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is not covered by any object and its light glimmers) Deriving benefit from the sun and making useof it by the living and rather the non‐living creatures is something prevalent whether it is manifestor concealed under the clouds. Every creature derives its own pleasure and share from it with thedifference that when it is manifest and glimmering, the benefit derived is more than when it iscovered and concealed. Imam (A.S.) too is like the sun in these two afore‐said cases.This is the view of the Shia‐Imamiyahs about Imam (A.S.). However the Sunnis believe that thebenefits and effects derived from Imam's existence is confined to the second type (i.e. nonabsenceof Imam).To this, we reply as such:Some of the Sunnis reckon Mahdi's occultation to mean that he is invisible and cannot be seen.However, just as mentioned before, their reckoning is far from truth. Rather, his occultationmeans that he cannot be individually recognized and seen.Thus, it has come down in some traditions that after Mahdi's emergence people will say: ‐ "Weused to see him before too." Verily Mahdi is absent (amongst us) but attends the gatherings andmeetings. He also speaks to the travelers and other people. Rather, very often he presents himselfduring the Haj season.He wears the 'Ehram' (pilgrim's garb), recites the call of 'Labbaik', performs the 'tawaaf'(circumbulation) and concludes his Haj by visiting his honored grand‐father and great fathers'shrines especially at times of special 'Ziarats'. Thus Mahdi is present amongst the <strong>Islamic</strong>community but is not physically recognized.One the contrary, we say: Who can dare say that during the major occultation it is not possible tocome in contact with Mahdi (A.S.) whereas historical and other books provide us with evidencesthat a section of people have received the honor of seeing and meeting him. This matter is notinconsistent with the tradition, which says: "If anyone claims that he has seen Mahdi, they rejecthis saying."This is because by context of the first part of the tradition it only means that anyone who claimsthe special deputyship should be denied. Rather we can say: Mahdi is one of the members ofsociety and rather the most important member. It is possible that he acts upon his responsibilityeven though it may not be obligatory for him.Verily, it is possible that Mahdi may come in contact with the Kings, rulers, princes and ministersand make some recommendations to them about reforms, maintenance of order and running ofthe affairs ‐whether they follow his recommendation or not. He sits with the Jurists, scholars,Presented by http://www.alhassanain.com & http://www.islamicblessings.com

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