History XI – XII

History XI – XII

History XI – XII


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Subject <strong>–</strong> <strong>History</strong>Class- <strong>XI</strong>Themes in world <strong>History</strong>Sr. No. Period Themes Contents ActivitiesUnit-I(A)(B)2020Early SocietiesAfrica, Europe till15000 BCEarly citiesIraq 3 rd MillenniumBC.The story of humanevolution,the As given in theprecursors of modern NCERT bookhuman beings. Thereplacement andregional continuitymodels, early humans,search for food, fromtrees to caves and openair sites, making anduse of tools,development of spokenlanguage and art,Hunter gatherersocieties from thepresent to the past.Epilogue <strong>–</strong> developmentof farming and pastolismas a way of life, makingof pots.Mesopotamia and itsgeography, the As given in thesignificance of NCERT bookurbanization, usebronzemetal,transportation of goodsinto cities, thedevelopment ofwriting/Sumerian

language. The systemof writing, literacy, theuses of writing,urbanization in SouthernMesopotamian, templesand kings, life in the cityand town planning, atrading town in pastoralzone, cities inMesopotamianculture,the legacy of writing.Unit-2Empires(A)12An empire acrossThe early RomanAs given in thethree continents:Empire , the 3 rd centuryNCERT bookRoman Empire,27crises, gender, literaryBC to AD 600.culture,economicexpansion,controllingworkers / slaverysystem,socialhierarchies,lateantiquity.(B)16Central Islamiclands 7 th centuryThe rise of Islam inAs given in theto 12 centuryArabia,faith,NCERT bookcommunity, politics, thecaliphate-expansion,civil wars and sectformation.TheUmayyad and thecentralization of polity,the Abbasid revolutionbreakup of the caliphate

and the rise ofsultanates,theCrusades, economy <strong>–</strong>agriculture, urbanizationand commerce learningand culture.(C)12Nomadic EmpiresThe Mongols, 13 thAs given in theto 14 th century.Introduction- Social andNCERT bookpolitical background, thecareer of Genghis khansocial, political andmilitaryorganizations.Conclusion,SituatingGenghis khan and theUnit-3ChangingMongol in world history.(a)14Traditions.As given in theThree ordersAn introduction toNCERT bookCates ton Europefeudalism, France and9 th - 16 th centuryEngland. The threeorder-The second order: Thenobility, The manorial instate, the knights.The first order:- theclergy, monks, thechurch and society.The 3 rd :-peasants, free(b)16Changing Culturaland free.Traditions EuropeAs given in the14 th to 17 thThe revival of ItalianNCERT bookcentury.cities, universities andhumanism, the humanist

(c)Unit-414 Confrontation ofcultures: America,15 th to 18 thcentury.Paths toview of history, scienceand philosophy: theArabs contribution. artistandrealism,architecture, the firstprinted books. A newconcept of humanbeings, the aspirationsof women, debateswithin Christianity, theCopernican revolution,reading the universe,was there a European“Renaissance” in the14 th century?Communities of theCarribean and Brazil.The state system ofcentral and SouthAmerica the Aztecs, theMayas, the Incas ofPeru, voyages ofexploration byEuropeans, the Atlanticcrossing, SpainEstablishing an empirein America, Cortes andthe Aztecs, pizarro, theIncas, Cabral and Brazil,conquest, colonies andthe slave trade,epilogue.As given in theNCERT book

(A)16ModernizationAs given in theDisplacingDisplacingindigenousNCERT bookIndigenouspeople,EuropeanPeoples NorthImperialism?NorthAmerica andAmerican- The nativeAustralia 18 th topeople, encounters with20 th centuryEuropeans,mutualperceptions, the nativepeople lose their land,the gold rush and thegrowth of industries,constitutional Australia-(B)14The industrialthe winds of change.revolutionAs given in theEngland 18 th , 19 thTowards modernization,NCERT bookcentury.the industrial revolution,why British? Town, andfinance, coal and Iron,cotton spinning andweaving, changed life,the workers, women,childrenandindustrialism, the debateon the industrial(C)16Paths torevolution.ModernizationAs given in theEast Asia: LateIntroduction, Japan, theNCERT book19 th and 20 thpolitical system, thecentury.Meijirestoration,modernizingtheeconomy,industrialworkers,aggressivenationalism.

Unit-5 10 Map work.“Westernization” and“tradition”, daily life, overcoming modernity afterdefeat:- re-emerging asa global economicpower.China: establishing therepublic, the rise of thecommunist party ofChina, establishing ofnew democracy 1949-65 conflicting vision1965-78, reforms from1978. the story ofTaiwan, two roads tomodernization.Maps concerned withdifferent units.

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