River Boyne Water Quality Management Plan - EPA

River Boyne Water Quality Management Plan - EPA River Boyne Water Quality Management Plan - EPA


River Boync Walcr Qualily Manugemenl PlanTABLE 4.9 - MUNICIPAL WASTE WATER EFFLUENTS DISCHARGES (ReC. To Map No.6)For inspection purposes only.Consent of copyright owner required for any other use.EPA Export 26-07-2013:17:27:00

River Boynt Walrr Quality Mansgrmmt PlanThere are a significant number of industrial discharges to the Boyne River system, many of themrelatively small trade wastes or institutional discharges.The larger industrial discharges licensed in the catchment are summarised in Table 4.10. TheseLicences are subject to periodic review and the Licence conditions include requirements formonitoring of compliance.In the case of Irish Cement and Tara Mines, the main issues relate to inorganic parameters such assuspended solids and in the case of the mines discharge, heavy metals.The Bailieboro Co-op discharge to the Lear River follows tertiary treatment on grass plots designed toachieve a very high standard of effluent including a limit of ImgI P. This is necessary to protect thedownstream lakes from eutrophication.The ESB Power Station at Rhode has a significant discharge to the Yellow River which has low baseflows. This discharge requires review.TABLE 4.10 - MAJOR INDUSTRIAL WASTE EFFLUENTS - BOYNE CATCHMENTOther......................................................................Licencee ReceivingLicence or Estimated ,pu.........................................................................Water& ,&Flow BOD 5 rng/k+*

<strong>River</strong> Boynt Walrr <strong>Quality</strong> Mansgrmmt <strong>Plan</strong>There are a significant number of industrial discharges to the <strong>Boyne</strong> <strong>River</strong> system, many of themrelatively small trade wastes or institutional discharges.The larger industrial discharges licensed in the catchment are summarised in Table 4.10. TheseLicences are subject to periodic review and the Licence conditions include requirements formonitoring of compliance.In the case of Irish Cement and Tara Mines, the main issues relate to inorganic parameters such assuspended solids and in the case of the mines discharge, heavy metals.The Bailieboro Co-op discharge to the Lear <strong>River</strong> follows tertiary treatment on grass plots designed toachieve a very high standard of effluent including a limit of ImgI P. This is necessary to protect thedownstream lakes from eutrophication.The ESB Power Station at Rhode has a significant discharge to the Yellow <strong>River</strong> which has low baseflows. This discharge requires review.TABLE 4.10 - MAJOR INDUSTRIAL WASTE EFFLUENTS - BOYNE CATCHMENTOther......................................................................Licencee ReceivingLicence or Estimated ,pu.........................................................................<strong>Water</strong>& ,&Flow BOD 5 rng/k+*

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