May 2013 Shofar - Israel Congregation of Manchester

May 2013 Shofar - Israel Congregation of Manchester

May 2013 Shofar - Israel Congregation of Manchester


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21 Iyar–10 Tammuz 5773 Page 2 <strong>May</strong>/June <strong>2013</strong> <strong>May</strong> 3<strong>May</strong> 4<strong>May</strong>Shabbat Evening Services, 6:30 pmCommunal Table DinnerShabbat Morning Services, 9:30 amParashat Behar-Bechukotai<strong>May</strong> 8 92nd Street Y Lecture, 4:00 pm<strong>May</strong> 10 Shabbat Evening Services, 6:30 pm<strong>May</strong> 11 Communal Table DinnerTot Shabbat, 9:00 amParashat Bamidbar<strong>May</strong> 14 Shavuot study and desserts, 7:30 pm<strong>May</strong> 15 Shavuot Services (Yizkor), 9:30 am<strong>May</strong> 16 Board <strong>of</strong> Directors meeting, 7:00 pm<strong>May</strong> 17 Student Cantor Vera BroekhuysenShabbat Evening Services, 6:30 pmCommunal Table Dinner<strong>May</strong> 18 Shabbat Morning Services, 9:30 amParashat Nasso<strong>May</strong> 19 ICM Annual Meeting, 10:00 am<strong>May</strong> 22Red Cross Blood Drive at First<strong>Congregation</strong>al Church<strong>May</strong> 24 Shabbat Evening Services, 6:30 pmCommunal Table Dinner<strong>May</strong> 25 Shabbat Morning Services, 9:30 amParashat Beha’alotcha<strong>May</strong> 31 Shabbat Evening Services, 6:30 pmCommunal Table DinnerJoin us each Friday for a “preneg” at 5:45 pm!CALENDAR OF EVENTS June 1June 7JuneShabbat Morning Services, 9:30 amParashat Sh’lachJacob Waters becomes bar mitzvahShabbat Evening Services, 6:30 pmCommunal Table DinnerJune 8 Jacob Waters becomes bar mitzvahShabbat Morning Services, 9:30 amParashat KorachJune 14 Dr. Michael Grodin in residenceShabbat evening services, 6:30 pmCommunal Table DinnerJune 15 Dr. Michael Grodin in residenceShabbat Morning ServicesParashat ChukatLunch & Learn with Dr. Grodin, 12 pmJewish healing through guided Jewishmeditation with Dr. Grodin, 6:30 pmJune 20 Board <strong>of</strong> Directors meeting, 7:00 pmJune 21 Shabbat Evening Services, 6:30 pmCommunal Table DinnerJune 22 Shabbat Morning Services, 9:30 amParashat BalakJune 28 Shabbat Evening Services, 6:30 pmCommunal Table DinnerJune 29 Shabbat Morning Services, 9:30 amParashat PinchasSave the Date…July 4: Barbecue & performance <strong>of</strong> Tz<strong>of</strong>im: The <strong>Israel</strong> Friendship Caravan and Dessert Auction, 5:45 pm(Chaired by Sheila Mills and Carol Goldsmith)July 17: Dr. Jack <strong>May</strong>er, author <strong>of</strong> Life in a Jar: The Irena Sendler Project, 7:00 p.mJuly 14: ICM’s Annual Tag SaleAugust 9-10: Miller Scholar in Innovation in Judaism with Rabbi Elie Kaufner, founder <strong>of</strong> MechonHadar and author <strong>of</strong> Empowered Judaism (Chaired by Dr. David and Linda Sischy)

21 Iyar–10 Tammuz 5773 Page 3 <strong>May</strong>/June <strong>2013</strong> Student CantorVera Broekhuysen ICM is delighted to welcome StudentCantor Vera Broekhuysen to our bimahfor the High Holy Days <strong>of</strong> 5774. StudentCantor Broekhuysen is a second-yearcantorial student at Hebrew College inNewton, Mass. She and her husband, agraduate student at University <strong>of</strong>Massachusetts, Amherst, make theirhome in Sunderland, Mass. She willalso be joining us to co-lead Fridaynight services on <strong>May</strong> 17.Student Cantor Broekhuysen, asoprano, received her bachelor’s degreein Music History and Theory with aspecialty in history from the University<strong>of</strong> Toronto Faculty <strong>of</strong> Music, conferredwith honors, in June 2007. She brings awealth <strong>of</strong> experience to ICM includingleading High Holy Day services andserving as Torah reader (leyner) bothinternally and pr<strong>of</strong>essionally at theJewish Community <strong>of</strong> Amherst, aReconstructionist synagogue; serving asa minyan leader at Temple Hillel B’neiTorah in West Roxbury, Mass.; andleading Shabbat morning services at aConservative congregation inSpringfield, Mass.She has also performed with manygroups including the Zamir Chorale <strong>of</strong>Boston; the Kol Arev choir <strong>of</strong> HebrewCollege; the Jewish community choir <strong>of</strong>Western Massachusetts, Mak’hela; andthe Bach Festival Singers <strong>of</strong> theInternational Festival in Toronto. She isthe leader and founder <strong>of</strong> CIRCLEChoir Interfaith, a group <strong>of</strong> singerscomprised <strong>of</strong> students from bothHebrew College and the AndoverNewton Theological Seminary, which islocated adjacent to Hebrew College’sNewton campus.The <strong>May</strong> 17 Shabbat is underwrittenby ICM’s new Music Fund, designed tobring creative individuals to ourcongregation who will introduce us toboth new and familiar music. We are allexcited to welcome Student CantorBroekhuysen warmly.Celebrating ShavuotWe will observe Shavuot on Tuesday, <strong>May</strong> 14 andWednesday, <strong>May</strong> 15. On Tuesday at 7:30 pm, we willjoin together for our annual Tikkun Leil Shavuot, thestudy session held to honor our commemoration <strong>of</strong>receiving Torah at Mount Sinai. This year we will bereading the Book <strong>of</strong> Ruth (in English!), which istraditionally read during Shavuot. Yummy dessertswill be served.We will also have a worship service at onWednesday at 9:30 am, including a Yizkor (memorial)service at approximately 11:00 am. All are welcomeand encouraged to attend both Tuesday evening andWednesday morning. Let us once again receiveTorah into our lives!Lifelong Learning needs youOver the winter and spring, ICM’s LifelongLearning Committee, chaired by Carol Goldsmith,has been working to put together a slate <strong>of</strong>programming for this summer that is sure tostimulate your mind on many levels.The first program is Dr. Michael Grodin (readmore about Dr. Grodin’s ICM residency on thefront page). We also will host the <strong>Israel</strong> FriendshipCaravan on July 4, performing in the Rec Park andin our sanctuary.On July 17, Dr. Jack <strong>May</strong>er will speak on hisbook Life in a Jar: The Irena Sendler Project, the truestory <strong>of</strong> a Holocaust hero who rescued 2,500Jewish children from the Warsaw ghetto. OnAugust 9 and 10, ICM will host Rabbi Eli Kaufner,founder <strong>of</strong> Mechon Hadar in New York City.Finally, one <strong>of</strong> our ongoing programs is theproposed bible garden on ICM’s campus.All <strong>of</strong> these programs need your support, bothfinancially and in the planning stages; we are alsolooking for people to serve on the committee.Please let us know if you would like to join us inworking on these exciting projects by emailingCarol at cgoldsmith251@gmail.com.❧ Pastoral Care and Bikkur CholimDo you know someone who is ill or inneed <strong>of</strong> a pastoral call or visit? Please letRabbi Novak know by calling the <strong>of</strong>fice at802-362-4578 or contacting him on hismobile phone at 802-688-3555.

21 Iyar–10 Tammuz 5773 Page 4 <strong>May</strong>/June <strong>2013</strong> New Additions to the <strong>Israel</strong> <strong>Congregation</strong> LibraryThe Library Committee has been busily atwork adding important new books to ourcollection, among them two major works <strong>of</strong>fiction that we hope will attract readers andenrich their lives.By Night Under the Storm Bridge by LeopoldPerutz is new to our collection, but was writtenat the turn <strong>of</strong> this century and was firsttranslated into English in 2007. Perutz lived inVienna until the Anschluss, when he moved to<strong>Israel</strong>. He was a noted mathematician whoeven has an algebraic equation named afterhim. He wrote his first novel in 1915 andeventually completed 10 during his lifetime.Despite the accolades he received from otherauthors, including Luis Borges, Ian Fleming,Italo Calvino and Graham Greene, Perutz wasnot recognized as the literary genius he wasuntil recently.By Night Under the Storm Bridge is a series <strong>of</strong>independent stories which, taken collectively,become a historical novel spanning threecenturies. The characters are an amalgam <strong>of</strong>real-life people, folktale personalities, andfictional movers and shakers. The history <strong>of</strong>central Europe during these centuries startswith a love affair between an emperor and thedaughter <strong>of</strong> a Jewish merchant and continueswith more and more unlikely-but-true events.The People <strong>of</strong> Forever Are Not Afraid byShani Boianjiu is totally a story <strong>of</strong> today. Theauthor was born in Jerusalem in 1987 and stilllives in <strong>Israel</strong>. This is her first novel. Telling thestory <strong>of</strong> three young girls who grew uptogether in an <strong>Israel</strong>i village, the book is ariveting insight into the mindset <strong>of</strong> young<strong>Israel</strong>is today. Like teenagers everywhere, thegirls gossip, have crushes, pass notes to eachother in class… and are conscripted into thearmy together. And from that point on theylive inside a single, intense second beforedanger erupts. Their story is told with humorand intense intelligence.—Doris BassICM staffs Community FoodCupboard in <strong>May</strong><strong>Manchester</strong>’s Community Food Cupboard(CFC) does an exceptional job in ensuring thatpeople who struggle to eat are able to findreadily accessible food. Each month, the CFCis staffed by volunteers from <strong>Manchester</strong>-areafaith communities, and <strong>May</strong> is ICM’s month.The CFC is open on Tuesday morning from10:00 am – 12:00 pm, Tuesday afternoon from2:00 pm – 4:00 pm, and Wednesday afternoonfrom 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm. Each shift lasts forapproximately two hours and fifteen minutes.Volunteers are assigned “stations” byMartha Carey, the CFC administrator, to helpthe CFC clients get their food items. The CFCprovides a wide variety <strong>of</strong> items — fromdried goods in boxes to canned food t<strong>of</strong>rozen meats to personal care items. As part<strong>of</strong> its mission, CFC also has keeps gardeneach year in order to raise its own produceand complement what is already deliveredby area farms.For the last few months, ICM has had thehonor <strong>of</strong> welcoming the CFC board to ourA note from the President<strong>Israel</strong> <strong>Congregation</strong>’s multitalented <strong>of</strong>ficeadministrator, Karen Dreiblatt, has decided tomove on and has resigned from ICM.I want to thank her for all <strong>of</strong> her years <strong>of</strong>wonderful and dedicated service to oursynagogue and wish her the best in whatevernew endeavor she chooses to follow.—Ed Glazer building for its monthly meetings.ICM congregants who have volunteered in thepast describe it as a richly rewarding experience.To volunteer, contact Judy Hirschberg(judyhirschberg@yahoo.com or 802-297-2662) orMicki Lisman (msloane.esq@mindspring.com or802-362-4332), or call the rabbi and he will letyou know what shifts are available.Nobody in the <strong>Manchester</strong> area should gohungry: this is our opportunity to use our timeand energy to feed those in need whilebuilding camaraderie with fellow congregants!

21 Iyar–10 Tammuz 5773 Page 5 <strong>May</strong>/June <strong>2013</strong> Dr. Michael Grodincontinued from page 1<strong>of</strong> ICM’s Lifelong LearningCommittee, chaired by CarolGoldsmith.“We are delighted to have such afine scholar as Dr. Michael Grodincoming to ICM,” said Merrily andFrank Lewis. “Bioethics in medicineis a fascinating topic, and we expectDr. Grodin to both educate andchallenge us.”Dr. Grodin is a pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> HealthLaw, Bioethics and Human Rights atthe Boston University School <strong>of</strong>Public Health as well as a pr<strong>of</strong>essor<strong>of</strong> Family Medicine and Psychiatryat the Boston University School <strong>of</strong>Medicine. He also serves as director<strong>of</strong> the Project on Medicine and theHolocaust at the Elie Wiesel Centerfor Judaic Studies. He completed hisB.S. at MIT, his M.D. at the AlbertEinstein College <strong>of</strong> Medicine, and hispostdoctoral and fellowship trainingat UCLA and Harvard. He has beenon the faculty <strong>of</strong> BU for the last 34years.Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Grodin is presentlyworking on a new book, The Role <strong>of</strong>Jewish Physicians in the GhettosDuring the Holocaust. His primaryareas <strong>of</strong> interest include therelationship between health andhuman rights, medicine and theHolocaust, and bioethics. Monthly Tot Shabbatto continueWe are pleased to announce that wewill be continuing to host Tot Shabbaton the second Shabbat <strong>of</strong> each monthfrom 9:00 – 10:00 am during thesummer months. Since our report inthe last <strong>Sh<strong>of</strong>ar</strong>, we celebrated Passoverand Yom Ha’atzma’ut together, andwe look forward to exciting summerprograms!—Alison HillMazel Tov!Sara, Chuck and Ruthie Michelsen on the birth <strong>of</strong>their new daughter and sister, Talia GittelMichelsen, 6 lbs., 11 oz., on March 3, <strong>2013</strong>.Jacob Waters on his bar mitzvah, June 7-8, <strong>2013</strong>.CondolencesYuval Sela on the death <strong>of</strong> his father, Tzvi, in<strong>Israel</strong> on April 3, <strong>2013</strong>.Karen, Michael, Tyler and Eric Dreiblatt on thedeath <strong>of</strong> Karen’s mother, Helene Mottes, in NewYork on April 11, <strong>2013</strong>.Elinor and Joel Katz on the death <strong>of</strong> Elinor’smother, Yetta Karel-Goldreyer, in <strong>Manchester</strong> onApril 30, <strong>2013</strong>.Religious School update Religious School for our school-aged childrenconcluded on April 24 with a celebration <strong>of</strong> LagB’Omer. The school year was very productive. Thestudents completed their study <strong>of</strong> the stories in thebook <strong>of</strong> Genesis and performed plays, made craftprojects, and did a variety <strong>of</strong> other activities related tothe stories and the lessons we take from those stories.In addition, they completed all <strong>of</strong> the lessons in theirHebrew book and greatly improved their Hebrewreading fluency.—Alison HillRed Cross Blood Drive & Canteenneeds you on <strong>May</strong> 22Volunteers are still needed for two-hour shifts at theRed Cross Blood Drive on <strong>May</strong> 22 at the First<strong>Congregation</strong>al Church in <strong>Manchester</strong> Village. Help isalso needed to make sandwiches and food for thisvitally important, life-giving event. Please contactCathy Rano at cathyrano@gmail.com or call her at802-362-4843 to pitch in.People who donate blood require something to eatafterward; ICM is honored to be able to participate inthis important community activity each year as part<strong>of</strong> our commitment to pikuah nefesh, the preservation<strong>of</strong> life.

21 Iyar–10 Tammuz 5773 Page 6 <strong>May</strong>/June <strong>2013</strong> MA’ASER SHENIWhen the Temple functioned in Jerusalem, the Jewish community supported it and its priests with a system <strong>of</strong> tithes inthe form <strong>of</strong> food and/or money. Today we feed our communal needs by <strong>of</strong>fering financial gifts that strengthen andenhance Jewish religious and communal life in the Northshire.Thank you for your generous donations!RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUNDGalia Gulack • Norma WatersMarilyn Rice in memory <strong>of</strong> Tzvi Sela and Rae NoreckIn Memory <strong>of</strong> Tzvi SelaRabbi Michael Cohen and Alison Hill • Linda Feldman • Rebecca and Gary FishkinJanet Kleinberg and Harvey Flaxman • Barbara and George KramerSandy Mailman and Donna Burack • Marion Mueller • Belle Rita NovakEdith and Milt Novak • Deborah and Richard Polivy • Lisa and Jonathan PrialNorma and Marvin Rappaport • Norma RosenblattGENERAL OPERATING FUNDJudith and Michael Adler • Doris Bass in memory <strong>of</strong> Tzvi Sela and Helene MottesCarole and Mel Cohen in memory <strong>of</strong> Joseph Cohen • Ronald Cohen in memory <strong>of</strong> Tzvi SelaBarbara and Martin Donner in memory <strong>of</strong> Sam Donner Susan and Herb Donner in memory <strong>of</strong>Dorothy Donner Markus • Karen and Michael Dreiblatt • Roberta Forman and MerylHazelton in memory <strong>of</strong> Lillian Grossman • Lory Gitter in memory <strong>of</strong> Deborah Platt • Irene andEd Glazer in memory <strong>of</strong> Barbara, mother <strong>of</strong> Andy Gloss, Arthur Skolnick, Connie SkolnickPhyllis and Steve Gottdiener • Claire and Richard Katz in memory <strong>of</strong> Norcia Katz and EstherRoseman • Sara Lee and Barry Larner in honor <strong>of</strong> the “special” birthdays <strong>of</strong> Fran Aronowitz,Ruthie Ellenbogen, and Cathy Kimmel • Trina and Steve Liebowitz and Harriet Liebowitz inmemory <strong>of</strong> Morton Liebowitz • Micki and Stan Lisman in memory <strong>of</strong> Sue MarcusMarion Mueller • Ina and Al Rubin in memory <strong>of</strong> Tzvi Sela, Helen Mottes, and StephenGreene’s sister • Herbert Sackett in memory <strong>of</strong> Morris SackettMarilyn and Raymond Starker in memory <strong>of</strong> Abraham StarkerPurim basket thanksPhyllis and Robert Topchik • Marilyn RiceGeorgette and Albert Levis • Ruthie and Norman EllenbogenIn memory <strong>of</strong> Helene MottesRabbi Bob and Sherri Alper • Ruthie and Norm Ellenbogen • Lilli and Gary <strong>May</strong>ersonNorma and Marvin Rappaport • Marlene and David Skulnik • Dinah StevensHOROWITZ FUNDMicki and Bob Horowitz in memory <strong>of</strong> Helene MottesCULTURAL AFFAIRSJanet SteigSHABBAT DINNER FUNDIrwin Adler • Robin Bass • Mindy and Alan Bloom in memory <strong>of</strong> Tzvi Sela and Helene MottesMarion Mueller • Cheryl and Elwin Schwartz • Debra and Donald Wanamaker in memory <strong>of</strong>Ruth Weltman • Anonymous in honor <strong>of</strong> UVM HillelDonations received after April 25 will appear in the July edition <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Sh<strong>of</strong>ar</strong>.

21 Iyar–10 Tammuz 5773 Page 7 <strong>May</strong>/June <strong>2013</strong> From the Presidentcontinued from page 1on what has transpired at ICM over thelast year. You will also hear from therabbi and committee chairs, including afinancial report and the presentation <strong>of</strong>our budget for congregational approval.The primary order <strong>of</strong> business thisyear is the presentation <strong>of</strong> the by-lawsrevisions — the first major revisions in13 years. By now, you will havereceived the annual meeting packet,which includes a detailed report <strong>of</strong> thesuggested revisions. The by-lawscommittee, chaired by Phil Goldsmithwith members Frank Lewis and MickiLisman, did an amazing job in creatingthe document that, if accepted, willgovern ICM’s structure and operatingprocedures for the next many years.For this reason, I urge all <strong>of</strong> you toread through the changes and attendthe meeting to cast your vote.<strong>Israel</strong> <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Manchester</strong>was built and continues to thrivethrough the efforts <strong>of</strong> the people whogive their time and energy and intellectand resources to insure its future. You,our members — through your votes —will determine how we operate in thecoming years.—Ed Glazer➢ Find ICM’s current by-lawsat www.icmvt.org/members.If you would like a printedcopy, please call the <strong>of</strong>fice.From Rabbi Novakcontinued from page 1Shema. In this discussion, another question arises:when one is addressed by another human being,where may one interrupt the mandated requirementto recite the Shema?This is a fair question because the Shema itself is alengthy recitation, comprised <strong>of</strong> Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Deuteronomy 11:13-21, and Numbers 15:37-41.Each is its own paragraph, and the ideal, accordingto the rabbis, is to recite this entire rubric withoutinterruption.So, the question arose: what to do when one isinterrupted during the lengthy recitation? Fromthe very beginning <strong>of</strong> the Mishnah, which precedesthe Talmud, the rabbis conclude that someone whois interrupted (usually by a greeting) by anotherperson while reciting the Shema is obligated torespond to the greeting mipneh darchei shalom… forthe ways <strong>of</strong> peace.Why? First, the person who is recitingthe Shema may be in his or her own world whiledoing it, yet the rabbis prize the comity that comesfrom dignifying humanity. One who is greetedwhile praying and does not respond might at aminimum be considered impolite — the personwho <strong>of</strong>fered the initial greeting might feel asthough the person praying ignored that greeting.This incredible idea comes to embody the rabbi'srespect for the role <strong>of</strong> human dignity — at thesame time that they were reinventing Jewishworship whole cloth after the destruction <strong>of</strong> theSecond Temple. The reason one is required tointerrupt even the recitation <strong>of</strong> the Shema is mipnehdarchei shalom… for the ways <strong>of</strong> peace.Human dignity plays a great role in ourexperiencing each other. Mipneh darchei shalom…for the ways <strong>of</strong> peace is a concept that shouldallow all <strong>of</strong> us humans to understand that wehonor each other by recognizing when someoneaddresses us — no matter what we may be doing.This is a cornerstone <strong>of</strong> the rabbi's humanity, andit should be the cornerstone <strong>of</strong> ours.

21 Iyar–10 Tammuz 5773 Page 8 <strong>May</strong>/June <strong>2013</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> <strong>Congregation</strong> has about 180 memberunits from diverse Jewish backgrounds, bothfull-time and part-time residents <strong>of</strong> southernVermont. We provide Shabbat and holidayservices, a religious school, adult education,life-cycle events, and cultural and socialprogramming in a warm and welcomingenvironment.An integral part <strong>of</strong> Jewish life in the Northshirefor almost 90 years, <strong>Israel</strong> <strong>Congregation</strong> hasbeen at its current location on Rte 7A, 1.2 milesnorth <strong>of</strong> Rte 11/30, since 1985. Our building isADA accessible.Office: 802.362.4578website: www.icmvt.orgemail: <strong>of</strong>fice@icmvt.orgRabbi’s cell phone: 802.688.3555email: rabbi@icmvt.org6025 Main Street / P.O. Box 1050<strong>Manchester</strong> Center, Vermont 05255Friday Evening Shabbat Services, 6:30 pmPreneg at 5:45 pmfollowed by <strong>Congregation</strong>al Communal DinnerSaturday Morning Shabbat Services, 9:30 amTot Shabbat: 9:00 am, second monthly Shabbat(Saturday)David Novak, RabbiRabbi Michael Cohen, Rabbi EmeritusBoard <strong>of</strong> DirectorsEd Glazer, PresidentMark Aronowitz, Vice PresidentDavid Sischy, Vice PresidentMarlene Skulnik, TreasurerMarisa Eisemann, Corresponding SecretaryMindy Bloom, Recording SecretaryCathy Kimmel, Immediate Past PresidentDirectorsLynne Abcug, Morty Bunis, Sandy Castelbaum,Al Feldan, Rebecca Fishkin, Carol Goldsmith,David Heisler, Micki Lisman, Sheila Mills<strong>Sh<strong>of</strong>ar</strong> Editorial BoardDoris Bass, Laurie Sullivan, Cheryl UllmanP.O. Box 1050<strong>Manchester</strong> Center, Vermont 05255802-362-4578 — www.icmvt.org

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