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When you become fully conversant with what we have previously mentioned and become awareof the article written in the magazine "Al‐Muqtataf" you will realize that God's statement in Sura'Saffat' with regards to the story of Yunus (A.S.) is something customary:"But had it not been that he was of those who glorify (Us), He would certainly have carried in itsbelly to the day when they are raised." Thus it is possible for man to live in the depth of the sea tillthe Day of Judgement. Why shouldn't it be so when Allah has Power over all things.Views of One Magazine by the Name of Al‐MuqtatafThe magazine 'Al‐Muqtataf' in its third edition in the year 1359 published one article under thetitle "DOES MAN LIVE IN THIS WORLD FOREVER" and has said: What is life and what is death? Is itthat death has been destined for every living being!?Every grain of wheat is a living substance having a place in its own cluster. That cluster too isgrown from another grain and that grain too comes into existence from another cluster and so on.As such, prying into the history of six thousand or more years becomes easy. Grains of wheatwhich have been found amongst the remains of ancient Egyptians and Assyrians reveals this factthat ancient Egyptians and Assyrians used to sow wheat and make bread out of its four. Thewheat which is available with us at present has not been created from (????) (i.e. nothing). Ratherthis wheat has come into existence from those ancient wheats in a concatenated manner. Thusthis present wheat is one part of another living wheat and that one from another one and so onuntil it goes back to six or seven thousand years or rather hundreds of years.These grains of wheat which turn into bread and do not have any movement and growth are inreality living entities like all other living creatures. Nothing is deficient in them but a little water.Thus life and existence of wheat have been for thousands of years ‐right from ancient times untilnow. This also applies to all types of plant possessing seed or fruit. Even the animals are notexcluded from this rule. This is because all insects, fishes, birds, beasts, mosquitoes and evenhuman‐beings who are the greatest of all creatures are reckoned to be a part of their own parentsand their parents a part of their parents and so on.Man leaves behind a generation and that generation is one living part from his own self just as theseed of one plant or tree is a part of that particular plant or tree. In this living part, there earnestlyPresented by &

When you become fully conversant with what we have previously mentioned and become awareof the article written in the magazine "Al‐Muqtataf" you will realize that God's statement in Sura'Saffat' with regards to the story of Yunus (A.S.) is something customary:"But had it not been that he was of those who glorify (Us), He would certainly have carried in itsbelly to the day when they are raised." Thus it is possible for man to live in the depth of the sea tillthe Day of Judgement. Why shouldn't it be so when <strong>All</strong>ah has Power over all things.Views of One Magazine by the Name of Al‐MuqtatafThe magazine 'Al‐Muqtataf' in its third edition in the year 1359 published one article under thetitle "DOES MAN LIVE IN THIS WORLD FOREVER" and has said: What is life and what is death? Is itthat death has been destined for every living being!?Every grain of wheat is a living substance having a place in its own cluster. That cluster too isgrown from another grain and that grain too comes into existence from another cluster and so on.As such, prying into the history of six thousand or more years becomes easy. Grains of wheatwhich have been found amongst the remains of ancient Egyptians and Assyrians reveals this factthat ancient Egyptians and Assyrians used to sow wheat and make bread out of its four. Thewheat which is available with us at present has not been created from (????) (i.e. nothing). Ratherthis wheat has come into existence from those ancient wheats in a concatenated manner. Thusthis present wheat is one part of another living wheat and that one from another one and so onuntil it goes back to six or seven thousand years or rather hundreds of years.These grains of wheat which turn into bread and do not have any movement and growth are inreality living entities like all other living creatures. Nothing is deficient in them but a little water.Thus life and existence of wheat have been for thousands of years ‐right from ancient times untilnow. This also applies to all types of plant possessing seed or fruit. Even the animals are notexcluded from this rule. This is because all insects, fishes, birds, beasts, mosquitoes and evenhuman‐beings who are the greatest of all creatures are reckoned to be a part of their own parentsand their parents a part of their parents and so on.Man leaves behind a generation and that generation is one living part from his own self just as theseed of one plant or tree is a part of that particular plant or tree. In this living part, there earnestlyPresented by &

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