National Register of Historic Places Registration Form

National Register of Historic Places Registration Form

National Register of Historic Places Registration Form


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NPS <strong>Form</strong> 10-900-a 0MB Approval No. 1024-00188-86 -United States Department <strong>of</strong> the Interior<strong>National</strong> Park Service<strong>National</strong> <strong>Register</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Historic</strong> <strong>Places</strong>Continuation SheetProperty name Clement Weaver - Daniel Howland House. Kent County, P.1.Section number 10 Page 16Verbal Boundary Description and Justification- The nominated property encompasses Town Lot 77, Plat 10 and is 61,687square feet, or approximately 1.5 acres, in size.The boundary includes the entire town lot which now accompanies theproperty and which provides an appropriate immediate setting. Other landhistorically associated with the property is not precisely known and hasbeen largely subdivided.

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