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General Sources: Books / 225Leja, Michael, Reframing Abstract Expressionism: Subjectivity and Painting in the1940s. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1993.Lewis, Oscar. La Vida. New York: Random House, 1965.Lippard, Lucy. From the Center: Feminist Esays on Women’s Art. New York: E. P. Dutton,1976.———. Women Artists of the New Deal Era. Washington, D.C.: National Museum ofWomen in the Arts, 1988.Livingstone, Rodney, ed. George Lukacs: Essays on Realism. Cambridge: MIT Press,1980.Lynd, Robert, and Helen Merrell Lynd. Middletown: A Study in American Culture.New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1925; 1929.Lynd, Robert. Middletown in Transition: A Study in Cultural Conflicts. New York: Harcourt,Brace, 1937.Mangione, Jerre. The Dream and the Deal: The Federal Writers’ Project, 1935–1943.Boston and Toronto: Little, Brown, 1972. Reproduces Putnam, Fearing, and Gouldportraits.Marchand, Roland. Advertising the American Dream: Making Way for Modernity,1920–1940. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985.Marquart, Virginia Carol Hagelstein. Louis Lozowick: Development from Machine Aestheticto Social Realism, 1922–36. Ph.D diss., University of Maryland, 1983.Martin, J. P., ed. Violence and the Family. Chichester, Eng.: John Wiley and Sons, 1978.Martinez, Juan Antonio. Cuban Art and National Identity: The ‘Vanguardia’ Painters,1920s–1940s. Ph.D. diss., Florida State University Press, 1992; Gainesville: Universityof Florida Press, 1994.May, Elaine Tyler. Homeward Bound: American Families in the Cold War Era. NewYork: Basic Books, 1988.McShine, Kynaston, et al. Andy Warhol: A Retrospective. New York: Museum of ModernArt, 1989.Melosh, Barbara. Engendering Culture: Manhood and Womanhood in New Deal PublicArt and Theatre. Washington, D.C., and London: Smithsonian Institution Press,1991.Miles, Margaret. Carnal Knowing: Female Nakedness and Religious Meaning in theChristian West. New York: Vintage Books, 1989.Miller, Lynn F., and Sally S. Swenson. Lives and Works: Talks with Women Artists.Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1981. Neel interview, 121–29.Millet, Kate. Sexual Politics. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1969; 1990.Mitchell, Joseph. Joe Gould’s Secret. New York: Viking Press, 1965.Morgan, Robin, ed. Sisterhood Is Powerful: An Anthology of Writings from the Women’sLiberation Movement. New York: Vintage Books, 1970.Mulvey, Laura. Visual and Other Pleasures. Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1989.Naison, Mark. Communists in Harlem During the Depression. Urbana: University ofIllinois Press, 1983.National Collection of Fine Arts. Pennsylvania Academy Moderns, 1910–40. Exhibitioncatalog. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1975.

226 / BibliographyNead, Lynda. The Female Nude: Art, Obscenity and Sexuality. New York: Routledge,1992.Nelson, Bruce. Workers on the Waterfront: Seamen, Longshoremen and Unionism inthe 1930s. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988.Nelson, Cary, and Lawrence Grossberg, eds. Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture.Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1988.Nemser, Cindy. Art Talk: Conversations with Twelve Women Artists. New York: CharlesScribners’ Sons, 1975.New Images: Figuration in American Painting. Exhibition catalog. Flushing, N.Y.:Queens Museum, 1974.Nochlin, Linda. Introduction. Woman. Exhibition catalog. Evanston, Ill.: Terra Museumof American Art, 1984.———. Women, Art and Power. New York: Harper & Row, 1988.North, Joseph, ed. New Masses: An Anthology of the Rebel Thirties. New York: InternationalPublishers, 1969.Nude, Naked, Stripped. Exhibition catalog. Hayden Gallery, Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, Cambridge, 1986.O’Conner, Francis V., ed. The New Deal Art Projects: An Anthology of Memoirs. Washington,D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1972.Okun, Rob A., ed. The Rosenbergs: Collected Visions of Artists and Writers. New York:Universe Books, 1988.Olyanova, Nadya. The Psychology of Handwriting: Secrets of Handwriting Analysis.North Hollywood: Wilshire Book Company, 1960.Patterson, James. America in the Twentieth Century: A History. San Diego: Harcourt,Brace, Jovanovich, 1989.Perlman, Bernard B. Prologue. Robert Henri: Painter. Wilmington: Delaware Art Museum,1984.Perreault, John. The Male Nude. Exhibition catalog. Hempstead, N.Y.: Emily LoweGallery, Hofstra University, 1973.Platt, Susan Noyes. American Modernism in the 1920s. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press,1985.Pogolotti, Marcelo. Del Barro Y Las Voces. Havana: Editorial Letras Bubas, 1982.Pohl, Frances K. Ben Shahn: New Deal Artist in a Cold War Climate. Austin: Univerisityof Texas Press, 1989.Pointon, Marcia. Naked Authority: The Body in Western Painting, 1830–1908. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1990.Pollock, Griselda. Mary Cassatt. New York: Harper & Row, 1980.Rabinowitz, Paula. Labor and Desire: Women’s Revolutionary Fiction in DepressionAmerica. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1991.Raven, Arlene, Cassandra C. Langer, and Joanna Freuh, eds. Feminist Art Criticism.Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1988.Real, Really Real, Super Real: Directions in Contemporary American Realism. San Antonio:The Association/San Antonio Museum of Art, 1981. Interview with AliceNeel, 47–48.

General Sources: Books / 225Leja, Michael, Reframing Abstract Expressionism: Subjectivity and Painting in the1940s. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1993.Lewis, Oscar. La Vida. New York: Random House, 1965.Lippard, Lucy. From the Center: Feminist Esays on Women’s Art. New York: E. P. Dutton,1976.———. Women Artists of the New Deal Era. Washington, D.C.: National Museum ofWomen in the Arts, 1988.Livingstone, Rodney, ed. George Lukacs: Essays on Realism. Cambridge: MIT Press,1980.Lynd, Robert, and Helen Merrell Lynd. Middletown: A Study in American Culture.New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1925; 1929.Lynd, Robert. Middletown in Transition: A Study in Cultural Conflicts. New York: Harcourt,Brace, 1937.Mangione, Jerre. The Dream and the Deal: The Federal Writers’ Project, 1935–1943.Boston and Toronto: Little, Brown, 1972. Reproduces Putnam, Fearing, and Gouldportraits.Marchand, Roland. Advertising the American Dream: Making Way for Modernity,1920–1940. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985.Marquart, Virginia Carol Hagelstein. Louis Lozowick: Development from Machine Aestheticto Social Realism, 1922–36. Ph.D diss., University of Maryland, 1983.Martin, J. P., ed. Violence and the Family. Chichester, Eng.: John Wiley and Sons, 1978.Martinez, Juan Antonio. Cuban Art and National Identity: The ‘Vanguardia’ Painters,1920s–1940s. Ph.D. diss., Florida State University Press, 1992; Gainesville: Universityof Florida Press, 1994.May, Elaine Tyler. Homeward Bound: American Families in the Cold War Era. NewYork: Basic Books, 1988.McShine, Kynaston, et al. Andy Warhol: A Retrospective. New York: Museum of ModernArt, 1989.Melosh, Barbara. Engendering Culture: Manhood and Womanhood in New Deal PublicArt and Theatre. Washington, D.C., and London: Smithsonian Institution Press,1991.Miles, Margaret. Carnal Knowing: Female Nakedness and Religious Meaning in theChristian West. New York: Vintage Books, 1989.Miller, Lynn F., and Sally S. Swenson. Lives and Works: Talks with Women Artists.Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1981. Neel interview, 121–29.Millet, Kate. Sexual Politics. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1969; 1990.Mitchell, Joseph. Joe Gould’s Secret. New York: Viking Press, 1965.Morgan, Robin, ed. Sisterhood Is Powerful: An Anthology of Writings from the Women’sLiberation Movement. New York: Vintage Books, 1970.Mulvey, Laura. Visual and Other Pleasures. Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1989.Naison, Mark. Communists in Harlem During the Depression. Urbana: University ofIllinois Press, 1983.National Collection of Fine Arts. Pennsylvania Academy Moderns, 1910–40. Exhibitioncatalog. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1975.

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