
Tour-de-Force Tour-de-Force


Tour-de-Force: Interplay between Mitochondria and Cell Cycle Progression Fall 2007Appendix DCell cycle synchronizationCell cycle synchronization is obtained via a double thymidine block, as the cell lines are not suited forcentral elutriation and will not suffer from disadvantages as inhibition of cell growth and apoptosis whenusing serum deprivation. Nocodazole is used to synchronize cells in M-phase, in order to have cellsynchronized for a full cell cycle.Reverse-transcription real-time PCRRT-PCR has the unique quality that is able to detect and quantify even minimal amounts of RNA. As weare looking at fluctuating levels of different compounds throughout the cell cycle (and the mRNA levels ofthese compounds could become very low in certain phases) it would be wisest for us to use this techniqueas it will provide the most accurate quantification.It is recommendable to use a two-step RT-PCR instead of a one-step RT-PCR. Normally a RT-PCR isdone in two steps: the reverse transcription and the actual PCR. However, it is also possible to do thesetwo steps simultaneously. A two-step RT-PCR provides more sensitivity and a longer conservation ofreagents. For all PCR experiments BrdU pulse labelling is used to indicate in which phase in the cell cycleit is. Facilities from the University Utrecht laboratories will be used for visualization.Mitochondrial DNA to nuclear DNA ratioQuantitative real-time PCR will be used to measure the mitochondrial DNA to nuclear DNA ratio. Thefollowing primer sequences will be used for the mitochondrial fragment: forward primer MitHu3130F,AGGACAAGAGAAATAAGGCC, reverse primer MitHu3301RAAGAAGAGGAATTGAACCTCTGACTGTAA. For the nuclear fragment, forward primer APP137FTTTTTGTGTGCTCTCCCAGGTCT and reverse primer APP210R TGGTCACTGGTTGGTTGGC will beused. These probes will be labelled with TAMRA at the 3’ end and FAM at the 5’ end. Probe oligosequences will be mit3153T, TTCACAAAGCGCCTTCCCCCGTAAATG for the mitochondrial fragmentand APP161T, CCCTGAACTGCAGATCACCAATGTGGTAG for the nuclear fragment. TaqManfluorogenic probes will be used to enable detection of the aforementioned PCR products that accumulateduring the PCR cycles (Ashley et al., 2005).PPAR family (PRC, PGC-1α and PGC-1β) mRNA levels1 µg of total RNA will be then treated with DNase I (Applied Biosystems) before being treated with M-MLVReverse Transcriptase (Applied Biosystems). The synthesized cDNAs will be amplified using specificprimers: PRC sense primer, 5′-GCAACAGCC GTTCTGT-3′; PRC antisense primer, 5′-CTGCAAATGCCTCCTC-3′, PGC-1α (sense, 5’-TCAGTCCTCACTGGTGGACA-3’; antisense, 5’-TGCTTCGTCGTCAAAAACAG-3’). TaqMan (5'-FAM;3'-TAMRA) probes will be used.Cyclin D1, D2, D3, E1, E2 cdk2, cdk3, cdk4, cdk6, NRF-1, mRNA levelsWe will be using SYBR Green, a commonly used probe for detecting the desired PCR product. It is themost convenient method to use when examining a large number of mRNA targets, as no specific probedesign (as with Taqman or Molecular Beacons) for every single mRNA target has to be done.We propose to buy a RT 2 First Strand Kit (Superarray Bioscience). This kit contains almost all theessential components to do a RT-PCR, both for the reverse transcription and the actual PCR. It also hascomponents that ensure the removal of genomic DNA from the PCR. As discussed before, we decided touse SYBR Green for fluorescent detection; this component has to be bought separately (SuperarrayBioscience). The primers for the specific compounds we want to investigate are all, except for NRF-2,available at the same company.Specific Primers required: (Cyclin D1, D2, D3, E1, E2 cdk2, cdk3, cdk4, cdk6 NRF-1, PRC)Unfortunately, no commercial primer is available for NRF-2, as its sequence has not been fully establishedyet. However, the sequence of the α subunit has been determined. Therefore, we will order a customprimer against the α subunit (Invitrogen). Although this might not give entirely accurate results about NRF-2 mRNA levels, it will provide a close identification. As RT-PCR is a rather lengthy method, especiallySCI 332 Advanced Molecular Cell Biology Research Proposal 112

Tour-de-Force: Interplay between Mitochondria and Cell Cycle Progression Fall 2007considering that we are looking at many compounds. It requires careful planning and design to perform asuccessful RT-PCR, and as we are using this method to quantify quite a number of different compounds, itwill probably take multiple weeks or months.Fluorescent-activated Cell Sorting (FACS)FACS will be used to measure the relative changes in mitochondrial mass throughout the cell cycle. Wewill be utilizing the laboratory facilities at the University of Utrecht.As the target(s) of a single probe for mitochondria may not be representatives of the changes inmitochondrial mass, different probes will be used. The fluorescent probes need to be membrane potentialindependent and mitochondrial uptake of the fluorescent probe should also be membrane potentialindependent. Both MitoTracker Green FM and NAO (10N-nonyl acridine orange) have these propertiesand will be used as the fluorescent probes in FACS. The targets of the former probe are a subset ofmitochondrial proteins that have free thiol groups of cyteine residues in mitochondrial proteins (Presley etal., 2003), while the target of the latter probe is cardiolipin, an inner membrane component of mitochondria(Petit et al., 1992)Western BlottingFor the Western Blot analysis to detect protein expression of the different compounds, specific primaryand secondary antibodies have to be ordered (Invitrogen).In general, it is better to use monoclonal antibodies in Western Blotting. Apart from the obvious reasonthat monoclonal antibodies have a higher specificity than polyclonal antibodies, they also ensure a lowerbackground and less non-specific detection.Antibodies against PRC and NRF-2 however are commercially unavailable. However, a possible way totarget NRF-2 is by targeting the α subunit, which is homologous with GABPA (GA-binding protein chain α)and does have antibodies against it. This means these antibodies will also target NRF-2α, which has beenshown in a research studying the function of NRF-2 (Ongwijitwat & Wong-Riley 2005). As the genetic codeof NRF-2 remains unknown or incomplete, at this point we are unable to synthesize antibodies againstNRF-2 directly. An antibody against PRC will be synthesized (Invitrogen).The negative control for both RT-PCR and Western Blot will be β-tubulin, because its expression levelsare hardly affected by changes in the cell, and β-tubulin has been successfully used as a control inprevious research in the same field (Wang et al. 2006). The antibody for β-tubulin will be bought fromInvitrogen Corporation and the primer will be obtained from Superarray Bioscience Corporation.Co-ImmunoprecipitationRegarding binding between Cyclin D1 and cdk4 and 6, the antibodies against these compounds used forthe Western Blot can also be used for co-immunoprecipitation.Phosphoprotein and phosphopeptide analysis: Identification of the nature and extent of phosphorylation ofNRF-1 and 2 by Cyclin D1/cdk4 and PRC: Phosphorylation detection of NRF-1 and PRCPerkinElmer Phos-tools kit will be used along with PerkinElmer Phos-tag stains to highlightphosphorylated proteins due to their high binding affinities with phosphorylated serine, threonine, andtyrosine residues. Additionally, for this method it is required to enrich the phosphopeptides for adequatedetection using PerkinElmer Phos-trap.Using these kits, as described by the manufactures, we will be able to identify if and at which sites NRF-1is phosphorylated by Cyclin D 1 /cdk 4 . Using this method requires one to first identify the protein of interestusing 1D PAGE analysis. Following this, staining with PerkinElmer Phos-tag will reveal if the protein ofinterest (in this case NRF-1) is phosphorylated. This stain does not target specific phosphorylation sitesbut binds with the phosphomonoesters of tyrosine, serine and threonine. Following this PerkinElmer Phostrapis necessary to enrich the phosphopeptides and the protein is then analyzed using massspectrometry to identify the sites of phosphorylation. We will then do the same process to establish thenature of phosphorylation of NRF by PRC.SCI 332 Advanced Molecular Cell Biology Research Proposal 113

<strong>Tour</strong>-<strong>de</strong>-<strong>Force</strong>: Interplay between Mitochondria and Cell Cycle Progression Fall 2007Appendix DCell cycle synchronizationCell cycle synchronization is obtained via a double thymidine block, as the cell lines are not suited forcentral elutriation and will not suffer from disadvantages as inhibition of cell growth and apoptosis whenusing serum <strong>de</strong>privation. Nocodazole is used to synchronize cells in M-phase, in or<strong>de</strong>r to have cellsynchronized for a full cell cycle.Reverse-transcription real-time PCRRT-PCR has the unique quality that is able to <strong>de</strong>tect and quantify even minimal amounts of RNA. As weare looking at fluctuating levels of different compounds throughout the cell cycle (and the mRNA levels ofthese compounds could become very low in certain phases) it would be wisest for us to use this techniqueas it will provi<strong>de</strong> the most accurate quantification.It is recommendable to use a two-step RT-PCR instead of a one-step RT-PCR. Normally a RT-PCR isdone in two steps: the reverse transcription and the actual PCR. However, it is also possible to do thesetwo steps simultaneously. A two-step RT-PCR provi<strong>de</strong>s more sensitivity and a longer conservation ofreagents. For all PCR experiments BrdU pulse labelling is used to indicate in which phase in the cell cycleit is. Facilities from the University Utrecht laboratories will be used for visualization.Mitochondrial DNA to nuclear DNA ratioQuantitative real-time PCR will be used to measure the mitochondrial DNA to nuclear DNA ratio. Thefollowing primer sequences will be used for the mitochondrial fragment: forward primer MitHu3130F,AGGACAAGAGAAATAAGGCC, reverse primer MitHu3301RAAGAAGAGGAATTGAACCTCTGACTGTAA. For the nuclear fragment, forward primer APP137FTTTTTGTGTGCTCTCCCAGGTCT and reverse primer APP210R TGGTCACTGGTTGGTTGGC will beused. These probes will be labelled with TAMRA at the 3’ end and FAM at the 5’ end. Probe oligosequences will be mit3153T, TTCACAAAGCGCCTTCCCCCGTAAATG for the mitochondrial fragmentand APP161T, CCCTGAACTGCAGATCACCAATGTGGTAG for the nuclear fragment. TaqManfluorogenic probes will be used to enable <strong>de</strong>tection of the aforementioned PCR products that accumulateduring the PCR cycles (Ashley et al., 2005).PPAR family (PRC, PGC-1α and PGC-1β) mRNA levels1 µg of total RNA will be then treated with DNase I (Applied Biosystems) before being treated with M-MLVReverse Transcriptase (Applied Biosystems). The synthesized cDNAs will be amplified using specificprimers: PRC sense primer, 5′-GCAACAGCC GTTCTGT-3′; PRC antisense primer, 5′-CTGCAAATGCCTCCTC-3′, PGC-1α (sense, 5’-TCAGTCCTCACTGGTGGACA-3’; antisense, 5’-TGCTTCGTCGTCAAAAACAG-3’). TaqMan (5'-FAM;3'-TAMRA) probes will be used.Cyclin D1, D2, D3, E1, E2 cdk2, cdk3, cdk4, cdk6, NRF-1, mRNA levelsWe will be using SYBR Green, a commonly used probe for <strong>de</strong>tecting the <strong>de</strong>sired PCR product. It is themost convenient method to use when examining a large number of mRNA targets, as no specific probe<strong>de</strong>sign (as with Taqman or Molecular Beacons) for every single mRNA target has to be done.We propose to buy a RT 2 First Strand Kit (Superarray Bioscience). This kit contains almost all theessential components to do a RT-PCR, both for the reverse transcription and the actual PCR. It also hascomponents that ensure the removal of genomic DNA from the PCR. As discussed before, we <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d touse SYBR Green for fluorescent <strong>de</strong>tection; this component has to be bought separately (SuperarrayBioscience). The primers for the specific compounds we want to investigate are all, except for NRF-2,available at the same company.Specific Primers required: (Cyclin D1, D2, D3, E1, E2 cdk2, cdk3, cdk4, cdk6 NRF-1, PRC)Unfortunately, no commercial primer is available for NRF-2, as its sequence has not been fully establishedyet. However, the sequence of the α subunit has been <strong>de</strong>termined. Therefore, we will or<strong>de</strong>r a customprimer against the α subunit (Invitrogen). Although this might not give entirely accurate results about NRF-2 mRNA levels, it will provi<strong>de</strong> a close i<strong>de</strong>ntification. As RT-PCR is a rather lengthy method, especiallySCI 332 Advanced Molecular Cell Biology Research Proposal 112

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