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What kind of a connection exists between Hassan and Abdullah? Therefore, this attribute which isonly a part of the signs and proofs cannot be applied to Mahdi and when one part of the cause isnot proved the entire cause too cannot be proved, since the rest of the attributes are not enoughfor proving this decree. This is because the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) has not substantiated thisdecree except for the one in whom all the attributes (where one of them is the similarity of hisfather's name) is found and this matter cannot be true of 'Hujjat Khalaf'. Thus, this decree toocannot be applied to him and this problem or difficulty is a severe one. Before giving a detailedreply to this problem it is necessary to express two matters so that we may achieve our aim:First: ‐ In the Arabic language it is a common practice to apply the word of father for greatancestors. The Holy Quran too speaks of this matter and says:(The faith of your, Ibrahim) Also, on behalf of Yusuf it says: (And I follow the religion of my fathers,Ibrahim and Ishag…) The holy Prophet (S.A.W.A) too has clearly stipulated this matter as can beseen in the tradition of 'Me'raj' (ascension): the Holy Prophet (S.AW.A) asks: Who is this? <strong>Here</strong>plied: 'Your father Ibrahim. Thus it can be observed that the word of (??) (father) is applied toforefathers.Second: ‐ 'Name' too is used instead of 'agnomen' and 'attribute' just as the eloquent speakingpeople have done so. This can be observed in tradition also where Bukhari and Muslim havenarrated from Sahl‐ibn‐Saad Saa'edi who narrated from Ali (A.S.) that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A)called Ali as 'Abu Turab' and did not call him by this name.A poet too has pin ‐ pointed this matter in the following poem: The words has also been narrated.Thus this poet has used 'name' instead of agnomen and attribute and this rule is prevalent in theArabic language.Now that the two afore‐mentioned matters have become clear know that the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.A.) had two grandsons ‐ One was Abu Muhammad (i.e. Hassan) and the other was AbaAbdullah (i.e. Hussein). Considering that Hujjat Khalaf‐e‐Saleh Muhammad was from the progenyof Aba Abdullah Hussein and not from the progeny of Abu Muhammad Hassan and the agnomenof Hussein is Aba Abdullah also, therefore the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) has used the word of(name) [because of confronting for his father's right with in place of agnomen and used the wordof(father) in place of grandfather. As if the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) has said: Mahdi's name is thesame as mine ‐ He is Muhammad. I too am. Muhammad and the agnomen of Mahdi's greatgrandfather is the same as my father's name because Mahdi's great grandfather is Abu Abdullahand my father (too) is Abdullah. Hazrat explained in this manner so that these brief wordingscould be comprehensive enough for explaining the attributes and he himself has had brieflyPresented by http://www.alhassanain.com & http://www.islamicblessings.com

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