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<strong>Tour</strong>-<strong>de</strong>-<strong>Force</strong>: Interplay between Mitochondria and Cell Cycle Progression Fall 20071ROS2AMPKATP3NRF4Mfn2(C)Mfn2(M)Figure 3 The four projects outlined in this research proposal and their links between the cell cycle andmitochondriaMa<strong>de</strong> by authorsEvi<strong>de</strong>ntly, figure 3 is far from being complete, as other organelles, locations, proteins andprocesses will be discussed throughout the proposals. Additionally, the manners in which the projects linkin to each other by these additional mechanisms are not shown. Project 1 and 2 both look at cellularmetabolism, project 1 linking this strongly to the cell cycle while project 2 investigates the hypothesizedrelation between metabolism and AMPK. Additionally, both project 2 and 4 look into cell cycle arrest,project 4 via Mfn2 and the Ras pathway, and project 2 via AMPK and p53. The four projects, mitochondriaand the cell cycle and these individual links add up to a complete picture of the interplay between the cellcycle, mitochondrial dynamics, functioning and activity, apoptosis and cellular metabolism – they all addup to this program.Relevance of the topicThroughout this program, various aspects of the interplay between mitochondria and the cell cyclewill be addressed. Throughout performing all proposed research, the interplay will be better un<strong>de</strong>rstood.The knowledge that will be gained is likely to be relevant to the <strong>de</strong>velopment of medical therapy, asvarious diseases, such as cancer and Charcot Marie Tooth disease, originate from cell cycle <strong>de</strong>fects ormalfunctioning mitochondria. However, the information by itself will greatly enrich our un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of thecellular events that form the essence of life, since both the cell cycle and energy production are extremelyimportant processes in the cell. Their link, therefore, will greatly add to our general un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of thecell.To conclu<strong>de</strong>, it is proposed that the cell cycle is highly influenced by mitochondrial products suchas ROS and ATP, and mitochondria are bound to be influenced by cell cycle progression, so thatprocesses of interplay between the mitochondria and the cell cycle must exist. This program therefore isreferred to as the <strong>Tour</strong>-the-force. This research proposal could be seen as a tour past many different butimportant aspects of cellular functioning, for which we need two processes most: our cycle, the cell cycle,and our source of energy, provi<strong>de</strong>d by the mitochondria. It is hoped that the following research proposalwill provi<strong>de</strong> an energetic tour through the regulative interaction pathways and mechanisms between thecell cycle and mitochondria.SCI 332 Advanced Molecular Cell Biology Research Proposal 8

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