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"I you happen to see a fire for three or seven days from the eastern side, then God‐willing youmay expect the 'Faraj' (deliverence) of Aal‐e‐Muhammad." Imam (A.S.) continued: Later a callerfrom the heavens shall call out Mahdi's name in such manner that it will be heard in the East andWest. None shall be asleep but that he will wake up and none shall be sitting but that he will standon his two feet and of awe. May Allah shower His Mercy on the one who hears and answers thatcall since the caller is none other than Gibra'eel?The author of "Yanabi‐ul‐Muwadda" on page 414 has narrated from the book "Durrul‐Manzoom"as such: One of the evidences of Mahdi's emergence is the very caller who shall call out: 'Knowthat the "Master of the Age" has emerged. After this, none shall be sleeping but that he will ariseand none shall be standing but that he will sit...Heavenly SignsThe author of "Eqdud‐Durar" in Section three, chapter four has narrated from Hafiz Abu‐Bakr‐ibn‐Hammad and he from Ibn‐Abbadd as such: 'Mahdi shall not emerge until certain signs appear withthe sun. In the same section and chapter of the afore‐mentioned book, its author narrates fromHafiz Na'eem‐ibn‐Hemmad and he from Bashr‐ibn‐Hazrami who said: 'The signs of events in themonth of Ramadhan are a kind of heavenly signs and after that people shall dispute with eachother. When you come across those, signs, procure food for yourself as much as you can.Again, in the same section and chapter of the afore‐said book, its author narrates from 'Al‐Fatan'of Hafiz Na'eem‐ibn‐Hemad and he, from Ka'ab al‐ Ahbar who said: "Before Mahdi's emergence,stars shall appear from the East with constant glittering."Eclipse of the Sun and MoonThe author of "Eqdud‐Durar" in section one, chapter four narrates from 'Al‐ Fatan' of Hafiz Abu‐Abdullah Na'eem‐ibn‐Hemmad and he, from Yazid‐ibn‐ Khalil Asadi who said: "I was in thepresence of Imam Muhammad Baqir (A.S.) He mentioned two of the signs which would occurbefore the emergence of Mahdi and which has not yet been witnessed (right from the time of fallof Adam till now). One sign is this that there shall occur an eclipse of the sun on 15th ofRamadhan and the moon too shall be eclipsed at the end of Ramadhan." A person said: 'O son ofMessenger of Allah! It is not as you say. Rather the sun will be eclipsed at the end of the month ofRamadhan and the moon will be eclipsed during the middle of the month.Imam Baqir (A.S.) said: The one who says these words knows better (than you) that right from thetime of Adam's fall till today these two signs have not occurred…The author of "Es'aaf‐ul‐Raghaben" too has narrated the same tradition. Discord and PessimismPresented by &

"I you happen to see a fire for three or seven days from the eastern side, then God‐willing youmay expect the 'Faraj' (deliverence) of Aal‐e‐Muhammad." Imam (A.S.) continued: Later a callerfrom the heavens shall call out Mahdi's name in such manner that it will be heard in the East andWest. None shall be asleep but that he will wake up and none shall be sitting but that he will standon his two feet and of awe. May <strong>All</strong>ah shower His Mercy on the one who hears and answers thatcall since the caller is none other than Gibra'eel?The author of "Yanabi‐ul‐Muwadda" on page 414 has narrated from the book "Durrul‐Manzoom"as such: One of the evidences of Mahdi's emergence is the very caller who shall call out: 'Knowthat the "Master of the Age" has emerged. After this, none shall be sleeping but that he will ariseand none shall be standing but that he will sit...Heavenly SignsThe author of "Eqdud‐Durar" in Section three, chapter four has narrated from Hafiz Abu‐Bakr‐ibn‐Hammad and he from Ibn‐Abbadd as such: 'Mahdi shall not emerge until certain signs appear withthe sun. In the same section and chapter of the afore‐mentioned book, its author narrates fromHafiz Na'eem‐ibn‐Hemmad and he from Bashr‐ibn‐Hazrami who said: 'The signs of events in themonth of Ramadhan are a kind of heavenly signs and after that people shall dispute with eachother. When you come across those, signs, procure food for yourself as much as you can.Again, in the same section and chapter of the afore‐said book, its author narrates from 'Al‐Fatan'of Hafiz Na'eem‐ibn‐Hemad and he, from Ka'ab al‐ Ahbar who said: "Before Mahdi's emergence,stars shall appear from the East with constant glittering."Eclipse of the Sun and MoonThe author of "Eqdud‐Durar" in section one, chapter four narrates from 'Al‐ Fatan' of Hafiz Abu‐Abdullah Na'eem‐ibn‐Hemmad and he, from Yazid‐ibn‐ Khalil Asadi who said: "I was in thepresence of Imam Muhammad Baqir (A.S.) He mentioned two of the signs which would occurbefore the emergence of Mahdi and which has not yet been witnessed (right from the time of fallof Adam till now). One sign is this that there shall occur an eclipse of the sun on 15th ofRamadhan and the moon too shall be eclipsed at the end of Ramadhan." A person said: 'O son ofMessenger of <strong>All</strong>ah! It is not as you say. Rather the sun will be eclipsed at the end of the month ofRamadhan and the moon will be eclipsed during the middle of the month.Imam Baqir (A.S.) said: The one who says these words knows better (than you) that right from thetime of Adam's fall till today these two signs have not occurred…The author of "Es'aaf‐ul‐Raghaben" too has narrated the same tradition. Discord and PessimismPresented by &

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