Download Our Stringing Guide - Brine

Download Our Stringing Guide - Brine

Download Our Stringing Guide - Brine


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introductionThis tutorial is designed to teach you the basics of stringing aparamount pocket into a womens lacrosse head. At first, thethought of stringing up your own stick may be intimidating but byclosely following this manual and taking your time you will learnto string the perfect stick time and time again. The more sticksyou string, the better you will become and eventually you will beable to string heads without even referencing these instructions!Knowing how to string and maintain your own stick is an importantskill to ensure that you are playing with a stick that will best suityour needs and these step-by-step instructions are designed togive you those skills.BRINE lacrosse stringing manual - page 2

Useful ToolsScissors, and a lighter will make stringing any lacrosse stickeasier. Always check with your parents and or guardian beforeusing any tools - Especially lighters!identifying the materialsSidewall string / Top string - The <strong>Brine</strong> sidewall string inthis manual should measure between 22 or 24 inches inlength. The top string should measure 22 inches in length.Pocket Piece - injection molded track.Leathers - 2 white leather pieces. Each piece has asmooth side and a coarse side.Cross lacing - The brine cross lacing in this manualshould be composed of (2) 80 inch nylon pieces.Lacrosse Head - <strong>Brine</strong> lacrosse heads are top of theline and have all the string holes needed for successfulstringing with this manual.BRINE lacrosse stringing manual - page 3

SIDEWALL STRINGTake one of the midsized nylonsidewall strings, and tie a knot inthe end.Push the un-knotted end ofthe sidewall string throughthe 2nd stringing hole fromthe top.∆knotSkip one hole on the insideof the sidewall and stringthrough the following hole tothe outside of the plastic.From the outside, string backin through the skipped hole tocontinue the sidewall stringingprocess.Repeat this process all the waydown the sidewall until youreach the 2nd to last stringinghole in the sidewall.Tie off your knot tightly on theoutside of the plastic. Repeatthis entire process on theopposite sidewall.BRINE lacrosse stringing manual - page 4

Top String & POCKET PIECETie a knot in your remaingmidsized nylon.From the back of the head, pushthe unkotted end of the top stringthrough the top string hole closestto the scoop.Travel to the 3rd hole in thescoop and loop in and aroundthe scoop, and string through.Cross over the nylon whencoming around the bottom ofthe scoop.BRINE lacrosse stringing manual - page 5

Top String & POCKET PIECE(CONT)Next, string through the pocketpiece.String through the same scoophole, from the back to the front.Travel behind the nylon as youhead up to the next string hole.This should create a hitch knot that attaches your pocket pieceto the scoop. From the front of the head your string should looklike this.BRINE lacrosse stringing manual - page 6

Top String & POCKET PIECE(CONT)Repeat this process to attach theother side of the pocket piece.Once the pocket piece is secured,string through the top string holein the sidewall.Tie your knot tightly.knot∆Tie off your pocket piece securely in preparation for stringingyour cross lace.BRINE lacrosse stringing manual - page 7

LeathersWith the smooth side facingyou feed the tip of the leather inthrough the first scoop hole.Next, feed the tip of the leatherdown through the first slit of theleather.Pull the leather all the way through the slit, leaving a small amountof slack where the leather meets the scoop so you can string yourcross lacing through it.BRINE lacrosse stringing manual - page 8

Leathers (cont)Pull the leather down throughthe inner throat hole on thecorresponding side.Repeat this process to attachthe second leather piece.*note* Tying your pocket nylons and excessleathers around the front of the throat willhelp keep everything tight while stringingthe cross lace.CROSS LACINGTake one of your 80in cross lace pieces and feed it through theleather, where you left space at the scoop. Tighten your leatherpiece so there is no room between the leather and the scoop.Make sure you have an even amount of cross lace on both sides.BRINE lacrosse stringing manual - page 9

CROSS LACING (CONT)Using the left side of your crosslace, string down through the 1stghille lace.Cross over the leather and looparound the back.When traveling to the next Ghillie lace, string over the cross lace.BRINE lacrosse stringing manual - page 10

CROSS LACING (CONT)Repeat this process all the waydown. Make sure to evenly spaceyour cross lacing around theleathers so that your loops fall inthe middle of the Ghillie laces.Once you pass through thelast Ghillie lace, feed throughthe same hole as your pocketrunner and secure a knot.With the other half of yourcross lace piece, string upthrough the sidwall string.When traveling toward yourleather, string behind of thecross lace.BRINE lacrosse stringing manual - page 11

CROSS LACING (CONT)Continue underneath theleather and string up throughthe hole that the opposite sideof the cross lacing created.7Pull through, and travelunderneath the cross lace tostart this process again.Before moving on, check thefront of your stick to make sureyour lacing has laid flat againstyour leather.Make sure to keep even tensionall the way down. When youreach the bottom, string troughthe last hole in the sidewall andsecure your knot.*note* Repeat this identical process on theopposite side.knot∆BRINE lacrosse stringing manual - page 12

SHOOTING STRINGS(ToP SHOOTER)Starting on the left hand of the side of the head, pull your shooterthrough 2nd hole from the top in the sidewall. Make sure the stringis even on both sides.Start with the bottom piece,travel over the cross lace,behind the leather, over thecross lace, and continue behindthe pocket piece as a whole.*note* When you come back through with thetop piece you will create a twist between thepocket piece.BRINE lacrosse stringing manual - page 13

SHOOTING STRINGS(ToP SHOOTER) CONT.Travel over the cross lace andbehind the leather.String through the sidewall, which will be the end point for yourbottom string that will be tied off once the top piece is strungthrough completely.Take your top piece of the shooter and travel under the crosslace, and over the leather.Continue under the cross laceand over the pocket pieceLoop under the shooter andover the pocket piece.BRINE lacrosse stringing manual - page 14

SHOOTING STRINGS(ToP SHOOTER) CONT.Continue behind the cross laceand over the leather.Travel under the cross lace onelast time.Secure a knot with the bottom piece of the shooter so it isanchored around the plastic.BRINE lacrosse stringing manual - page 15

U-ShooterStrarting from the right side. (Depending on what head you arestringing, there should be 6 to 7 holes separating the top shootingstring and the starting point of your U shooter) Feed through andpull the shooter so it is even on both sides.*note* you can string from the left sidehere if you prefer.Take your bottom piece andtravel over the cross lace andunder the leather.*note* Make sure your U shooters tay above thethe 2nd row of Ghillie laces.BRINE lacrosse stringing manual - page 16

U-Shooter (CONTINUED)Travel over the cross lace, under the leather and stringthrough the sidewall.*note* Same process here as with thetop string, the twist will be createdwhen the bottom string travelsthrough.Take your top piece and travelunder the cross lace and overthe leather.Continue under the cross laceand over the pocket piece.BRINE lacrosse stringing manual - page 17

U-Shooter (CONT.)Loop under the shooter between the pocket piece to create yourtwist, and continue over the pocket piece.Travel behind the cross lace,over the leather and under thecross lace one the last time.Secure your knot with thebottom piece, anchoring theshooter around the sidewall.BRINE lacrosse stringing manual - page 18

FINISHING TOUCHESTrim all loose strings toapproximately two inches.Carefully burn the edges witha lighter to prevent fraying.

FINISHING TOUCHESYour final product should looklike thisfrontBy closely followingthis manual andtaking your time youwill learn to string theperfect stick.The more sticks you string,the better you will becomeand eventually you will beable to string up your stickwithout even refering tothese instructions. <strong>Stringing</strong>is a skill just like any other,where practice makesperfect.back

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