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<strong>Tour</strong>-<strong>de</strong>-<strong>Force</strong>: Interplay between Mitochondria and Cell Cycle Progression Fall 2007accelerated AMPK activation. Now, by measuring protein levels indicative of quiescence (see: 2.2) it is<strong>de</strong>termined whether AMPK can induce quiescence at multiple points in G1.In a subsequent experiment, constitutively active AMPK (CA-AMPK) (Appendix C) with aninducible promoter will be used to activate AMPK at the same points in the cell. This alternative method forAMPK activation is used as a control to assure complete AMPK activation.Experiment 2.3.2 How does activating AMPK un<strong>de</strong>r normal energy levels affect cell cycle progression?This experiment will be performed as <strong>de</strong>scribed in 2.3 but now un<strong>de</strong>r normal physiological energy levels(25mM) to see whether AMPK activation alone is sufficient to induce cell cycle arrest. Whether the cellsenter quiescence will again be <strong>de</strong>termined by the measurement of the “quiescent markers”.2.4 Is AMPK-induced quiescence followed by apoptosis or reentry into the cell cycle?The aim of the following experiments is to confirm the results of 2.3, and to investigate whether AMPKinducedquiescence at different points in G1 is followed by apoptosis or reentry into the cell cycle. This isinvestigated at three points in G1: immediately after M, before passage through the previously <strong>de</strong>terminedrestriction point R, and after R.Experiment 2.4.1 AMPK activation and quiescence in early G1In or<strong>de</strong>r to activate AMPK, AICAR will be ad<strong>de</strong>d to synchronized cells in mitosis. Furthermore, the nucleiof cells treated with AICAR will be stained with DAPI and examined via immuno-fluorescence microscopy(Appendix C) to assess whether they display similar nuclear morphology as untreated control cells in earlyG1. Subsequently, the “quiescent markers” will be measured during early G1. This will establish whethercells with active AMPK actually leave mitosis and enter an AMPK induced quiescent state early in G1.The procedure will be repeated using glucose <strong>de</strong>privation in mitosis instead of AICAR addition, inor<strong>de</strong>r to mimic physiological conditions of AMPK activation.Experiment 2.4.2 AMPK induced apoptosis after quiescence in early G1As mentioned in the background, an early G1 checkpoint <strong>de</strong>pending on PI3-kinase inhibition within 10min.after M has been proposed previously (Hulleman et al., 2004). Cells arrested at this point cannot reenterthe cell cycle and become apoptotic. Furthermore, IRS-1 has been shown to be phosphorylated by AMPKun<strong>de</strong>r conditions of glucose <strong>de</strong>privation, inhibiting the PI3-kinase/Akt pathway and thereby inducingapoptosis. Therefore, we hypothesize that AMPK will induce early G1 cell cycle arrest followed byapoptosis through IRS-1 activation in low glucose conditions.To test this hypothesis we will <strong>de</strong>prive synchronized cells of glucose during mitosis and assesswhether the cells become apoptotic within 72 hours following completion of mitosis. If cells do not becomeapoptotic but re-enter the cell cycle after AMPK induced quiescence, we have established the possibility ofan AMPK energy checkpoint early in G1. If the cells, however, do not re-enter the cell cycle and becomeapoptotic, it will be investigated if IRS-1 and p53 play a role in this process. Apoptosis will be assessed viaa caspase activity assay (Appendix C).In or<strong>de</strong>r to investigate whether the proposed AMPK – IRS-1 pathway leads to IP3-kinase inhibitionand apoptosis, phosphorylation of AMPK at Thr-172, of IRS-1 at Ser-794 and of Akt at Thr-308 will bequantified by Western blot analysis and compared to control levels.Next, it will be <strong>de</strong>termined whether cell cycle arrest in early G1 and/or subsequent apoptosis isp53 and/or IRS-1 <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt. For this purpose, the action of IRS-1 on Akt will be inhibited via a pointmutation of IRS-1 on Ser-794. Furthermore, p53 will be completely inhibited via RNA interference(Appendix C). In 3 consecutive experiments, firstly IRS-1 and secondly p53 will be inhibited. Lastly, bothproteins will be inhibited simultaneously. In all cases apoptosis and quiescence will be assessed aspreviously <strong>de</strong>scribed.2.5 AMPK induced quiescence before and after RIn the final experiments regarding hypothesis 2 it will be established whether AMPK is able to cause cellcycle arrest and/or apoptosis specifically before and after the restriction point R.As mentioned earlier, it is generally thought that cell cycle arrest can only occur before R.However, it has not been previously investigated whether this is true un<strong>de</strong>r conditions of glucose<strong>de</strong>privation. Therefore, we will <strong>de</strong>prive synchronized cells of glucose before and after R and observewhether these cells still continue into S-phase.SCI 332 Advanced Molecular Cell Biology Research Proposal 48

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