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First reason: A group of people such as Khizr and Ilyas have lived a long life and it is (still) notknown for how many years they have been living. Every year they meet each other and catch eachother's hair.94 In 'Torah' it has come that Zul‐Qarnain lived for 3000 years. However Muslimsbelieve that he lived for 1500 years.Muhammad‐ibn‐Ishaq says: ‐ 'Awaj‐ibn‐Unaq' lived for 3600 years.95 Awaj‐ ibn‐Unaq (whosefather's name was Subhan and mother's name was Unaq) was born during Hazrat Adam's timeand continued to live until Hazrat Musa killed him.'Zahhaq' lived for 1000 years.96 'Thamuras' too has lived for 1000 years.Amongst the Prophets, we may mention such names as Hazrat Adam, Nuh, 94‐Author of'Qarmani' writes (on page 44): Mas'oudi says Khizr is Alexander's cousin and the vanguard of Zul‐Qarnain's living during Hazrat Ibrahim's time. He has drank from the well‐spring of life that he hasremained till ‐ and, will continue to live till the sounding of the trumpets.95‐'Qarmani' page 5096‐'Qarmani' page 348Shais and others that have lived for 1000 or more years.97 Qainan lived for 900 years.98Mehla'eel lived for 800 years.99 Nuqail‐ibn‐Abdullah lived for 700 years. The soothsayer Rabiyaibn‐Omarlived for 600 years. Aamer‐ibn‐Zureb who was the Judge amongst the Arabs, lived for500 years. Similary Sulaba and Saam‐ibn‐ Nuh lived for the same number of years. Harb‐ibn‐MazazJarhami lived for 400 years. It was he who said:Arfakhshad too lived for 400 years. Qais‐ibn Saa'eda lived for a period of 380 years.100 Ka'ab‐ibn‐Jumha or Jamma Dusi lived for 390 years.Salman Farsi lived for 250 and according to some other sources for 300 years. The author ofMatalib‐us‐Su'ool writes: Mahdi was born during Mu'tamid‐ <strong>All</strong>ah time and has been concealed tillnow due to fear (from the enemies).This matter cannot be mentioned because the one who gets concealed and there comes no newsfrom him, (then) his occultation and disconnection of news from him is no reason to believe thathis life has come to an end. The Power of <strong>All</strong>ah is vast. The decree and favors of <strong>All</strong>ah upon Hisservants are great and having universality. It is necessary for the eminent scholars to perceive therealities of objects of power (i.e. the creatures) of <strong>All</strong>ah. However, there exists no way forrecognizing the essence of <strong>All</strong>ah's Power and those trying to do so will be left in bewilderment.One of the verses of the Holy Quran says:Presented by http://www.alhassanain.com & http://www.islamicblessings.com

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