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Right Livelihood College ‐ Campus BonnCampus Bonnwww.rlc-bonn.deWorkshop on:Mobilization for change:Re‐defining local decision making and participationMay 25 – 30, 2013PROGRAMME AS OF MAY 15, 2013Workshop venue:RLC Bonn/ Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung (ZEF)Walter Flex Straße 3,53113 BonnE‐mail: info@rlc‐bonn.deTel: 0049‐(0)‐228‐734907Hotel of workshop participants:Hotel ConsulOxfordstraße 12‐1653111 BonnE‐mail: hotel@consul‐bonn.deTel.: 0049‐(0)‐0228‐7292‐0Workshop language is English.Emergency number: 0049‐(0)‐176‐969‐959‐83 (Mr Tiemo Pokraka)

Right Livelihood College ‐ Campus BonnCampus Bonnwww.rlc-bonn.deWorkshop on:Mobilization for change:Re‐defining local decision making and participationMay 25 – 30, 2013PROGRAMME AS OF MAY 15, 2013Workshop venue:RLC Bonn/ Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung (<strong>ZEF</strong>)Walter Flex Straße 3,53113 BonnE‐mail: info@rlc‐bonn.deTel: 0049‐(0)‐228‐734907Hotel of workshop participants:Hotel ConsulOxfordstraße 12‐1653111 BonnE‐mail: hotel@consul‐bonn.deTel.: 0049‐(0)‐0228‐7292‐0Workshop language is English.Emergency number: 0049‐(0)‐176‐969‐959‐83 (Mr Tiemo Pokraka)

Tuesday, 28 May 2013Time Place Activity8:30 Transfer to <strong>ZEF</strong>9:00 <strong>ZEF</strong> conferenceroomWorking Group 1: Health and Food SecurityChandrakala JoshiUrbanization and Women’s Health: Access to Water and SanitationInfluencing Maternal Health in Mumbai City, India10:30 Coffee break at <strong>ZEF</strong> lobbyGeorge Evans OwinoIllness Experiences of People Living with HIV in Kenya: A Case Studyof Kisumu CountyAnna JenderedjianThe role of non‐governmental organizations in improving foodsecurity in transition economies with a special emphasis on rightsbased approaches and women participation: Case studies ofArmenia and Georgia11:00 <strong>ZEF</strong> conferenceroomWorking Group 2: Local EmpowermentTamer M. A. Abd ElkreemThe Forces of Development – Implementation and Resistance: TheCase of Dam Construction in the Nubian Homeland, Sudan12:30 Lunch at <strong>ZEF</strong> cantinaMalick FayeSocial networks in processes of collective action and decisionmaking:The commons problem in village societies in NorthwesternSenegalGeorge MutalemwaPeople’s Organisations in Tanzania: Strengths, Challenges andImplications for Development4

Tuesday, 28 May 2013 (cont.)Time Place Activity13:30 <strong>ZEF</strong> conferenceroom15:00 Coffee break at <strong>ZEF</strong> lobbyWorking Group 3: Rural Participation and Natural ResourcesGlory Manambowoh LueongThe forest people without a forest. Ethnicity, belonging, anddevelopment participation of the Baka (pygmies) in East CameroonDivya Rajeswari SwaminathanLocal decision‐making and land use change: A comparative casestudy in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, IndiaBunafsha MislimshoevaAnalysis of the fuelwood demand‐supply chain in the WesternPamirs, Tajikistan15:30 <strong>ZEF</strong> conferenceroomWorking Group 4: Banking the unbankables?Saikumar Cheelurappa BharamappanavaraCollective Action in Rural versus Urban Group based MicrocreditOrganisations: Lessons from the Greater Hyderabad Area16:30 Transfer to Bonn University17:30 ARTS, Universityof Bonn,Lecture Hall I ,Nussallee 118:30 Dinner at Restaurant tbaMoses OkechMicrofinance and Women's Empowerment: A Study of FinancialLiteracy Among Member‐Owned Financial Institutions in UgandaARTS Special Lecture Ruth Manorama, RLA laureateThe voice of Dalits: Women's rights and local participation in ruralIndia19:30 Transfer to Hotel Consul5

Wednesday, 29 May 2013Time Place Activity8:30 Transfer to <strong>ZEF</strong>9:00 <strong>ZEF</strong> conferenceroomWorking Group 5: Migration and EthnicityLira SagynbekovaThe Impact of International Migration on Livelihoods in Jalal‐Abad Oblast, Kyrgyz Republic10:30 Coffee break at <strong>ZEF</strong> lobbyWan Teng LaiPatterns and Perception of Labour Migrants' Integration inPenang State, MalaysiaMohamed Abdelbagi Gismalla BakhitIdentity Construction in multi‐ethnic Shantytowns: a way of lifebetween two generations11:00 <strong>ZEF</strong> conferenceroom<strong>ZEF</strong>a ColloquiumRuth Manorama, RLA laureateDalit women in India: The struggle for rights and equality12:30 Lunch at <strong>ZEF</strong> cantina13:30 <strong>ZEF</strong> conferenceroomWorking Group 6: Political ConflictAhmad E‐AtrashSpatial Planning Strategies towards Sustainability in GeopoliticalContexts: The Case of Bethlehem Area, West Bank15:00 Coffee break at <strong>ZEF</strong> lobbyImad Z. M. AlsoosDynamism of Islamism in Political Processes in the Middle East:Hamas and the Islamic Action Front of JordanRapti Lalana SiriwardaneContested Legitimacies: Conflict, Cooperation and FishingLivelihoods in Postwar Sri Lanka6

Wednesday, 29 May 2013 (cont.)Time Place Activity15:30 <strong>ZEF</strong> conferenceroomFinal preparation of Working Group Outcomes16:30 Review of workshopDiscussion of WG outcomes, comments and synthesisModeration: Mr. Sharan Srinivas, RLA Foundation18:00 <strong>ZEF</strong> conferenceroomPublic movie screening“One Day after Peace” (USA, Israel 2012)A film by Erez and Miri Laufer19:30 Transfer to River Rhine20:00 River RhineBeer Garden“Alter Zoll”Final workshop dinner partyThursday, 30 May 2013Departure of participants7

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