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has said: "The name of Mahdi's father is the same as my son, Hussein's name and his agnomen isAbu Abdullah.He has set the agnomen as name so as to allusively speak of this fact that Mahdi would be fromthe progeny of Hussein and not from the progeny of Imam Hassan. It is (also) possible that theHoly Prophet (S.A.W.A.) must have said: "The name of Mahdi's father is the same as my son,Hassan's name." The name of Mahdi's father too was Hassan but the narrator has thought (???)(my son) to be (??) (my father) and hence changed it to (??). Thus it is necessary to interpret andexplain this tradition in the manner which we have done so that perhaps we have musteredtogether all the traditions. This interpretation which was said with regards to the previouslymentioned tradition is not correct. Rather, it should be interpreted in another manner and it is asfollows:Imam Ahmad, with his good recording and care in traditions, has mentioned the afore‐saidtradition in several places of his book 'Musnad' in this manner that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.)only said: "Mahdi's name is the same as my name."Abdul‐Aziz‐ibn‐Muhammad Ansari has imputedly narrated from Zurra and he from Abdullah thatthe Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A) said: "The world shall not be destroyed or rather said: The world shallnot terminate until a person from my progeny who carries the same name as mine shall becomethe master amongst the Arabs."In the book of "Manaqib‐e‐Mahdi", Hafez Abu Na'eem has narrated the ways of the afore‐saidtradition from a great number of people who have all narrated from Aasim‐ibn‐Abu Najwad andhe from Zurra and he from Abdullah and he from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.). Amongst them wemay speak of Sufyan‐ibn‐ Amiya (as mentioned before) whose ways differ from that of Aasim.Amongst them is Qatar ibn ‐Khalifa whose ways too differ from that of Aasim.Amongst them is A'mash whose ways differ from the ways of Aasim. Amongst them is Abu IshaaqSulaiman‐ibn‐Firuz Shaibani and his ways differ from that of Aasim. Amongst them is Hafas‐ibn‐Omar. Amongst them is Sufyan Sun whose ways differ from the ways of Aasim. Amongst them isSh'uba whose ways too differ. Amongst them is Wasith‐ibn‐Harith. Amongst them is Yazid‐ibn‐Muawiya‐Abu Shuaiba who possesses two ways. Amongst them is Sulaiman‐ ibn‐Qaram whoseway differs from that of Aasim. Amongst them are Jafar‐ Ahmar, Qais‐ibn ‐Rabih, Sulaiman‐ibn‐Qaram and Esbath who have all been placed on one path. Amongst them is Salam Abu‐Munzar.Amongst them is Abu ShahabMuhammad‐ibn‐Ibrahim Kanani and his ways differ from that ofAasim. Amongst them is Omar‐ibn‐Ubaid than afasi whose ways differ from the ways of Aasim.Amongst them is Abu Bakr‐ibn‐Aiyaash whose ways differ from that of Aasim. Amongst them isAbul‐Hejaf Dawoud Abul Auf) and his ways differ with the ways of Aasim. Amongst them isPresented by http://www.alhassanain.com & http://www.islamicblessings.com

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