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The same tradition can be found on page 151 of "Esaaf‐ur‐Rhagebeen".72 The author of "Eqdud‐Durar" has narrated (in the seventh chapter) from 'Sunan' of Nesa'ee and he from Anas‐ibn‐Malikthat 'The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) said: ‐ "Destruction is not for a nation in which I am the first ofit" 72‐In Tarikh‐e‐Ibn Asaker (vol. 2 pg. 62), Seera Halabi (vol. 1 pg. 156), Arful‐Wardi (page 64) ofSuyuti and Al‐Wawiyul‐Fatawi (page 156) the words 'how shall it he destroyed' ii written insteadof 'It will not be destroyed'. The author of 'Yanabi‐ul‐Muwadda' (page 375) narrating fromFata'ed‐us‐Semtain and the author of Kanzul‐Ummal (vol. 7 pg. 187) have said that after the wordof Mahdi the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) added the words: 'from my progeny'.Mahdi the middlemost and Messiah the last."Ganji in his book of 'Bayan', after narrating the afore‐said tradition says: 'This tradition is 'Hassan'(good) and Hafez Abu Na'eem and Ahmad‐ibn‐ Hanbal have narrated it in their books 'Awali' and'Musnad' respectively. His saying that 'Isa shall be the last' does not mean that Isa will remainalive after Mahdi because, as it has been proved that Mahdi is the Last Imam and except for him,no other Imam has been mentioned by them, it is not possible for the people to remain withoutan Imam. If it is said that Isa shall lead the people after him for some time we reply: ‐In case Isa remains amongst the people, it cannot be said that there will not remain any goodnessand joy even though traditions mention that after Mahdi, there shall be no goodness and joy. It isnot authorized that Isa acts and leads as a vicegerent because his dignity is much higher than theposition of vicegerency. Moreover, he cannot enjoy liberty in his leadership as the ignorant peopleshall start imagining Muhammad's nation to have changed and converted into a Christian nationand this imagination is blasphemy. Therefore, it is necessary to interpret the tradition in thismanner that Muhammad (S.A.W.A.) was the first leader and the first inviter of <strong>Islamic</strong> 'Shariat'and Mahdi was the middle inviter. This interpretation appears to be correct to me. It is alsopossible to interpret Mahdi's middle stage as his superiority and betterment over the othersbecause he is the Imam and Isa shall descend after him and confirm his position of Imamate.Moreover he shall become his associate and helper in his affairs and declare to the people theintegrity of whatever Imam claims. Therefore Isa is his last confirmer.The author of "Kashful‐Ghumma" after mentioning what we have narrated from the book of'Bayan' regarding the interpretation of this tradition says: ‐ If, by middleness of Mahdi is meant hissuperiority then it is apprehended that he will be better than Ali too and I can find no personbelieving in this talk. However, we may interpret this as such: The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) was thefirst inviter and he placed Mahdi in the middle since he was amongst his followers and 'Ahl‐e‐bit'.He was nearer than his other followers and better placed in the center than those living on hispath. However, since Isa was already the leader of one nation and would invite (the people) in theend towards another nation (i.e. Islam) he deserves to be called the last inviter towards Islam and<strong>All</strong>ah is <strong>All</strong>‐Knowing.'Presented by http://www.alhassanain.com & http://www.islamicblessings.com

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