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mentions his name and agnomen to be the same as that of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) Abul‐Fidain his 'Thrikh' (vol. 2 pg. 45) and Shabrawi in 'Al‐Ettehaf' (page 179) have also narrated the same."93‐"Thrikh‐Abul‐Fida" vol. 2 pg. 45, 'Tarikh‐e‐Farmani' page 117, 'Al‐Ettehaf' of Shabrawi pg. 179,'Raudath‐ ul‐Munsaer' (in the margin of 'Muruj‐uz‐zahab') vol. 1, Pg. 294, 'Saba'ek‐uz‐Zahab' ofSuyedi pg. 78, 'Shazrat‐ us‐Zahab' vol. 2, Pg. 150 and 'wafiyat‐ul‐A'yan' of Ibn‐Khallakan vol. 1, pg.451.Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) says: The name of Mahdi's father is the same as my father's name.Apparently, Abu Dawoud is preferred. Thus, we say: Shablanji, in "Nur‐ul‐Absar" (page 231) hasnarrated the afore‐mentioned tradition of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) from Abu Dawoud and hefrom Zurra‐ibn‐Abdullah but without this sentence that Mahdi's father's name is the same as myfather's name.He (i.e. Abu Dawoud) says: In another tradition the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) says: "The name ofMahdi's father is the same as my father's name." This very difference in narration from AbuDawoud causes one to doubt his narration and consider it to be unreliable. Even if we assume thistradition to be firm, it is (still) against and contrary to the numerous 'Mustafiza' traditions whichare more authentic (from the view ‐ point of the chain of transmission) and obvious (from theviewpoint of reasoning) than the previously ‐ mentioned tradition. Therefore, one should not payattention to this tradition at all.In this regard Ali‐ibn‐Isa Arbeli in "Kashf‐ul‐Ghumma" says: Shi'ites do not consider this traditionto be correct because the name of Mahdi and his father's name too has been proved for them (asper authentic reasons). The Sunni scholars have mentioned that the narrator has addedsomething to this tradition. Thus, it should be said that this sentence (i.e. the Holy Prophet saying:"His father's name is the same as my father's name") is an addition.The author of "Al‐Bayan‐Fi‐Akhbar‐Saheb‐uz‐Zaman" says: 'Abul‐Abbass‐ ibn‐Abul‐KaramKhas'amee (i.e. Omar‐ibn‐Me'mar Baghdadi) has narrated from Abul‐Fath‐ibn‐Abul‐Qasim ‐ ibn ‐Abu Sahil Karukhi and he from Abu Aamer‐ibn‐Qasim and others and they from Abu MuhammadMaruzi and he from Abul‐Abbass‐ibn‐Marzabani and he from Hafez Abu Isa and he from Abdul‐Jabbar‐ibn‐E'la Atthar and he from Sufyan‐ibn‐Aiyana and he from Aasim and he from Zurra andhe from Abdullah and he from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) as such: ‐ "A person from my progenywho carries the same name as mine, shall become the Master (of this earth)."Athim has narrated from Abu Saleh who in turn has narrated from Abu Huraira as such: "If thereremains not more than a day from the life of the earth, God will set the day so long until a personbecomes the owner of this earth." Author of "Al‐Bayan‐Fi‐Akhbar‐Saheb‐uz‐ Zaman" says: "Thistradition is an authentic tradition and Hafez Muhammad‐ibn‐Isa Tirmidhi has narrated this in aPresented by &

mentions his name and agnomen to be the same as that of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) Abul‐Fidain his 'Thrikh' (vol. 2 pg. 45) and Shabrawi in 'Al‐Ettehaf' (page 179) have also narrated the same."93‐"Thrikh‐Abul‐Fida" vol. 2 pg. 45, 'Tarikh‐e‐Farmani' page 117, 'Al‐Ettehaf' of Shabrawi pg. 179,'Raudath‐ ul‐Munsaer' (in the margin of 'Muruj‐uz‐zahab') vol. 1, Pg. 294, 'Saba'ek‐uz‐Zahab' ofSuyedi pg. 78, 'Shazrat‐ us‐Zahab' vol. 2, Pg. 150 and 'wafiyat‐ul‐A'yan' of Ibn‐Khallakan vol. 1, pg.451.Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) says: The name of Mahdi's father is the same as my father's name.Apparently, Abu Dawoud is preferred. Thus, we say: Shablanji, in "Nur‐ul‐Absar" (page 231) hasnarrated the afore‐mentioned tradition of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) from Abu Dawoud and hefrom Zurra‐ibn‐Abdullah but without this sentence that Mahdi's father's name is the same as myfather's name.He (i.e. Abu Dawoud) says: In another tradition the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) says: "The name ofMahdi's father is the same as my father's name." This very difference in narration from AbuDawoud causes one to doubt his narration and consider it to be unreliable. Even if we assume thistradition to be firm, it is (still) against and contrary to the numerous 'Mustafiza' traditions whichare more authentic (from the view ‐ point of the chain of transmission) and obvious (from theviewpoint of reasoning) than the previously ‐ mentioned tradition. Therefore, one should not payattention to this tradition at all.In this regard Ali‐ibn‐Isa Arbeli in "Kashf‐ul‐Ghumma" says: Shi'ites do not consider this traditionto be correct because the name of Mahdi and his father's name too has been proved for them (asper authentic reasons). The Sunni scholars have mentioned that the narrator has addedsomething to this tradition. Thus, it should be said that this sentence (i.e. the Holy Prophet saying:"His father's name is the same as my father's name") is an addition.The author of "Al‐Bayan‐Fi‐Akhbar‐Saheb‐uz‐Zaman" says: 'Abul‐Abbass‐ ibn‐Abul‐KaramKhas'amee (i.e. Omar‐ibn‐Me'mar Baghdadi) has narrated from Abul‐Fath‐ibn‐Abul‐Qasim ‐ ibn ‐Abu Sahil Karukhi and he from Abu Aamer‐ibn‐Qasim and others and they from Abu MuhammadMaruzi and he from Abul‐Abbass‐ibn‐Marzabani and he from Hafez Abu Isa and he from Abdul‐Jabbar‐ibn‐E'la Atthar and he from Sufyan‐ibn‐Aiyana and he from Aasim and he from Zurra andhe from Abdullah and he from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) as such: ‐ "A person from my progenywho carries the same name as mine, shall become the Master (of this earth)."Athim has narrated from Abu Saleh who in turn has narrated from Abu Huraira as such: "If thereremains not more than a day from the life of the earth, God will set the day so long until a personbecomes the owner of this earth." Author of "Al‐Bayan‐Fi‐Akhbar‐Saheb‐uz‐ Zaman" says: "Thistradition is an authentic tradition and Hafez Muhammad‐ibn‐Isa Tirmidhi has narrated this in aPresented by &

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