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Zubair, the seditlion of Mecca was the very one from Ibn‐Zubair; the sedition of Yemen ascendedfrom Najdah's side; the sedition of Syria appeared from Bani‐Ummayah and sedition of centralSyria is through this group.In section 2, chapter 4 of 'Eqdud‐Durar' its author narrates from Jabir‐ibn‐ Yazid Ju'afi that HazratImam Muhammad Baqir addressed Jabir as such: 'O Jabir! Sit firmly in your place until I describefor you the signs… Three flags will set out from Syria: Red and white flag, black and white flags andthe flag of Sufyani … Sufyani shall dispatch 10000 men towards Kufa. They will plunder, kill andtake as captives its inhabitants. When they will engage in these activities, men from Khorasanholding flags will march forward with swiftness. They are Mahdi's helpers... Sufyani shall despatchtroops towards Medina and Mahdi shall escape from Medina to Mecca. The commander of theSufyani's army shall be informed about Mahdi's flight towards Mecca.Najdeh‐ibn‐Aamer Hanafi was one of the Khawarij who commands his army to persue Mahdi butthey will not find him... The commander of Sufyanis army shall descend over the land of 'Baidah'(soft land between Mecca and Medina) and a caller from the heavens shall cry out: "O baidahldestroy this group." Then the land of Baidah shall swallow them.The author of "Yanabi‐ul‐Muwadda" (page 414) has narrated from the book "Durrul‐Monzoom" assuch:"One of the signs of Mahdi's emergence will be the revolt of Sufyani. He will despatch 30000 mentowards Mecca where they will sink in the land of Baidah..."Ibn Abil‐Hadid in his commentary of Nahjul‐Balagha (vol. 1, pg. 211) on the occasion when Ali(A.S.) delivered a sermon on the 'Ghaib' (unseen) says: 'Abu Dawoud Thayalesi has narrated fromSulaiman Zarriq who has narrated from Abdul Aziz‐ibn‐Suhib who has narrated from Abul‐A'aliathat Mazrah (who was one of Ali's followers) said:"An army shall advance until it reaches the land of Baidah. There, the army would sink in theground." Abul‐A'alia says: I asked Mazrah whether he would give me the news of the unseen andhe replied: Keep guard of whatever I tell you since a reliable man like Ali‐ibn‐Abi Talib hasinformed me.Ibn‐Abid Hadid says: The tradition of "Sinking in the ground" has been narrated by Bukhari andMuslim in their books of 'Sahih' from Umm‐Salme (may <strong>All</strong>ah be satisfied with her) who said: Iheard the Messenger of <strong>All</strong>ah saying: A group will seek shelter in the Ka'aba until they reach'Baidah' and then the ground would swallow them.I said: 'O Messenger of <strong>All</strong>ah! Perhaps the discontented people are amongst them!Presented by http://www.alhassanain.com & http://www.islamicblessings.com

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