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Fourthly: TEST AND EXAMINATION FOR THE PEOPLE:Amongst Allah's ways which is still prevailing amongst His servants ‐ right from the time Heappointed the Prophet ‐ (and Allah's ways never alter or change) is the matter of humanevaluation and examination so that the one who is destroyed is done so on the basis of witness,and proof and the one who is enlivened is done so on the basis of witness and proof and the levelof their faith and reality is manifested ‐ Rather their own condition becomes known tothemselves. Verily, it often occurs that man's condition is unknown and remains a secret even forhim.The Divine Shariats (laws) contains literary, material, worldly, spiritual, individual and socialprograms and teachings. This world is a school and the Prophets are teachers and evangelists.Every school or lesson requires an examination appropriate to it. The phenomenon, which occurin this world are a sort of examination. The effect of those lessons on the people can beascertained predominantly be means of such examination‐ as Allah says:Alif Lam Mim. Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, We believe, and not be tried?The holy Islamic Shariat (religious law) is the most perfect of all the other Shariats. In the IslamicShariat we find such divine sciences and instructions which cannot be found in other Shariats. Soall that was prevalent amongst the previous nations such as the various tests and examinationsshould, out of necessity, prevail in this nation too because this general rule comprises thoselessons and even more than that.Amongst the most important matters by which the previous nations were subjected to evaluationand examination was the matter of occultation of some of their Prophets. Then, the sameoccultation should occur for the leaders of this nation too just as the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) wentinto concealment in the mountain pass of Abu‐Talib for a period of thirty years. Amongst theconcealment of Mahdi so that the path of guidance is distinguished from the path of deviationand a believer is distinguished from a hypocrite like some of the Prophets' concealment, theconcealment of Mahdi is the greatest test and examination for Shi'ites and rather for the non‐Shi'ites making no difference as far as the duration of concealment is‐ concerned.Shaikh Saduq in "Kamaluddin" has imputedly narrated from Sadir Sairafi as such: "I along withMufazzal‐ibn‐Omar, Abu Basir and Abaan‐ibn‐Tughlab got the honor of meeting Imam Jafar Sadeq(A.S.). We saw Hazrat, sitting on the ground having put on a collarless cloak, which had two shortsleeves. He was weeping like a woman weeping over her lost dear one. The signs of grief andsorrow were visible on his blessed face and tears were flowing from his eyes. He was moaning andsaying: 'My master, your Occultation has snatched away the sleep from my eyes. It has takenPresented by &

Fourthly: TEST AND EXAMINATION FOR THE PEOPLE:Amongst <strong>All</strong>ah's ways which is still prevailing amongst His servants ‐ right from the time Heappointed the Prophet ‐ (and <strong>All</strong>ah's ways never alter or change) is the matter of humanevaluation and examination so that the one who is destroyed is done so on the basis of witness,and proof and the one who is enlivened is done so on the basis of witness and proof and the levelof their faith and reality is manifested ‐ Rather their own condition becomes known tothemselves. Verily, it often occurs that man's condition is unknown and remains a secret even forhim.The Divine Shariats (laws) contains literary, material, worldly, spiritual, individual and socialprograms and teachings. This world is a school and the Prophets are teachers and evangelists.Every school or lesson requires an examination appropriate to it. The phenomenon, which occurin this world are a sort of examination. The effect of those lessons on the people can beascertained predominantly be means of such examination‐ as <strong>All</strong>ah says:Alif Lam Mim. Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, We believe, and not be tried?The holy <strong>Islamic</strong> Shariat (religious law) is the most perfect of all the other Shariats. In the <strong>Islamic</strong>Shariat we find such divine sciences and instructions which cannot be found in other Shariats. Soall that was prevalent amongst the previous nations such as the various tests and examinationsshould, out of necessity, prevail in this nation too because this general rule comprises thoselessons and even more than that.Amongst the most important matters by which the previous nations were subjected to evaluationand examination was the matter of occultation of some of their Prophets. Then, the sameoccultation should occur for the leaders of this nation too just as the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) wentinto concealment in the mountain pass of Abu‐Talib for a period of thirty years. Amongst theconcealment of Mahdi so that the path of guidance is distinguished from the path of deviationand a believer is distinguished from a hypocrite like some of the Prophets' concealment, theconcealment of Mahdi is the greatest test and examination for Shi'ites and rather for the non‐Shi'ites making no difference as far as the duration of concealment is‐ concerned.Shaikh Saduq in "Kamaluddin" has imputedly narrated from Sadir Sairafi as such: "I along withMufazzal‐ibn‐Omar, Abu Basir and Abaan‐ibn‐Tughlab got the honor of meeting Imam Jafar Sadeq(A.S.). We saw Hazrat, sitting on the ground having put on a collarless cloak, which had two shortsleeves. He was weeping like a woman weeping over her lost dear one. The signs of grief andsorrow were visible on his blessed face and tears were flowing from his eyes. He was moaning andsaying: 'My master, your Occultation has snatched away the sleep from my eyes. It has takenPresented by &

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