Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Personality and ...

Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Personality and ...

Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Personality and ...


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chapter 14 Adaptive Behavior Scales325Among the Vinel<strong>and</strong>’s weaknesses are thefollowing:1. The considerable training that isrequired to properly use the semi-structuredinterview technique2. Relatively little research on theVinel<strong>and</strong>-2 which is <strong>of</strong>fset to someextent by research on its predecessors<strong>and</strong> its familiarity to many clinicians.3. More limited research on the classroomversion, particularly regarding its utilityfor educational interventions.In Box 14.1 we provide a case exampleillustrating the use <strong>of</strong> the Vinel<strong>and</strong>-2.Reason for ReferralJoan, a 12-year-old girl, was referred forevaluation by her father to determine ifshe is receiving the education services thatshe needs in school. Joan is a sixth-gradespecial education student who is currentlyin a fifth-grade inclusion classroom whereBox 14.1A Case Example Use in theVinel<strong>and</strong>-2Name: JoanAge: 12 yearsGrade: 6Evaluation ProceduresDifferential Abilities Scale (DAS)Woodcock Johnson Tests <strong>of</strong> Achievement,3rd edition (WJ-III)Behavior <strong>Assessment</strong> System for <strong>Child</strong>ren(BASC-2): Parent Rating Scales(PRS), Teacher Rating Scales (TRS), <strong>and</strong>Self-Report <strong>of</strong> <strong>Personality</strong> (SRP)Vinel<strong>and</strong> Adaptive Behavior Scales, 2ndedition (Vinel<strong>and</strong>-2): Classroom RatingScale, Parent/Caretaker Rating Scaleshe reportedly is receiving extra help fromher teacher <strong>and</strong> an aide throughout theday. Her reading skills are reportedly wellbelow what would be expected for hergrade level. According to Joan’s mother,her school has recommended retainingJoan in the sixth grade next year, <strong>and</strong> Joan’sfather would like a second opinion.Background InformationAccording to her mother, Joan has lived withher biological parents <strong>and</strong> paternal gr<strong>and</strong>parentsfor the last 10 years. Joan’s motheris a legal secretary, <strong>and</strong> her father works ata lumberyard. Joan reportedly has no othersiblings. At birth, Joan weighed 7 lb, 11 oz<strong>and</strong> was described as a healthy baby. Joan’sdevelopment during infancy was reportedlynormal, <strong>and</strong> she did not have any seriousdiseases or other difficulties.Mrs. Jordan indicated that Joan isinvolved with her church youth group <strong>and</strong>the local 4H Club. She enjoys caring forher pets which include a rabbit, goat, <strong>and</strong>two dogs. Joan also reportedly enjoys makingcrafts with her gr<strong>and</strong>mother.Joan’s teacher <strong>and</strong> aide were interviewed.Both stated that they are impressed<strong>and</strong> pleased with Joan’s progress, sincethe beginning <strong>of</strong> the school year. Shewas described as a nice kid who workshard. Reading reportedly continues to beJoan’s weakest area, <strong>and</strong> math is a relativestrength. According to her teacher, Joan iseasily frustrated with reading assignments.She is described as a sight reader. Joan’ssocialization skills in the classroom <strong>and</strong>the community have reportedly improved.Her teachers <strong>and</strong> mother noted that shegets along well with her peers <strong>and</strong> adults inher environment.According to her mother, the schoolteam has recommended placing Joan ina sixth-grade inclusion class next year inorder to give her another year to developbefore starting middle school. Althoughher socialization skills have improved, they

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