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proved (which was done so from the Prophetic traditions which are 'Mutawatir' and the sayings ofthe Infallible household members who are more knowledgeable than others and the excessivestipulations of mystics and scholars who have reckoned the Awaited Mahdi to be the very childwhich we have mentioned) it will automatically be verified that Mahdi (A.S.) has already beenborn and not that he will be born in the future.Moreover, with regard to his birth, what appears to be more correct is that he was born at dawn,on 15th Shaban 256 A.H. Thus, at the time of his father's demise he had passed five years of hisage.Mahdi's name, Title and AgnomenTirmidhi in vol. 2 of his 'Sahih' (page 270) narrates from Abdullah‐ibn‐ Masoud that the HolyProphet (S.A.W.A.) said: "The world shall not cease to exist until a person from my progeny shallconquer the earth. His name is the same as mine."88 In the same place of the afore‐mentionedbook he narrates from Abu Huraira that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) said: "If there remains notmore than a day from the life of the earth … a person from my progeny who carries the samename as mine shall appear."89Thereafter he writes: "This is an acceptable and authentic tradition." Ibn‐Hajar in his "Sawae'q"(page 98) narrates from Ahmad, Abu Dawoud and Tirmidhi and all the three from the HolyProphet (S.A.W.A.) who said: "The world shall not end until a person from my progeny shall comeand rule. His name shall be similar to my name."The author of "Esaaf‐ur‐Rhagebeen" too has narrated the same.90 The author of "Eqdud‐Durar" inthe second chapter narrates from 'Sunan' of Imam Abu Bakr Muqarri and he from Abdullah‐ibn‐Masoud that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) said:"The world shall not pass away until a person from my progeny shall conquer it."In the same chapter of the afore‐said book, he narrates from the book "Sefat‐ ul‐Mahdi" of HafezAbu Na'eem and 'Sunan' of Abu Abdullah Muqarri and they two from Abdullah‐ibn‐Omar whosaid: The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) said: ‐"A person from my progeny shall emerge. His name is similar to mine and his moral too is thesame as mine. He shall fill the earth with equity and Justice." Again, in the same chapter of theafore‐said book, he narrates from Hafez Abu Na'eem who in turn narrates from Huzaifa‐ibn‐Yaman that the Holy 88‐Arful Wardi 59.89‐Arful‐wardi 59.90‐The author of Arful‐wardi (page 58) too has narrated the same. Thereafter he writes: Tirmidhi sPresented by http://www.alhassanain.com & http://www.islamicblessings.com

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