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The author says: In some of the traditions it is mentioned that his rule will envelop the East andWest. The author of "Yanabi‐ul‐Muwadda" narrates from the author "Jawahar‐ul‐ Aqdain" and he,from Ali who said: ‐ "When the 'Qaem' from the progeny of Muhammad (SAW.A.) Emerges, Allahwill gather for him the inhabitants of the East and West."Mahdi and His ReformsIn vol. 4, pg. 87 of 'Sahih' Abu Dawoud narrates from Ali (Peace be upon him) that the HolyProphet (S.A.W.A.) said: 'If there remains not more than a day from the life of the earth, Allah willappoint a person from my progeny. He shall fill the earth with equity and Justice just as it hadbeen filled with cruelty and oppression.67The author of 'Nur‐ul‐Absar' has narrated (on page 231) from Ali‐ibn‐Abi Talib (A.S.) as such: ‐ 'Iasked the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.): Will Mahdi be from (our) progeny of Muhammad or willhe be from some other progeny? He replied: No, he shall be from us. Allah shall bring the religionto completion through his hands just as he expanded it through us. By our blessings they (i.e. thepeople) shall be released from turbulence just as they got released from polytheism. By ourblessings Allah will unite their hearts after conspiratorial animosity just as He united their heartsafter polytheistic animosity. By our blessings, they shall turn into brothers in faith after havingbecome enemies to each other.Some of the scholars reckon this tradition to be 'Hassan' (acceptable) and superior in the chain oftransmitters and the experts m traditions have written them in their respective books. HoweverTabarani has only rememorated books. However Tabarani has only rememorated it in his'Mu'ajam' (Ausath), Abu Na'eem has only narrated it in his 'Huliat‐ul‐Aulia' and Abdur‐Rahman hasonly mentioned it in his 'Awaali'.68Mahdi and AllegianceThe author of "Eqdud‐Durar" in chapter 1 section 4 narrates from Abu Jafar Muhammad‐ibn‐Aliwho said:'Mahdi shall emerge on the day of 'Ashura' (and that is the day when Hussein‐ibn‐Ali will bemartyred perhaps on Saturday the tenth of Muharram) between 'Rukn' and 'Maqam' and on hisright will be Gibra'eel and on his left 67‐The author of "Ja'ame‐us‐Sagheer" vol. 2 pg. 277 as wellas Suyuti in Arful‐Wardi Pg. 63 have narrated from Hakem and Abu Na'eem that the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.A.) said: ‐ 'Mahdi shall emerge from my Ummah. Allah shall send and inspire him for therescue of the people such that the nations will enjoy the bounties and the four‐ legged will live infreedom...Presented by &

The author says: In some of the traditions it is mentioned that his rule will envelop the East andWest. The author of "Yanabi‐ul‐Muwadda" narrates from the author "Jawahar‐ul‐ Aqdain" and he,from Ali who said: ‐ "When the 'Qaem' from the progeny of Muhammad (SAW.A.) Emerges, <strong>All</strong>ahwill gather for him the inhabitants of the East and West."Mahdi and His ReformsIn vol. 4, pg. 87 of 'Sahih' Abu Dawoud narrates from Ali (Peace be upon him) that the HolyProphet (S.A.W.A.) said: 'If there remains not more than a day from the life of the earth, <strong>All</strong>ah willappoint a person from my progeny. He shall fill the earth with equity and Justice just as it hadbeen filled with cruelty and oppression.67The author of 'Nur‐ul‐Absar' has narrated (on page 231) from Ali‐ibn‐Abi Talib (A.S.) as such: ‐ 'Iasked the Messenger of <strong>All</strong>ah (S.A.W.A.): Will Mahdi be from (our) progeny of Muhammad or willhe be from some other progeny? He replied: No, he shall be from us. <strong>All</strong>ah shall bring the religionto completion through his hands just as he expanded it through us. By our blessings they (i.e. thepeople) shall be released from turbulence just as they got released from polytheism. By ourblessings <strong>All</strong>ah will unite their hearts after conspiratorial animosity just as He united their heartsafter polytheistic animosity. By our blessings, they shall turn into brothers in faith after havingbecome enemies to each other.Some of the scholars reckon this tradition to be 'Hassan' (acceptable) and superior in the chain oftransmitters and the experts m traditions have written them in their respective books. HoweverTabarani has only rememorated books. However Tabarani has only rememorated it in his'Mu'ajam' (Ausath), Abu Na'eem has only narrated it in his 'Huliat‐ul‐Aulia' and Abdur‐Rahman hasonly mentioned it in his 'Awaali'.68Mahdi and <strong>All</strong>egianceThe author of "Eqdud‐Durar" in chapter 1 section 4 narrates from Abu Jafar Muhammad‐ibn‐Aliwho said:'Mahdi shall emerge on the day of 'Ashura' (and that is the day when Hussein‐ibn‐Ali will bemartyred perhaps on Saturday the tenth of Muharram) between 'Rukn' and 'Maqam' and on hisright will be Gibra'eel and on his left 67‐The author of "Ja'ame‐us‐Sagheer" vol. 2 pg. 277 as wellas Suyuti in Arful‐Wardi Pg. 63 have narrated from Hakem and Abu Na'eem that the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.A.) said: ‐ 'Mahdi shall emerge from my Ummah. <strong>All</strong>ah shall send and inspire him for therescue of the people such that the nations will enjoy the bounties and the four‐ legged will live infreedom...Presented by &

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