition too refers to this verymatter and the reason why God has set fear in their hearts is to protect them.Incidents Which Will Occur in the Near FutureHow often this thought passes through some mind and rather how often it is pronounced thoughsome tongue that if fear from enemies is the cause of Mahdi's occultation then how would thisfear be obviated considering that day by day various powers and arms are on the rise!? Howwould it be possible for Mahdi to face these powers and aims which have filled the land and seaand would tighten the sphere the day of his emergence without Mahdi having a access to any ofthose weapons because of lack adequate supporters and ample means!?In reply we say: It's possible that the incidents which are about to take place in this world and theprobable events may actually occur which could be amongst the strongest means of Mahdi'semergence and a medium for doing away with his occultation until he real emerges. In number hemay become like one of the ruling powers and thereafter he would strive in strengthening andincreasing his powers and weapons.Firstly, amongst the events which are not improbable is this that the moral and spiritual reformsperfection of training and literary and material Sciences in Some classes of people and rather in allof them will prevail over a special class. Thus when Mahdi emerges and proclaims his plans andannounces the <strong>Islamic</strong> teachings for which he would rise and that particular class witnesses histruthfulness, trustworthiness and resoluteness they would become submissive towards Hazrat.They will assist him in Jihad and become obedient to him and will give him the reins of thegovernment. A large number of people would obey him and become submissive to him such thatone cannot eat them with contempt. The same had occurred for his great grand‐father, the HolyProphet (S.A.W.A.) since a large number of people had brought faith in him due to his virtuousaim and objective just as the incident of 'Najashi' (Negus) bears witness to this factPresented by http://www.alhassanain.com & http://www.islamicblessings.com

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