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The Messenger of <strong>All</strong>ah (S.A.W.A.) said: The land shall swallow them but they will be gathered. Orhe said: They will be resurrected on the Day of Judgement according to their intentions.Ibn‐Abi Hadid says: Imam Muhammad Baqir (A.S.) was asked whether every land was called as'Baidah' and Imam replied: Never. Rather 'Baidah' is in Medina. Bukhari has narrated a part of thistradition while Muslim has narrated the rest. The author of "Esaaf‐ul‐Raghebeen" on page 153says: It is mentioned in traditions that Sufyani will dispatch troops from Syria against Mahdi andthey will sink in the ground at 'Baidah'. None will remain alive except the person who will spreadnews about them. Sufyani and Mahdi will approach that person along with their respectivefollowers and victory will be on Mahdi's side and Sufyani will be killed...The author says: I have not come across any authentic traditions which have revealed the matterof meeting of the two afore‐said armies ‐ Perhaps it is between Kufa and Medina ‐ <strong>All</strong>ah Knowsbest. Number of Signs of Mahdi's Emergence The author of "Fusul al‐Muhimma" (who is one ofthe Sunni authors) in chapter 12 says:Traditions have come down about the signs of Mahdi's emergence and the events, which wouldoccur before his uprising and the evidences, which would be discovered before his emergence.They are as such: (1) Sufyani's revolt, (2) killing of Hasani, (3) discord amongst Bani‐Abbass aboutpossession of kingdom, (4) eclipse of the sun during mid‐Shaban, (5) unusual eclipse of the moonduring the end of Shaban contrary to astronomy's calculations. The moon will not be eclipsed butduring the thirteenth, fourteenth or fifteenth of the month. The moon will be eclipsed at the timewhen the sun and the moon would be facing each other in a special form.The eclipse of the sun will not occur but on the twenty‐seventh, twenty‐eight or twenty‐ninth ofthe month. The sun will be eclipsed at the time when it comes close to the moon in a special form,(6) rising of the sun from the West, (7) killing of seventy pious people (8) killing (9) destruction ofthe wall of the Mosque of Kufa, (10) advancement of the holders of black flags from Khorasan,(11) Yamani's revolt, (12) Maghrabi's revolt in Egypt and becoming the ruler of Syria, (13)descencion of Turks in an island, (14) the coming of Romans in Rumalah, (15) the rising of a star inthe East which would be like a sparkling moon, (16) that star would bend and break into two insuch a manner that they would come close to each other, (17) a redness will appear in the sky andit will cover its surrounding, (18) a fire would appear throughout the East and it would remain sofor three or seven days, (19) Arabs would set free their rein, (20) Arabs would become owners ofcities, (21) Arabs would exit from the rule of Iranian Kings, (22) the inhabitants of Egypt would killtheir ruler and his commands, (23) Syria would be destroyed and three flags will advance towardsit, (24)the flags of Qais and Arab would advance towards Egypt, (25) engraved flags wouldadvance towards Khorasan, (26) The entry of some Arabs in the outskirts of Hirah (27) the comingof black flags from the East, (28) A split shall occur in Euphrates as a result of which its waterPresented by http://www.alhassanain.com & http://www.islamicblessings.com

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