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General Sources: Periodicals / 229Wechsler, Judith. A Human Comedy: Physiognomy and Caricature in 19th CenturyParis. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982.Weinberg, Jonathan. Speaking for Vice: Homosexuality in the Art of Charles Demuth,Marsden Hartley and the First American Avant-Garde. New Haven: Yale UniversityPress, 1994.Weinberg, Martin S., ed. Sex Research: Studies from the Kinsey Institute. New York:Oxford University Press, 1976.Wickliffe, Mary. American Realism, 1930’s/1980’s—A Comparative Perspective. Exhibitioncatalog. Summit, N.J.: Summit Art Center, 1983.Williams, Raymond. The Politics of Modernism: Against the New Conformists. London:Verso, 1989.Whiteford, Linda M., and Marilyn L. Poland. New Approaches to Human Reproduction:Social and Ethical Dimensions. Boulder: Westview Press, 1989.Whiting, Cecile. Antifascism in American Art. New Haven and London: Yale UniversityPress, 1991.Woman. Exhibition catalog. New York: Harold Reed Gallery, 1979.Women Choose Women. Exhibition catalog. New York: New York Cultural Center,1973.Zilczer, Judith. Five Distinguished Alumni: The W.P.A. Federal Art Project. Exhibitioncatalog. Washington, D.C.: Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, 1982.IV. General Sources: PeriodicalsAlloway, Lawrence. “The Renewal of Realist Criticism.” Art in America 68/7 (September1981), 110.———. “Art.” The Nation, March 20, 1976.Art Front. New York, N.Y., 1935–1938.Anon., “Artistic Life in the Soviet Union.” Iskusstvo 9 (1981).Berliner, David C. “Women Artists Today: How Are They Doing Vis à Vis The Men?”Cosmopolitan 175/4 (October 1973), 216–18.Bourdon, David. “Women Paint Portraits on Canvas and Off.” Village Voice, Febrary20, 1976.Bowlt, John E. “The Virtues of Soviet Socialist Realism.” Art in America 60/2 (February1972).Carles, Arthur B. Review of “International Exhibition” at Boyer Gallery. The PhiladelphiaInquirer (spring 1933).Cotter, Holland. “Art After Stonewall: Twelve Artists Interviewed.” Art in America 82/6(June 1994).Davis, Douglas. “Women, Women, Women.” Newsweek, January 29, 1973, 77.———. “Country Art and City Art.” Newsweek, March 11, 1974, 90–91.Dijkstra, Sandra. “Simone de Beauvoir and Betty Friedan: The Politics of Omission.”Feminist Studies 6/2 (summer 1980), 290–303.Duncan, Carol. “When Greatness Is a Box of Wheaties.” Artforum 14/2 (October1975), 60–64.

230 / BibliographyEvergood, Philip. “Sure, I’m a Social Painter.” Magazine of Art 36 (November 1943),254–59.Fogery, Benjamin. “Portraits on Time.” The Washington Star, April 30, 1978.Genauer, Emily. “New Fall Art Exhibit Featured by Tyros’ Promising Efforts.” NewYork World Telegram, September 12, 1936.Gleuck, Grace. “Revival of the Portrait.” New York Times Magazine, November 6,1983, 52–55.Gold, Michael (Irwin Granich). “Toward an American Revolutionary Culture.” TheNew Masses 7 (July 1931), 12–13.———. “Towards Proletarian Art.” The Liberator 4/2 (February 1921), 20–21.Gossel, Patricia. “A Hard Pill to Swallow: American Response to Oral Contraceptives.”Paper presented at the National Museum of American History, October 19, 1993.Hemingway, Andrew. “To Personalize the Drainpipe: The Critical Mythology of EdwardHopper.” Prospects 17, (1992), 379–404.———. “Meyer Shapiro and Marxism in the 1930s.” Oxford Art Journal 17/1 (1994),13–29.Hills, Patricia. “1936: Meyer Shapiro, Art Front, and the Popular Front.” Oxford ArtJournal 17/1 (1994) 30–41.Hughes, Robert. “Art: Myths of Sensibility.” Time, March 20, 1972, 72–77.J.L. “New Exhibitions of the Week: First Showing by a New and Democratic Artists’Group.” ARTnews 37/36 (June 4, 1938).Johnson, Laurie. “The ‘Sister Chapel’: A Feminist View of Creation.” New York Times,January 30, 1978.Kazin, Michael. “The Last Socialist: Why E. P. Thompson’s ‘Third Way’ Still Mattersin a Capitalist Era.” Washington Post, September 19, 1993, editorial page.Kramer, Hilton. “Portraits of Remorseless Authenticity.” New York Times, February 15,1976.———. “Art View: Why Figurative Art Confounds Our Museums.” New York Times,January 2, 1977.———. “Art View: Reporting the Fashions—and the Ideas—for 75 Years.” New YorkTimes, December 4, 1977.———. “Art: Projects of the W.P.A. Revisited.” New York Times, November 18, 1977.Larson, Kay. “The Real Things.” New York, (July 1984).Lehman, David. “A Poet in the Heart of Noise.” Review of City Poet: The Life andTimes of Frank O’Hara by Brad Gooch. New York Times, June 20, 1993.Lerman, Ora. “Contemporary Vanitas.” Arts 62/7 (March 1988), 60–63.Marquardt, Virginia Hagelstein. “Art on the Political Front in America: From the Liberatorto Art Front.” Art Journal 51/1 (spring 1993), 72–81.———. “New Masses and John Reed Club Artists, 1926–1936: Evolution of Ideology,Subject Matter, Style.” Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts 12 (spring 1989),56–75.Martinez, Juan A. “Cuban Vanguardia Painting in the 1930s.” Latin American Art 5/2(fall 1993), 36–38.———. “Afrocubans and National Identity: Modern Cuban Art, 1920s–1940s.” Athanor11 (Florida State University, 1992) 70–73.

General Sources: Periodicals / 229Wechsler, Judith. A Human Comedy: Physiognomy and Caricature in 19th CenturyParis. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982.Weinberg, Jonathan. Speaking for Vice: Homosexuality in the Art of Charles Demuth,Marsden Hartley and the First American Avant-Garde. New Haven: Yale UniversityPress, 1994.Weinberg, Martin S., ed. Sex Research: Studies from the Kinsey Institute. New York:Oxford University Press, 1976.Wickliffe, Mary. American Realism, 1930’s/1980’s—A Comparative Perspective. Exhibitioncatalog. Summit, N.J.: Summit Art Center, 1983.Williams, Raymond. The Politics of Modernism: Against the New Conformists. London:Verso, 1989.Whiteford, Linda M., and Marilyn L. Poland. New Approaches to Human Reproduction:Social and Ethical Dimensions. Boulder: Westview Press, 1989.Whiting, Cecile. Antifascism in American Art. New Haven and London: Yale UniversityPress, 1991.Woman. Exhibition catalog. New York: Harold Reed Gallery, 1979.Women Choose Women. Exhibition catalog. New York: New York Cultural Center,1973.Zilczer, Judith. Five Distinguished Alumni: The W.P.A. Federal Art Project. Exhibitioncatalog. Washington, D.C.: Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, 1982.IV. General Sources: PeriodicalsAlloway, Lawrence. “The Renewal of Realist Criticism.” Art in America 68/7 (September1981), 110.———. “Art.” The Nation, March 20, 1976.Art <strong>Front</strong>. New York, N.Y., 1935–1938.Anon., “Artistic Life in the Soviet Union.” Iskusstvo 9 (1981).Berliner, David C. “Women Artists Today: How Are They Doing Vis à Vis The Men?”Cosmopolitan 175/4 (October 1973), 216–18.Bourdon, David. “Women Paint Portraits on Canvas and Off.” Village Voice, Febrary20, 1976.Bowlt, John E. “The Virtues of Soviet Socialist Realism.” Art in America 60/2 (February1972).Carles, Arthur B. Review of “International Exhibition” at Boyer Gallery. The PhiladelphiaInquirer (spring 1933).Cotter, Holland. “Art After Stonewall: Twelve Artists Interviewed.” Art in America 82/6(June 1994).Davis, Douglas. “Women, Women, Women.” Newsweek, January 29, 1973, 77.———. “Country Art and City Art.” Newsweek, March 11, 1974, 90–91.Dijkstra, Sandra. “Simone de Beauvoir and Betty Friedan: The Politics of Omission.”Feminist Studies 6/2 (summer 1980), 290–303.Duncan, Carol. “When Greatness Is a Box of Wheaties.” Artforum 14/2 (October1975), 60–64.

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