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Ibn‐Hajar in his book "Sawa'eq" (page 98) has narrated from Ibn Asaker who has narrated from Ali(A.S.) the tradition about Mahdi fleeing from Medina towards Mecca and added: Some of theinhabitants of Mecca will approach Mahdi and will send him out (while not being satisfied) andwill swear allegiance to him between Rukn and Maqaam...The author of 'Eqdud‐Durar' in section two and chapter four has narrated from Jabir‐ibn‐Yazidwho has narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir about Mahdi's flight from Medina to Mecca andsays: People will swear allegiance to him between Rukn and Maqaam. "O Jabir! Mahdi is from theprogeny of Hussein."Rudiments of Mahdi's TriumphThe author of "Eqdud‐Durar" (chapter five) narrates from a group of traditionists such as Ahmadin Musnad, Ibn‐Maaja in Sunan, Baihaqi Abu Omar Mada'eni, Na'eem‐ibn‐Hemad, Abul‐QasimTabarani and Abu Na'eem Esfahani who narrate from Amir‐ul‐Mumineen Ali‐ibn‐Abi Talib that theMessenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) said: "Mahdi is from us ‐ the Ahl‐e‐bayt. Allah will set right hisaffairs in one night" Ibn‐Hajar in "Sawa'eq" (page 98) has narrated from Ibn‐Maaja as such: "Agroup of people will rise from the East and they will make preparations for Mahdi's rule."The author of "Eqdud‐Durar" (in chapter five) has narrated the same tradition from Ibn‐Maaja andBaihaqi. The author of "Eqdud‐Durar" (in chapter five) has narrated from Abu Na'eem (book ofSefat‐ul‐Mahdi) who has narrated from Sauban that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.) said: Whenyou see black flags coming from the direction of East, hasten towards them even if you have tocrawl over ice because Mahdi who is Allah's representative will be amongst them.Narrator says: Hakim Abu Abdullah in "Mustadrak" and Imam Abu Omar in "Sunan" and HafizNa'eem‐ibn‐Hemad in "Fatan" have narrated the contents of this tradition. Perhaps the saying:Mahdi who is Allah's representative will be amongst them means that the rudiments of Mahdi'srule would be in their hands just as the same was mentioned in the tradition of Abdullah‐ibn‐Harith. In the same chapter of the afore‐said book, its author narrates from Sa'eed‐ ibn‐Musaiyebthat the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A) said: A man from Bani Abbass will rise from the East andwill remain on the land until Allah wishes. Thereafter a group with small black flags will emergeand they will battle with the people from the progeny of Abu Sufyan and his followers and willprepare the ground for Mahdi's obedience and submission.Author says: Some of the traditions, which speak about the appearance of black flags from theEast, refer to the invitation of Abbassid and uprising of Abu Muslim Khurasani. Yet, some othertraditions signal out the uprising of a group from the East who would invite (the people) towardsMahdi (A.S.) and the tradition of Sa'eed‐ibn‐Musaiyeb which was mentioned before, refers to thisaccount. The possibility, which we mentioned previously about the traditions (in this regard) beingPresented by &

Ibn‐Hajar in his book "Sawa'eq" (page 98) has narrated from Ibn Asaker who has narrated from Ali(A.S.) the tradition about Mahdi fleeing from Medina towards Mecca and added: Some of theinhabitants of Mecca will approach Mahdi and will send him out (while not being satisfied) andwill swear allegiance to him between Rukn and Maqaam...The author of 'Eqdud‐Durar' in section two and chapter four has narrated from Jabir‐ibn‐Yazidwho has narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir about Mahdi's flight from Medina to Mecca andsays: People will swear allegiance to him between Rukn and Maqaam. "O Jabir! Mahdi is from theprogeny of Hussein."Rudiments of Mahdi's TriumphThe author of "Eqdud‐Durar" (chapter five) narrates from a group of traditionists such as Ahmadin Musnad, Ibn‐Maaja in Sunan, Baihaqi Abu Omar Mada'eni, Na'eem‐ibn‐Hemad, Abul‐QasimTabarani and Abu Na'eem Esfahani who narrate from Amir‐ul‐Mumineen Ali‐ibn‐Abi Talib that theMessenger of <strong>All</strong>ah (S.A.W.A.) said: "Mahdi is from us ‐ the Ahl‐e‐bayt. <strong>All</strong>ah will set right hisaffairs in one night" Ibn‐Hajar in "Sawa'eq" (page 98) has narrated from Ibn‐Maaja as such: "Agroup of people will rise from the East and they will make preparations for Mahdi's rule."The author of "Eqdud‐Durar" (in chapter five) has narrated the same tradition from Ibn‐Maaja andBaihaqi. The author of "Eqdud‐Durar" (in chapter five) has narrated from Abu Na'eem (book ofSefat‐ul‐Mahdi) who has narrated from Sauban that the Messenger of <strong>All</strong>ah (S.A.W.A.) said: Whenyou see black flags coming from the direction of East, hasten towards them even if you have tocrawl over ice because Mahdi who is <strong>All</strong>ah's representative will be amongst them.Narrator says: Hakim Abu Abdullah in "Mustadrak" and Imam Abu Omar in "Sunan" and HafizNa'eem‐ibn‐Hemad in "Fatan" have narrated the contents of this tradition. Perhaps the saying:Mahdi who is <strong>All</strong>ah's representative will be amongst them means that the rudiments of Mahdi'srule would be in their hands just as the same was mentioned in the tradition of Abdullah‐ibn‐Harith. In the same chapter of the afore‐said book, its author narrates from Sa'eed‐ ibn‐Musaiyebthat the Messenger of <strong>All</strong>ah (S.A.W.A) said: A man from Bani Abbass will rise from the East andwill remain on the land until <strong>All</strong>ah wishes. Thereafter a group with small black flags will emergeand they will battle with the people from the progeny of Abu Sufyan and his followers and willprepare the ground for Mahdi's obedience and submission.Author says: Some of the traditions, which speak about the appearance of black flags from theEast, refer to the invitation of Abbassid and uprising of Abu Muslim Khurasani. Yet, some othertraditions signal out the uprising of a group from the East who would invite (the people) towardsMahdi (A.S.) and the tradition of Sa'eed‐ibn‐Musaiyeb which was mentioned before, refers to thisaccount. The possibility, which we mentioned previously about the traditions (in this regard) beingPresented by &

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