Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Personality and ...

Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Personality and ...

Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Personality and ...


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CHAPTER 6 SELF-REPORT INVENTORIES107response formats on the new version <strong>of</strong>the SRP may also help safeguard againstresponse sets (Reynolds & Kamphaus,2004). It is still quite possible, however,to have the SRP invalidated by a response setor lack <strong>of</strong> cooperation. The validity indexesshould be examined at the outset <strong>of</strong> interpretation;further, the clinician should examinefor himself/herself response patterns thatdo not seem to fit the other evidence providedabout a case. In particular, a child oradolescent might present himself/herselfin an unrealistically favorable light, givenreferral concerns (i.e., that is, nearly allT-scores on the clinical scales are below 50;see Box 6.1).Box 6.1An Example <strong>of</strong> Fake Good Response SetSelf-report inventories, despite the best efforts<strong>of</strong> test developers, always remain susceptibleto response sets. In the following case example,the BASC-2-SRP was utilized.Bethany is a 14-year-old girl who wasadmitted to the inpatient psychiatric unit <strong>of</strong>a general hospital with a diagnosis <strong>of</strong> MajorDepression following threats <strong>of</strong> suicide. Bethany’sparents reportedly divorced two yearsago. She currently lives with her mother <strong>and</strong>sees her father about once a month. Bethanydoes not have any siblings. Her motherreported that Bethany tends to isolate herselfat home <strong>and</strong> seems sad <strong>and</strong> irritable most <strong>of</strong>the time. Bethany is currently in the eighthgrade, <strong>and</strong> her school attendance during thisyear has been poor. She has been suspendedfrom school on numerous occasions this year,including for getting into fights with peers,refusing to follow teachers’ directions, <strong>and</strong>damaging school property. Her grades arereportedly poor, although her mother indicatedthat she used to make mostly “As”<strong>and</strong> “Bs” until this year. In addition, it wasreported that Bethany has a history <strong>of</strong> problemsconcentrating at school.Bethany was talkative during the diagnosticinterview, yet it appeared that she was tryingto portray herself in a favorable light, as sheendorsed very few symptoms. When asked abouthobbies, for example, she said that she liked toread. When questioned further, however, shecould not name a book that she had read.According to her mother, Bethany’s familyhistory is significant for depression on bothher maternal <strong>and</strong> paternal side. Bethany’sfather reportedly had difficulty in school.Bethany’s results show evidence <strong>of</strong> a socialdesirability response set. On the L-scale <strong>of</strong> theSRP, Bethany obtained a raw score <strong>of</strong> 12 whichis in the Extreme Caution range. Furthermore,all but one <strong>of</strong> her clinical scale scores were lowerthan the normative T-score mean <strong>of</strong> 50, <strong>and</strong> all<strong>of</strong> her adaptive scale scores were above the normativemean <strong>of</strong> 50. In other words, the SRPresults suggest that Bethany is well-adjustedwhich is inconsistent with her reported currentfunctioning <strong>and</strong> background information.This example clearly indicates the needto consider all evidence gathered rather thanstrictly relying on the results <strong>of</strong> any one assessmentstrategy. Her SRP scores were:Scale<strong>Clinical</strong> ScalesT-ScoreAttitude to School 43Attitude to Teachers 39Attention Problems 44Hyperactivity 40Sensation Seeking 39Atypicality 40Locus <strong>of</strong> Control 38Somatization 37Social Stress 40Anxiety 32Depression 42Sensation Seeking 51Sense <strong>of</strong> Inadequacy 42Adaptive ScalesRelations with Parents 51Interpersonal Relations 56Self-Esteem 55Self-Reliance 59

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