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similar manner in his 'Sahih'."He continues: Allama Hassan‐ibn‐Hassan Laghwi sent a letter for me in Damascus and after I methim in Baghdad he said: Nasr‐ibn‐Abul‐Faraj Hasari has narrated from Abu Talib Muhammad‐ibn‐Muhammad ‐ ibn ‐ Abu Zaid Mavi and he from Abu Ali Shustari and he from Abu Omar Hashimiand he from Abu Ali Muhammad‐ibn‐Omar Lu'lui Basri and he from Hafez Abu Dawoud Sulaimanibn‐Ash'asSajestani and he from Musaddad and he from Yahya‐ibn‐ Sa'eed and he from Sunanand he from Aasim and he from Zurra and he from Sayed Sadruddin Sadr Abdullah and he fromthe Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) as such: "The world shall not cease to exist until a person from myprogeny who shall carry the same name as mine becomes the Master amongst the Arabs."The author of "Al‐Bayan‐Fi‐Akhbar‐Saheb‐uz‐Zaman" adds: "This tradition is an acceptable andcorrect tradition and Abu Dawoud has narrated it in his 'Sunan' in the same manner which wehave narrated."Abu Dawoud says: Uthman‐ibn‐Abu Shuiba has narrated from Fazl‐ibn‐ Dakeen and he from Qatarand he from Qasim‐ibn‐Abu Marra and he from Abu Tafeel and he from Ali and he from the HolyProphet (S.A.W.A.) who said: "If there remains not more than a day from the life of the earth, Godwill appoint a person from my progeny to fill the earth with Justice just as it had been filled withoppression."The author says: Abu Dawoud has mentioned this tradition in the same manner in his 'Sunan'. Theauthor of the book "Manaqib as‐Shafa'ee" has mentioned the afore‐said tradition and then said:The narrator has added the following sentence to this tradition and said: If there remains notmore than a day from the 1ife of the earth, God will set the day so long until a person from myprogeny who carries the same name as mine and whose father carries the same name as myfather's name, appears and fills the earth with equity and Justice just as it had been filled withcruelty and oppression.The author says: Tirmidhi has narrated the afore‐said tradition but not the sentence of the HolyProphet (S.A.W.A.) saying: The name of Mahdi's father is the same as my father's name.However Abu Dawoud has mentioned the afore‐said sentence. In most of the traditions which areobject of reliance of most of the experts (of traditions) and narrators, only this sentence can befound where the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) says: "His (i.e. Mahdi's) name is the same as mine." Thesentence that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) said: "His father's name is the same as my father'sname" is an addition made by the narrator.If the afore‐said sentence happens to be correct it would mean that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.)Presented by &

similar manner in his 'Sahih'."He continues: <strong>All</strong>ama Hassan‐ibn‐Hassan Laghwi sent a letter for me in Damascus and after I methim in Baghdad he said: Nasr‐ibn‐Abul‐Faraj Hasari has narrated from Abu Talib Muhammad‐ibn‐Muhammad ‐ ibn ‐ Abu Zaid Mavi and he from Abu Ali Shustari and he from Abu Omar Hashimiand he from Abu Ali Muhammad‐ibn‐Omar Lu'lui Basri and he from Hafez Abu Dawoud Sulaimanibn‐Ash'asSajestani and he from Musaddad and he from Yahya‐ibn‐ Sa'eed and he from Sunanand he from Aasim and he from Zurra and he from Sayed Sadruddin Sadr Abdullah and he fromthe Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) as such: "The world shall not cease to exist until a person from myprogeny who shall carry the same name as mine becomes the Master amongst the Arabs."The author of "Al‐Bayan‐Fi‐Akhbar‐Saheb‐uz‐Zaman" adds: "This tradition is an acceptable andcorrect tradition and Abu Dawoud has narrated it in his 'Sunan' in the same manner which wehave narrated."Abu Dawoud says: Uthman‐ibn‐Abu Shuiba has narrated from Fazl‐ibn‐ Dakeen and he from Qatarand he from Qasim‐ibn‐Abu Marra and he from Abu Tafeel and he from Ali and he from the HolyProphet (S.A.W.A.) who said: "If there remains not more than a day from the life of the earth, Godwill appoint a person from my progeny to fill the earth with Justice just as it had been filled withoppression."The author says: Abu Dawoud has mentioned this tradition in the same manner in his 'Sunan'. Theauthor of the book "Manaqib as‐Shafa'ee" has mentioned the afore‐said tradition and then said:The narrator has added the following sentence to this tradition and said: If there remains notmore than a day from the 1ife of the earth, God will set the day so long until a person from myprogeny who carries the same name as mine and whose father carries the same name as myfather's name, appears and fills the earth with equity and Justice just as it had been filled withcruelty and oppression.The author says: Tirmidhi has narrated the afore‐said tradition but not the sentence of the HolyProphet (S.A.W.A.) saying: The name of Mahdi's father is the same as my father's name.However Abu Dawoud has mentioned the afore‐said sentence. In most of the traditions which areobject of reliance of most of the experts (of traditions) and narrators, only this sentence can befound where the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) says: "His (i.e. Mahdi's) name is the same as mine." Thesentence that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) said: "His father's name is the same as my father'sname" is an addition made by the narrator.If the afore‐said sentence happens to be correct it would mean that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.)Presented by &

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