River Boyne Water Quality Management Plan - EPA

River Boyne Water Quality Management Plan - EPA River Boyne Water Quality Management Plan - EPA


Rivcr Boynr Walrr Quality hlanngrmmt PlanIssues which require to be resolved in relation to the Data Management System include :-A nominated G.I.S. Manager to co-ordinate andmanage the Boyne Catchn~ent DatabaseArrangements for routine collection of datafiom the 6 di@rent Authorities and return of thedata in G.I.S. format to each user authoripT3e developnrent of appropriate report formats to sunzmarise water quality data, trends andpollution eventsMaintenance of key catchn~ent i~lformatio~z including records of licensed indust~y, ~nzu~~icipalwmtewater discharges, abstractions, landuse changes and other catchment informationHaving been adopted by the relevant Local Authorities, specific measures are required for it'simplementation. This will involve a commitment of resources in respect of the following:-* Establishment of the Data Managenzent System with a nominated G.I.S. Manager and-.procedures for data capture and reporting-i*PU..Provision of the necessary resources to innplenzer flVater Quality Moni~oring Programnzrrequired by the PlanSpccGc technical resozirces to carrybvckgrozind organics, elc.)~pecialisl sz~rveys flar~nyards, septic tanks,The plan requires a commitntent to mini% effluent standards from wastewater treatment plantsthroughout the catchment. This will r&ire improved operational practices to ensure compliancewith the standards. It may also redie upgrading of treatment facilities as part of the sanitaryc"'services, capital programme.For inspection purposes only.Consent of copyright owner required for any other use.Establishn~ent of a Data Management System will involve an initial set-up cost on the part of theindividual authorities in terms of computer equipment, software and development of the database.This would utilise the National Water Services G.I.S. currently being developed by the LocalGovernment Computer Services Board.EPA Export 26-07-2013:17:27:02

River Boynr Water Quslily blsnsgcmmt PlanTABLE 6.1 - INTERIM STATUTORY STANDARDS FOR RIVERSExisting Biological QualltyRating (Q)5))4-5 ) unpolluted)4)3-4 slightly polluted3) moderately polluted2-3 )c 2 seriously pollutedMRP annual median (mgPII)20070.0150.0200.0300.0300.0500.0700.070Corresponding Min.Target Q Rating54-5443-433TABLE 6.2 - INTERIM STATUTORY STANDARDS FOR CLEAR WATER LAKESExisting Trophic StatusTarget Trophic Status.2007,2*Ultra-Oiigotrophic )Ultra-Oligotr~phi~.,..S'Oligotrophic ) satisfactory Oligotrophic m-L ,* ,;_Y:=3Mesotrophic 1Mesotrophi#@9,. .aOligotro@k=$'" ,Q$&' .*,+\ LEutrophic )@bc\&phicQ. ?+) unsatisfactory .Hypertrophic ) . htrophic.a*:For inspection purposes only.Consent of copyright owner required for any other use.Total P annual average(ug PI!)2007

<strong>River</strong> Boynr <strong>Water</strong> Quslily blsnsgcmmt <strong>Plan</strong>TABLE 6.1 - INTERIM STATUTORY STANDARDS FOR RIVERSExisting Biological QualltyRating (Q)5))4-5 ) unpolluted)4)3-4 slightly polluted3) moderately polluted2-3 )c 2 seriously pollutedMRP annual median (mgPII)20070.0150.0200.0300.0300.0500.0700.070Corresponding Min.Target Q Rating54-5443-433TABLE 6.2 - INTERIM STATUTORY STANDARDS FOR CLEAR WATER LAKESExisting Trophic StatusTarget Trophic Status.2007,2*Ultra-Oiigotrophic )Ultra-Oligotr~phi~.,..S'Oligotrophic ) satisfactory Oligotrophic m-L ,* ,;_Y:=3Mesotrophic 1Mesotrophi#@9,. .aOligotro@k=$'" ,Q$&' .*,+\ LEutrophic )@bc\&phicQ. ?+) unsatisfactory .Hypertrophic ) . htrophic.a*:For inspection purposes only.Consent of copyright owner required for any other use.Total P annual average(ug PI!)2007

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