Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Personality and ...

Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Personality and ...

Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Personality and ...


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chapter 18 <strong>Assessment</strong> <strong>of</strong> Depression <strong>and</strong> anxiety419or some other st<strong>and</strong>ard is not known.However, it is apparent that at least someminority groups were underrepresented.ReliabilityThe reliability <strong>of</strong> the overall CDI score isgood with internal consistency coefficientstypically in the .80s. The coefficients forthe scales are modest at best, ranging from.59 (Interpersonal Problems) to .68 (NegativeSelf-esteem). Test-retest coefficientsfor the total score are adequate based ondata reported from a number <strong>of</strong> studiesemploying a range <strong>of</strong> time frames (i.e., 1week to 1 year; see Kovacs, 1992).ValidityInternal evidence <strong>of</strong> validity has beenassessed via numerous factor-analyticinvestigations. Kovacs (1991) suggestsusing a five-factor solution for conceptualizingsubscales. The presence <strong>of</strong> more thanone factor, however, does not necessarilysupport the validity <strong>of</strong> the CDI. The factorstudies do suggest dominance by a largefirst factor (Cooper, 1990).Criterion-related studies are generallysupportive <strong>of</strong> the CDI as a measure <strong>of</strong>internalizing symptomatology. The CDIcorrelates significantly with other measures<strong>of</strong> anxiety <strong>and</strong> depression (see Myers& Winters, 2002 for review).Some <strong>of</strong> the validity evidence associatedwith the CDI has been described as“mixed.” Although, for example, the CDIhas shown some validity for differentiatingbetween nonclinical children <strong>and</strong> samples<strong>of</strong> children with depression, several studieshave shown that the CDI cannot accuratelydistinguish between samples withdepression <strong>and</strong> other psychiatric groups(Myers & Winters; Silverman & Rabian,1999).Strengths <strong>and</strong> WeaknessesThe CDI continues to be a widely usedmeasure. Among the CDI’s strengths are:1. A long research history that has contributedto considerable trust by thepsychological re-search community2. Ease <strong>of</strong> administration <strong>and</strong> scoring3. Relatively low cost4. Evidence <strong>of</strong> concurrent validity withmeasures <strong>of</strong> internalizing symptomsThe CDI, however, has some noteworthyweaknesses that caution against overinterpretation.1. The wisdom <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fering such rigid cutscores for screening or diagnostic purposesin the manual is questionable, asthese suggestions are <strong>of</strong>ten applied rigidlyby the user (Kamphaus, 2001).2. The scale scores <strong>of</strong> the CDI have fairlylow internal consistency for clinicalpurposes.3. The norm-referenced scores from theCDI should be interpreted cautiouslygiven their lack <strong>of</strong> representativeness.In fact, a crucial flaw such as this suggeststhat the CDI may be more usefulfor research purposes than for clinicalassessment <strong>and</strong> diagnostic decisions.The CDI, in fact, does have animpressive history <strong>of</strong> research utilityfor which norm-referenced scores are<strong>of</strong>ten <strong>of</strong> little interest.4. The ability <strong>of</strong> the CDI to assist withdifferential diagnosis is questionable(Silverman & Rubian, 1999).Reynolds <strong>Adolescent</strong> Depression Scale,2nd Edition (RADS-2; Reynolds, 2002)The Reynolds <strong>Adolescent</strong> DepressionScale, 2nd edition (RADS-2; Reynolds) isdesigned to assess symptomatology associatedwith depression via self-report in adolescentsages 11–20. The RADS-2 is closelybased on its predecessor (Reynolds, 1986),although it may be used with a slightlywider age range than was recommendedfor the original version. The RADS-2 isnot designed provide a diagnosis <strong>of</strong> a specificdepressive disorder. However, it isdesigned for use as a screening measure orfor research.

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