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saying: Know that the fiends of <strong>All</strong>ah are the companions of Mahdi.79‐The author of Arful‐Wardi has narrated the same (on page 85) from Ibn‐Sireen.80‐The author of "Arful‐wardi" has narrated the ::me tradition (on page 83) and instead of thephrase 'on his right' the phrase 'will follow him' has been written.81‐Arful‐wardi Page 73.The author says: In the same exegesis, under divine saying of The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) hassaid: Verily Mahdi (A.S.) shall greet the people of the Cave and <strong>All</strong>ah, the Exalted, shall make themalive. Then they shall answer his greetings. Thereafter they shall return back to their places andwill not rise until the Day of Judgement.82 The author says: 'Perhaps, the reason that <strong>All</strong>ah willmake them alive is that they may give allegiance to Mahdi and as said before. The author of"Esaaf‐ur‐Rhagebeen" mentions that as per of traditions they shall be among his helpers andcompanions.'Mahdi is the Proof (Hujjat) of <strong>All</strong>ahThe author of "Yanabi‐ul‐Muwadda" narrates (on page 448) from the book "Fara'ed‐us‐Semtain"of Hassan‐ibn‐Khalid and he, from Ali‐ibn‐Musa ar‐ Ridha (A.S.) who said: "The one who is notpious, has no religion. Verily the most honorable amongst you before <strong>All</strong>ah is the one who is themost pious."Thereafter be said: "The fourth from my offspring is the son of the chief of slave‐girls. Throughhim, <strong>All</strong>ah shall clean the earth of every cruelty and oppression. He is the same one in whompeople will doubt his birth and for him there will be an occultation. Whenever he shall emerge,the earth will be illuminated by the Divine Light and the scale of Justice will be establishedamongst the people such that no one will oppress the other. Verily, he is the one for whom theearth will roll and there is no shadow for him. He is the one with regards to whom a caller fromthe heavens will call out and all the inhabitants of the earth will hear: Be aware that the Proof(Hujjat) of <strong>All</strong>ah has emerged near the House of <strong>All</strong>ah. Therefore follow him as truth is in him andwith him."Mahdi and Completion of ReligionPresented by http://www.alhassanain.com & http://www.islamicblessings.com

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