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In the same book, on page 448 its author narrates from Saeed‐ibn‐Jubair who narrates from Ibn‐Abbass that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) said: "Ali is my 'Wasi' (legatee) and from his progeny shallcome the Expected Qaem, Mahdi who shall fill the earth with equity and Justice just as it had beenfilled with cruelty and oppression. I swear by Allah Who appointed me as a Warner and Glad‐tiderthat whose belief will be firm in the Imamat of Mahdi during the period of his occultation will berarer than red matches."Jaber‐ibn‐Abdullah Ansari stood and said: "O Messenger of Allah! Shall there be an Occultation foryour 'Qaem' from your progeny?" He replied: 'Yes, I swear by Allah that He shall test the believersand destroy the un‐believers (by means of Mahdi's Occultation) Thereafter he said: 'O Jabir, thisaffair is a divine affair and this secret is a divine secret. So be on guard against any kind of doubt inthis affair, because suspicion in divine affair is blasphemy.Again, on the same page of the afore‐mentioned book, the author narrates from Hassan‐ibn‐Khalid who narrates from Ali‐ibn Musa Ridha as such: 'Allah shall erase from the earth everycruelty and oppression by the hands of my fourth son from my progeny who shall be the son ofthe greatest and the best slave‐girls. He is the same one in whom the people doubt about hisbirth. He is the same one who shall go into concealment. When he emerges the earth shall beilluminated by the light of his Lord...Once again, in the same book (on page 454) the author has narrated from Ahmad‐ibn‐Zaid who inturn has narrated from Debel‐ibn‐Ali Khuza'ee who with regards to his own presence before ImamRidha and recitation of one elegy ending in (???) narrates that Imam Ridha said: ‐ "The Imam afterme is my son Muhammad and the Imam after him will be his son Ali. After him will follow Hassanand after Hassan shall come Hujjat Qaem the one for whom the people will await during hisoccultation and the one who will be obeyed during his reappearance. He will fill the earth withequity and Justice just as it had been filled with cruelty and oppression. About his uprising, myfather has narrated from my grandfathers who in turn have narrated from the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.A.) that: "The example of (emergence of) Mahdi is like the example of Qiyamat which shalloccur all of a sudden."The author of the afore‐said book (on page 488) has narrated from the book "Ghayat‐ul‐Maram"which in turn has narrated from the book "Fare'ed‐us‐‐ Semtain" that Jaber‐ibn‐Abdullah Ansarihas quoted the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) as saying: "Mahdi shall come from my progeny. His nameand agnomen shall be the same as my name and agnomen. Amongst all the people, he shallresemble me the most in appearance and character. There shall occur an occultation for him dueto which nations shall deviate. Mahdi will emerge like a twinkling star and fill the earth with equityand justice to the reverse extent it had been filled with cruelty and oppression.Presented by &

In the same book, on page 448 its author narrates from Saeed‐ibn‐Jubair who narrates from Ibn‐Abbass that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) said: "Ali is my 'Wasi' (legatee) and from his progeny shallcome the Expected Qaem, Mahdi who shall fill the earth with equity and Justice just as it had beenfilled with cruelty and oppression. I swear by <strong>All</strong>ah Who appointed me as a Warner and Glad‐tiderthat whose belief will be firm in the Imamat of Mahdi during the period of his occultation will berarer than red matches."Jaber‐ibn‐Abdullah Ansari stood and said: "O Messenger of <strong>All</strong>ah! Shall there be an Occultation foryour 'Qaem' from your progeny?" He replied: 'Yes, I swear by <strong>All</strong>ah that He shall test the believersand destroy the un‐believers (by means of Mahdi's Occultation) Thereafter he said: 'O Jabir, thisaffair is a divine affair and this secret is a divine secret. So be on guard against any kind of doubt inthis affair, because suspicion in divine affair is blasphemy.Again, on the same page of the afore‐mentioned book, the author narrates from Hassan‐ibn‐Khalid who narrates from Ali‐ibn Musa Ridha as such: '<strong>All</strong>ah shall erase from the earth everycruelty and oppression by the hands of my fourth son from my progeny who shall be the son ofthe greatest and the best slave‐girls. He is the same one in whom the people doubt about hisbirth. He is the same one who shall go into concealment. When he emerges the earth shall beilluminated by the light of his Lord...Once again, in the same book (on page 454) the author has narrated from Ahmad‐ibn‐Zaid who inturn has narrated from Debel‐ibn‐Ali Khuza'ee who with regards to his own presence before ImamRidha and recitation of one elegy ending in (???) narrates that Imam Ridha said: ‐ "The Imam afterme is my son Muhammad and the Imam after him will be his son Ali. After him will follow Hassanand after Hassan shall come Hujjat Qaem the one for whom the people will await during hisoccultation and the one who will be obeyed during his reappearance. He will fill the earth withequity and Justice just as it had been filled with cruelty and oppression. About his uprising, myfather has narrated from my grandfathers who in turn have narrated from the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.A.) that: "The example of (emergence of) Mahdi is like the example of Qiyamat which shalloccur all of a sudden."The author of the afore‐said book (on page 488) has narrated from the book "Ghayat‐ul‐Maram"which in turn has narrated from the book "Fare'ed‐us‐‐ Semtain" that Jaber‐ibn‐Abdullah Ansarihas quoted the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) as saying: "Mahdi shall come from my progeny. His nameand agnomen shall be the same as my name and agnomen. Amongst all the people, he shallresemble me the most in appearance and character. There shall occur an occultation for him dueto which nations shall deviate. Mahdi will emerge like a twinkling star and fill the earth with equityand justice to the reverse extent it had been filled with cruelty and oppression.Presented by &

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