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various questions which results in his converting to Islam. One of the questions which the converthad asked was about the successors to the Holy Prophet himself and the Prophet's reply that theywere twelve in number.He counted each one of them by name until he got to the name of Imam Muhammad HassanAskari. Thereafter he said: "After him shall come his son Muhammad who will be known as Mahdi,Qa'em and Hujjat.5 Then he will disappear temporarily, reappear again and when he does so heshall fill the earth with equity and justice. Since by then the earth would have been filled withcruelty and oppression. Blessed are those who are patient during the period of his occultation andblessed are those who are steadfast in. their love towards him. They are those whom <strong>All</strong>ah haspraised in His Book with such words‐[Quran is a guide to those who guard (against evil), those who believe in the unseen i.e. Mahdiand his occultation.] Also, <strong>All</strong>ah says: ‐[They are those who belong to the Party of <strong>All</strong>ah; Know that the Party of <strong>All</strong>ah are the victoriousones.] (Tradition ends)In the afore‐said hook, on Page 448 he quote: from the book of "Fara'ed‐us‐ Semtain" a traditionwhich Hassan‐ibn‐Khalid has narrated from Abu Hassan Ali‐ibn‐Musa Reza (A.S.) about Mahdiwhere he mentions that he would be the fourth from his descendants and that when hereappears, the earth would be engulfed with the Divine Light. Thereafter Imam continued as such:He is the one whose reappearance shall coincide with the call of a caller from the sky such that allthe inhabitant:of the land shall hear this cry: ‐ "Know that the Hujjat 4‐Tafseer‐e‐Ruh‐ul‐Ma'ani vol. 25 pg. 95interprets the afore‐said verse and follows: ‐What is that ha will descend in Damascus when thepeople will be busy in their morning prayers. Then Imam will stand behind and lie is the Mahdi.Thereafter ha will give priority to him and will pray while standing behind him. He will then sayPeople have not stood up but only for thee. Tafseer‐e‐Seraj‐ul‐Munir vol 3 pg. 462 too hasinterpreted the verse in this same manner but has not specified the name of Mahdi. Nur‐ul‐Absartoo (on Page 146) has narrated from the book of Ganji the same as Ibn‐Hajar.5‐Hamuini in "Fara'ed‐us‐Semtain" chapter 31 has mentioned in this regard a tradition narratedby Ibn‐Abbass from the Holy Prophet. Nasaye‐al‐Kaafiya, pg. 24.(Proof) of <strong>All</strong>ah has appeared near the House of <strong>All</strong>ah. So follow him since the truth is in him andwith him. The word of <strong>All</strong>ah too refers to the same. [If We please, We should send down uponthem a from the heavens so that their neck: should stoop to it.]Presented by http://www.alhassanain.com & http://www.islamicblessings.com

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