Annex White book.pdf

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A3.2.4 Saffron sorting, mixing and lot homogenizationIn Sardinia no additional sorting procedure takes place, since thisproduction stage was carried out during separation of the stigmas.In Western Macedonia, saffron is placed on a large table on whichthe various productions are sorted by hand at quantities of 20 – 50 kgin order to achieve lot homogenization.In Castile-La Mancha, the producers select the material accordingto the specific quality requirements of the given order (material profile,cleaning, absence of insects, good color, good coloring agents, long stigmasand small percentage of broken threads).It is common to select the already analyzed lots for mixing, in orderto meet the client demands such as length of stigmas, saffron quality,attached or separated stigmas etc. This mixing task takes place by hand.Of great importance is also the sieving procedure, which helps obtainingsaffron with treads of a specific length.A3.2.5 Grinding: Saffron powder and grindingIn Sardinia (producers – traders), saffron is distributed in powder.Grinding takes place after toasting by traditional methods (for instanceusing smoothing iron over folder food paper, containing saffron stigmas)or with coffee mills or in case of larger crops by measurer- packagingmachines.In Western Macedonia (producer – traders), special machinery isused for saffron grinding.In Castile-La Mancha, the grinding procedure is fully or semi-mechanized,depending on the feeding system of the grinding machine. Duringthis procedure the granulometric composition of the saffron can beselected by sieving (by hand or mechanized). It is much easier to grinddried saffron.A3.3 PACKAGINGI Saffron packaging has three concrete and well defined objectives:1.The product should reach the consumer in full preservation ofall of its natural, nutritious, taste and aroma features.2.The product should be protected from possible alterationscaused by chemical or biological factors.3.The product should be protected, as strongly as possible, frombacterial infection, which would hinder reduction of its microbic loadand can be achieved through sterilization.Following rules must be obeyed in order to secure the above objectives:134

– The packing material should be chemically compatible withsaffron.– The packing should be impermeable in order to prevent aromaevaporation and humidity loss as well as to hinder aroma mixing withother products stored in the same room.– The cap should guarantee hermetical sealing.A3.3.1 Materials and product presentationIn Castile-La Mancha (producer – trader), materials used for theinitial package, namely the one that comes in contact with the product,vary: cellulose, plastics (polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, PET,PVC, cellophane), glass, aluminum, tin foil etc. All these materials donot provide best conservation but obey to market norms and usages.The best conservation material is the one protecting saffron from lightand humidity exposure, without transmitting anything to the productsuch as smell, aroma etc. Usually saffron is packed in small packages(net weight 5 g). The form commonly used is in bulk. Generally, smallpolyethylene bags are used, packed in cartons or metal containers.Various packing presentations are disposed to the packer – distributor,but single dose packages (of 1 mg) are mostly preferred as well aspackages less than 5 g. The packing material is cellulose or transparentfoil (used mostly for saffron threads). Generally the retailer-consumerdoes not ask for packages containing more than 5 g. of saffron. A marketalso exists for saffron in bulks. This market addresses food productionenterprises, caterings or enterprises that pack the product under theirown brand name (using mostly polyethylene bags placed in cartons ormetal containers). These are the most technological advanced enterprisesthat use packages in controlled or neutral environment (usingvacuum packing machines and materials that hinder oxygen and humiditypenetration).In Sardinia (producer – trader), glass containers, paper or plasticare used for saffron packages. Furthermore, tone and cork packagesare used as a traditional Sardinian packaging material. The packagesweigh between 1/10 g and 5 g.In Western Macedonia (producer – trader), saffron is packed in tinfoil containers, in plastic boxes or bags, in glass containers or in multilayeredbags. Saffron stigmas are packed in:A) Plastic boxes:· 1g box (package 12 x 1g = 12g and 6 x 12g = 72g)· 1g box (package 12 x 1g = 12g and 6 x 12g = 72g, 12 x 12g = 144g)· 2g box (package 12 x 2g = 24g and 6 x 12 x 2g = 144g)· 4g box (package 12 x 4g = 48g and 6 x 48g = 288g)135

A3.2.4 Saffron sorting, mixing and lot homogenizationIn Sardinia no additional sorting procedure takes place, since thisproduction stage was carried out during separation of the stigmas.In Western Macedonia, saffron is placed on a large table on whichthe various productions are sorted by hand at quantities of 20 – 50 kgin order to achieve lot homogenization.In Castile-La Mancha, the producers select the material accordingto the specific quality requirements of the given order (material profile,cleaning, absence of insects, good color, good coloring agents, long stigmasand small percentage of broken threads).It is common to select the already analyzed lots for mixing, in orderto meet the client demands such as length of stigmas, saffron quality,attached or separated stigmas etc. This mixing task takes place by hand.Of great importance is also the sieving procedure, which helps obtainingsaffron with treads of a specific length.A3.2.5 Grinding: Saffron powder and grindingIn Sardinia (producers – traders), saffron is distributed in powder.Grinding takes place after toasting by traditional methods (for instanceusing smoothing iron over folder food paper, containing saffron stigmas)or with coffee mills or in case of larger crops by measurer- packagingmachines.In Western Macedonia (producer – traders), special machinery isused for saffron grinding.In Castile-La Mancha, the grinding procedure is fully or semi-mechanized,depending on the feeding system of the grinding machine. Duringthis procedure the granulometric composition of the saffron can beselected by sieving (by hand or mechanized). It is much easier to grinddried saffron.A3.3 PACKAGINGI Saffron packaging has three concrete and well defined objectives:1.The product should reach the consumer in full preservation ofall of its natural, nutritious, taste and aroma features.2.The product should be protected from possible alterationscaused by chemical or biological factors.3.The product should be protected, as strongly as possible, frombacterial infection, which would hinder reduction of its microbic loadand can be achieved through sterilization.Following rules must be obeyed in order to secure the above objectives:134

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