Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Personality and ...

Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Personality and ...

Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Personality and ...


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206 chapter 8 behavioral observationsThe three behaviors that showed poorinter-observer agreement were watchingpeers, norm-setting statements, <strong>and</strong> supportivestatements.Family Interaction CodingSystemOne <strong>of</strong> the most common uses <strong>of</strong> behavioralobservations is to observe parent–childinteractions, especially thoseassociated with childhood conduct problems(Frick & Loney, 2000). For example,Patterson <strong>and</strong> colleagues at the OregonSocial Learning Center have developeda direct observational system designed toassess children’s conduct problems in thehome <strong>and</strong> to assess the interactional patternsin which the conduct problems are<strong>of</strong>ten embedded. The Family InteractionCoding System (FICS; Patterson, 1982)is composed <strong>of</strong> 29 code categories thatinclude both child behaviors <strong>and</strong> parentalreactions to the child behaviors. These categoriesare summarized in Table 8.5. TheTable 8.5 Target Behaviors in the FamilyInteraction Coding SystemApproval High rate a Physicalnegative aAttention Humiliate a PhysicalpositiveComm<strong>and</strong> Ignore a ReceiveComm<strong>and</strong>negative a Laugh SelfstimulationCompliance Noncompliance a TalkCry a Negativism a Tease aDisapproval a Normative TouchDependency a No response Whine aDestructivenessPlay Yell aReproduced with author’s permission from G. R. Patterson(1982). Coerceive family process. Eugene, OR:Castalia.aDenotes aversive behaviors that are included in theTotal Aversive Behavior (TAB) score.goal <strong>of</strong> the FICS was to observe childreninteracting with family members in naturalhome settings. However, as describedby Patterson (1982), several restrictionshad to be made in the home for the observationalsessions. Specifically, to use theFICS, all family members must be presentduring the pre-arranged observation timeswith no guests present, <strong>and</strong> the family islimited to being present in two rooms <strong>of</strong>the house. There can be no telephone callsout (only brief answers to incoming calls)<strong>and</strong> no TV. Finally, there is to be no talkingto the observers during coding.The FICS was designed to have datacoded continuously <strong>and</strong> to provide asequential account <strong>of</strong> the interactionsbetween a child <strong>and</strong> other family members.The behavior <strong>of</strong> the child <strong>and</strong> the person(s)with whom the child interacts are coded insequence. After initial coding, many <strong>of</strong> thechild’s behaviors are summarized in a rateper-minutevariable that combines bothfrequency <strong>and</strong> duration <strong>of</strong> the behavior.However, the most frequently used scorefrom the FICS is the Total Aversive Behavior(TAB) score which is a sum <strong>of</strong> the number<strong>of</strong> aversive behaviors which occurredduring the observational session.Patterson (1982) describes a moderatelevel <strong>of</strong> inter-observer agreement for mostcode categories <strong>of</strong> the FICS, with the categories<strong>of</strong> Negativism <strong>and</strong> Self-Stimulationshowing the most questionable levels <strong>of</strong>agreement. One week test-retest reliability<strong>of</strong> the TAB was studied in a sample <strong>of</strong> 27boys <strong>and</strong> was found to be quite high (.78).The TAB was also found to discriminatebetween families <strong>of</strong> children referred forbehavior problems <strong>and</strong> nonreferred families<strong>and</strong> has proven to be sensitive to familyfocusedtreatment for children’s conductproblems (Patterson, 1982). Althoughmost <strong>of</strong> the individual code categories <strong>of</strong>the FICS can be coded consistently bytwo observers, psychometric informationis generally limited to the global index <strong>of</strong>aversive behavior, the TAB.

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