
Tour-de-Force Tour-de-Force


Tour-de-Force: Interplay between Mitochondria and Cell Cycle Progression Fall 2007In proliferating cells, the morphology of the mitochondrial network differs throughout the cell cycle. Themajority of research into the morphology of the mitochondrial network has focused on changes during theG2-M phase transition. These researches foundthat mitochondria displayed a thread-like structure rightbefore the onset of mitosis and that during mitosis themitochondrial tubular network is disorganized and undergoesincreased fission (Martínez-Diez et al., 2006).Margineantu et al. (2002) found that the morphology of themitochondrial network changed in a specific pattern throughoutthe cell cycle of human osteosarcoma (bone cancer) cells.They measured the morphology by the percentage ofobserved cells that had fragmented mitochondrial networks asopposed to reticular morphology. In an asynchronous cellculture about 40% of cells have reticular mitochondria andabout 50% have fragmented morphologies. Significantly lessresearch has been done on the network morphology during G1and S. In cells leaving G0 and entering G1 (after addition ofnutrient serum), the number of fragmented morphologiesdecreased rapidly. In S-phase, however, the majority of thecells have fragmented morphologies. Figure 2.5 summarizesthese data.Figure 2.5: shows the changes in the mitochondrialnetwork as a synchronous cell culture progressesthrough the cell cycle. The nutrient medium used isfetal calf serum (Margineantu et al., 2002).Currently, there are several theories about why the mitochondrial network morphology changes during thecell cycle. Firstly, several studies have reported that increasing fission (i.e. tipping the balance betweenfusion and fission towards fission) decreases cellular respiration, and that increasing fusion increasesrespiration. Thus it is possible that increased fusion takes place in G1 to facilitate greater energyproduction (Alirol and Martinou, 2006). Other research has suggested that mitochondria fuse to first mixgenetic material to ensure proper heredity. The mitochondrial genome has a higher mutation rate than thenuclear genome, and lacks repair mechanisms. By constantly mixing and recombining their geneticmaterial mitochondria prevent expression of mutant phenotypes. It is most likely that the networkundergoes increased fission to separate and distribute mitochondria evenly between daughter cells(Westermann, 2002).The major molecular aspects of fission and fusionMitochondrial fission is controlled by a number of proteins. The most important protein involved is Drp1.Drp1 is a GTPase protein that is normally located throughout the cytosol and becomes localized to themitochondria specifically for fission. Mitochondrial division cannot take place without Drp1, a protein thatself-assembles its units into larger structures and cleaves the mitochondrial membranes through GTPhydrolysis. Several other proteins are important in the division complex, including hFis1, a mitochondrialmembrane protein, and Caf4 (Hoppins et al., 2007). The precise mechanism by which Drp1 is activatedand localized to the mitochondria is not known, although recent research showed that cyclic AMPdependentprotein kinase could phosphorylate Drp1 (Cribbs and Strack, 2007). Drp1 can also bephosphorylated by Cdk1/cyclin B during mitosis (Taguchi et al., 2007).Mitochondrial fusion on the other hand, is regulated by three different proteins. Mfn1 and Mfn2 areproteins located in the outer membrane of the mitochondria, and therefore have cytosolic domains. Opa1,the third protein, is associated with the inner membrane. Fusion is initiated when mitofusins on differentorganelles interact and tether. Fusion proceeds through the GTPase activities of these fusion proteins(Chen and Chan, 2005). Currently, it is not clear exactly how the activity of mitofusins is controlled(Hoppins et al., 2007).SCI 332 Advanced Molecular Cell Biology Research Proposal 42

Tour-de-Force: Interplay between Mitochondria and Cell Cycle Progression Fall 2007Proposed ResearchCell lines and CultureIn all of our experiments we will use mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). The cells will be isolated frommouse embryos and immortalized. Cell lines will be cultured at a temperature of 37 Celsius, at constantatmospheric PH; 95% air and 5% carbon dioxide. These cells are especially useful for our project becausethey are relatively inexpensive, un-differentiated and rapidly proliferating. We chose immortalized cellsbecause we need large quantities of cells, and would like to conserve the cell line throughout ourexperiments. Despite immortalization these cells have a normal cell cycle, maintain contact inhibition andcontain the vital cell cycle pathways (Cell Line Database). Cells will be grown in complete DMEM mediumcontaining 25mM of glucose, as well as 2 mM glutamine, 100 U/ml penicillin100, and 10% new born calfserum (Chen et al., 2006).To verify the information we obtain with the MEF cells, we will use a second cell line to repeat anyexperiments we deem critical at the end. We will use CHO-Chinese hamster ovary epithelial cells. Cellswill be supplied by the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC).Synchronizing cellsFor all our experiments we will need a cell culture of synchronized cells. In order to synchronize the cells,we will use mitotic shake-off (Appendix A). Mitotic Shake-off is a reliable method that starts thesynchronized cell cycle in G1, which is advantageous for us since we are interested in especially this partof the cell cycle. Cells will remain well synchronized for at least 1 cell cycle.Cell cycle length and G0 – determination of standards in our cell line0.1 How long is a normal cell cycle and how long are its phases?Since an important part of this research will focus on the cell cycle progression and cell cycle arrest, it isimportant to know the length of a cell cycle in our cell line. We will also determine the length of theseparate phases, so we can compare the length of G1 in this experiment with the possibly prolonged G1in experiment 2. We expect the cell cycle to be approximately 24 hours (Norbury & Nurse, 1992), thereforewe will measure for 30 hours.Experiment 0.1For this experiment we will take cells that are grown on a complete medium and have not been subjectedto any experiments, measurements, or other intervening conditions. The cell culture will be synchronizedand divided up in 60 small samples. Every 30 minutes a sample will be used to determine the phase thecells are in. The cells will be fixed and permeabilized. The cell phase will be determined by the “Cell phasedetermination Kit” from Cayman Chemicals (Appendix A) according to the protocol. By propidium iodidestaining, the DNA content of the cell can be determined with a flow cytometer, which allows us todetermine the percentage of cells in a sample that are in G0/G1, G2 or S phase. M phase will becalculated.We will start measuring G1 as soon as over 50% of the cells are in this phase. We willsubsequently measure one of the samples every 30 minutes and determine the phase according to thephase >50% of the cells are in. The length of M-phase will be determined when the first cycle is almostcompleted, because with mitotic shake-off, we do not know where in M phase the cells actually start. Thelength of M will be determined by the length of the total cell cycle (determined when over 50% of the cellsare in G1 for the second time) minus the length of the other phases.0.2 What are the physiological concentrations of ATP, Cyclin A, B and D1,phosphorylated/unphosphorylated AMPK and phosphorylated/unphosphorylated Rb throughout the cellcycle?These protein levels are of importance for the following experiments, therefore a reference of thephysiological conditions is required for the specific cell line we use.SCI 332 Advanced Molecular Cell Biology Research Proposal 43

<strong>Tour</strong>-<strong>de</strong>-<strong>Force</strong>: Interplay between Mitochondria and Cell Cycle Progression Fall 2007Proposed ResearchCell lines and CultureIn all of our experiments we will use mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). The cells will be isolated frommouse embryos and immortalized. Cell lines will be cultured at a temperature of 37 Celsius, at constantatmospheric PH; 95% air and 5% carbon dioxi<strong>de</strong>. These cells are especially useful for our project becausethey are relatively inexpensive, un-differentiated and rapidly proliferating. We chose immortalized cellsbecause we need large quantities of cells, and would like to conserve the cell line throughout ourexperiments. Despite immortalization these cells have a normal cell cycle, maintain contact inhibition andcontain the vital cell cycle pathways (Cell Line Database). Cells will be grown in complete DMEM mediumcontaining 25mM of glucose, as well as 2 mM glutamine, 100 U/ml penicillin100, and 10% new born calfserum (Chen et al., 2006).To verify the information we obtain with the MEF cells, we will use a second cell line to repeat anyexperiments we <strong>de</strong>em critical at the end. We will use CHO-Chinese hamster ovary epithelial cells. Cellswill be supplied by the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC).Synchronizing cellsFor all our experiments we will need a cell culture of synchronized cells. In or<strong>de</strong>r to synchronize the cells,we will use mitotic shake-off (Appendix A). Mitotic Shake-off is a reliable method that starts thesynchronized cell cycle in G1, which is advantageous for us since we are interested in especially this partof the cell cycle. Cells will remain well synchronized for at least 1 cell cycle.Cell cycle length and G0 – <strong>de</strong>termination of standards in our cell line0.1 How long is a normal cell cycle and how long are its phases?Since an important part of this research will focus on the cell cycle progression and cell cycle arrest, it isimportant to know the length of a cell cycle in our cell line. We will also <strong>de</strong>termine the length of theseparate phases, so we can compare the length of G1 in this experiment with the possibly prolonged G1in experiment 2. We expect the cell cycle to be approximately 24 hours (Norbury & Nurse, 1992), thereforewe will measure for 30 hours.Experiment 0.1For this experiment we will take cells that are grown on a complete medium and have not been subjectedto any experiments, measurements, or other intervening conditions. The cell culture will be synchronizedand divi<strong>de</strong>d up in 60 small samples. Every 30 minutes a sample will be used to <strong>de</strong>termine the phase thecells are in. The cells will be fixed and permeabilized. The cell phase will be <strong>de</strong>termined by the “Cell phase<strong>de</strong>termination Kit” from Cayman Chemicals (Appendix A) according to the protocol. By propidium iodi<strong>de</strong>staining, the DNA content of the cell can be <strong>de</strong>termined with a flow cytometer, which allows us to<strong>de</strong>termine the percentage of cells in a sample that are in G0/G1, G2 or S phase. M phase will becalculated.We will start measuring G1 as soon as over 50% of the cells are in this phase. We willsubsequently measure one of the samples every 30 minutes and <strong>de</strong>termine the phase according to thephase >50% of the cells are in. The length of M-phase will be <strong>de</strong>termined when the first cycle is almostcompleted, because with mitotic shake-off, we do not know where in M phase the cells actually start. Thelength of M will be <strong>de</strong>termined by the length of the total cell cycle (<strong>de</strong>termined when over 50% of the cellsare in G1 for the second time) minus the length of the other phases.0.2 What are the physiological concentrations of ATP, Cyclin A, B and D1,phosphorylated/unphosphorylated AMPK and phosphorylated/unphosphorylated Rb throughout the cellcycle?These protein levels are of importance for the following experiments, therefore a reference of thephysiological conditions is required for the specific cell line we use.SCI 332 Advanced Molecular Cell Biology Research Proposal 43

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