brown bear

brown bear

brown bear


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!There are no general distinguishing features between poisonousand edible mushrooms, and several of them look very muchalike at a casual glance. The smell, taste or larval infestation giveno clues. A mushroom toxic to humans is edible for snails andmushroom worms (which is the popular name for the larvae ofmany insect species whose larvae develop in mushrooms).Prior to going mushrooming, one must learn to know the ediblespecies, be they two, seven or fifty three – depending on thepossibilities and will of the learner. Remember that ediblemushrooms that grow too big and old also become toxic due todecomposing proteins. Researchers also review the edibility ortoxicity of mushrooms now and then in the light of new researchfindings.Mushrooms of different species contain different fungal toxins ormycotoxins. In the case of deadly poisonous mushroom species,a fatal dose of toxin can be contained in just a few mouthfuls ofa mushroom dish.If vomiting and diarrhoea develop up to a few hours after eatingmushrooms, there is hope that the condition represents a milderpoisoning. Poisoning symptoms appearing on the following dayor even later, with vision disorders, muscular cramps, etc. addedto upset intestines, refer to a very serious poisoning.destroying angel (Amanita virosa)When necessary, consultthe experts of the PoisoningInformation Centre or callthe ambulance.Poisoning Information Centre16662Estonian Museum of Natural History•Dangerous Nature: Myths & Realitymushrooms20

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