River Boyne Water Quality Management Plan - EPA

River Boyne Water Quality Management Plan - EPA River Boyne Water Quality Management Plan - EPA


River Boync Walrr Quality Mansgcmmt PlanNadreegeel Louglr East; this is a small sofr water lake with moderate colour and poortransparency. The lake shows distinct signs of artifcial enrichment in the north-west corner,in partic~~lar. Pliosphorzrs and chlorophyll concentrations are markedly higher in this area,than at other locations in the lake, with DO super-sattrration observed. The lake is clmsifedas eutropic m~d this is associated with the feeder streams, one of which in particular hasconsistently high phosphorus arid ammonia concentratio~is. fie biological quality rating ojthe stream is occasioiially as low as 1-2, indicative of lieavilypolluted watersLouglr Ramor; this is a large and important lake with szrrface area of 7.h2 and estimatedlake volume of 26~m3. It supports signijcant industrial abstraction. If is a moderately softlake, with high colo~rr and low water transparency. Variation in the pH value indicatesphotosynthetic activity due to algae. Total phosphorus concentrations in the lake are high.though recorded values for other nutrients are moderate. S~~rface DO levels were found to besuper-saturated, with sign$cant decline through the deeper layers accompanied by elevatedlevels ofphosphorus, ammonia and silica. Vety largephytoplankion populations have beenniemzrred in the lake which is characterised as hjpereutropic. Examination indicatessignifcant orga~iic pollution in a number of incoming streams which also exhibit poorbiological qzcality. Data in Appendix 4 shows high BOD and chlorophy11 "a" levels during1991. 61 general, water quality of the feeder streams ~vas fo& to have deterioratedsince the+-nricl-1970'sSkeaglr Lorrglt (Upper); this is a relatively smalX.*~@'Id~rately so* water lake, with sigiijcaritcolour and !o+v water transparency. DO lev@~&riedfr.oni near saturation at the surjace to .significantly depleted in the lower layer%q9,& data iil Appendix 4 show values of 5.4 and6.6 nig/l Q with ortho-phosphate leve.&b&he range 0.01-0.07 nig/l. Algal pop~rlatiorrs areconsistent with a etrbophic lake. ~a!@+$~~endix 4 shows occasional high ortho-phosphate,BOD, ammonia and chlorophfl ~@~:$5els. Sampling of the feeder stream shows evidence ofoccasional organic pollutior~ andAdh.ient enrichment. The ouflow throughDrzmikeety bkeis consistent with the f~regoin~~~owi~ig high total phosphorus and chlorophyll levelsFor inspection purposes only.Consent of copyright owner required for any other use.The foregoing brief summary of lake water quality, primarily within theBoyne Catchment of CountyCavan shows generally that these lakes are enriched, with water quality problems typical of nutrientenriched waters and resulting eutrophication. These problems include de-oxygenation at lower levels,fluctuations in pH and high turbidity (lack oftransparency).These conditions are attributable to both direct and diffuse inflows. For example, waste inflows toLough Ramor, the major lake in the catchment, are associated with Virginia Wastewater TreatmentWorks, Virginia Milk Products and diffuse inflows attributed to run-off and leaching from thelandspreading of organic wastes.In recent years, improvements have been carried out at Virginia Wastewater Treatment Works and theVirginia Milk Products, with the addition of an upgraded treatment plant to reduce the phosphorusinput. Recent sampling indicates improved water quality as a result.EPA Export 26-07-2013:17:27:01

6.0 Boyne Catchment - Water QualityManagement ~16%For inspection purposes only.Consent of copyright owner required for any other use.EPA Export 26-07-2013:17:27:01

<strong>River</strong> Boync Walrr <strong>Quality</strong> Mansgcmmt <strong>Plan</strong>Nadreegeel Louglr East; this is a small sofr water lake with moderate colour and poortransparency. The lake shows distinct signs of artifcial enrichment in the north-west corner,in partic~~lar. Pliosphorzrs and chlorophyll concentrations are markedly higher in this area,than at other locations in the lake, with DO super-sattrration observed. The lake is clmsifedas eutropic m~d this is associated with the feeder streams, one of which in particular hasconsistently high phosphorus arid ammonia concentratio~is. fie biological quality rating ojthe stream is occasioiially as low as 1-2, indicative of lieavilypolluted watersLouglr Ramor; this is a large and important lake with szrrface area of 7.h2 and estimatedlake volume of 26~m3. It supports signijcant industrial abstraction. If is a moderately softlake, with high colo~rr and low water transparency. Variation in the pH value indicatesphotosynthetic activity due to algae. Total phosphorus concentrations in the lake are high.though recorded values for other nutrients are moderate. S~~rface DO levels were found to besuper-saturated, with sign$cant decline through the deeper layers accompanied by elevatedlevels ofphosphorus, ammonia and silica. Vety largephytoplankion populations have beenniemzrred in the lake which is characterised as hjpereutropic. Examination indicatessignifcant orga~iic pollution in a number of incoming streams which also exhibit poorbiological qzcality. Data in Appendix 4 shows high BOD and chlorophy11 "a" levels during1991. 61 general, water quality of the feeder streams ~vas fo& to have deterioratedsince the+-nricl-1970'sSkeaglr Lorrglt (Upper); this is a relatively smalX.*~@'Id~rately so* water lake, with sigiijcaritcolour and !o+v water transparency. DO lev@~&riedfr.oni near saturation at the surjace to .significantly depleted in the lower layer%q9,& data iil Appendix 4 show values of 5.4 and6.6 nig/l Q with ortho-phosphate leve.&b&he range 0.01-0.07 nig/l. Algal pop~rlatiorrs areconsistent with a etrbophic lake. ~a!@+$~~endix 4 shows occasional high ortho-phosphate,BOD, ammonia and chlorophfl ~@~:$5els. Sampling of the feeder stream shows evidence ofoccasional organic pollutior~ andAdh.ient enrichment. The ouflow throughDrzmikeety bkeis consistent with the f~regoin~~~owi~ig high total phosphorus and chlorophyll levelsFor inspection purposes only.Consent of copyright owner required for any other use.The foregoing brief summary of lake water quality, primarily within the<strong>Boyne</strong> Catchment of CountyCavan shows generally that these lakes are enriched, with water quality problems typical of nutrientenriched waters and resulting eutrophication. These problems include de-oxygenation at lower levels,fluctuations in pH and high turbidity (lack oftransparency).These conditions are attributable to both direct and diffuse inflows. For example, waste inflows toLough Ramor, the major lake in the catchment, are associated with Virginia Wastewater TreatmentWorks, Virginia Milk Products and diffuse inflows attributed to run-off and leaching from thelandspreading of organic wastes.In recent years, improvements have been carried out at Virginia Wastewater Treatment Works and theVirginia Milk Products, with the addition of an upgraded treatment plant to reduce the phosphorusinput. Recent sampling indicates improved water quality as a result.<strong>EPA</strong> Export 26-07-2013:17:27:01

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