River Boyne Water Quality Management Plan - EPA

River Boyne Water Quality Management Plan - EPA River Boyne Water Quality Management Plan - EPA


River Boync Wnlrr Qualip Managcmrnl PlanIt is accepted that water quality in the vicinity of an outfall may not comply with the general standardfor the river stretch (mixing zone). However, outfalls should be located with care to ensure that acutetoxicity will not arise and that the mixing zones will not act as barriers to prevent the passage ofmigratory fish. In addition, the following criteria should apply at outfal1s:-Effective screening and detritus c0nh0l must be in place to ensure the abseizce of visual oraeslheric nuisancefrom sewage derived debris.The discharge should be free of scum, ail andfloating debrisThe discharge shalcld befree of sccbstances which produce odour, colotir, taste or turbidilyThe discharge sl~o~tld not give rise to objectionable growth of nzcisance plarrts. seivagefungus oranimal species associated with selvageMore detailed operational data on the existing wastewater treatment plants, their current status andavailable effluent sampling data are contained in Appendix 5. In general, the smaller activated sludgeplants perform moderately satisfactorily with occasional solids carryover due to the difficulty ofcontrolling a stable sludge level. This can result fromoverload, flushing outsludge solids, or irregular desludging.For inspection purposes only.Consent of copyright owner required for any other use.EPA Export 26-07-2013:17:27:00

Rircr Boyne Wntcr Quality hlrnagcmtnt PIP"TABLE 4.9 - MUNICIPAL WASTE WATER EFFLUENTS DISCHARGES (Ref. To Map No.6)For inspection purposes only.Consent of copyright owner required for any other use.EPA Export 26-07-2013:17:27:00

<strong>River</strong> Boync Wnlrr Qualip Managcmrnl <strong>Plan</strong>It is accepted that water quality in the vicinity of an outfall may not comply with the general standardfor the river stretch (mixing zone). However, outfalls should be located with care to ensure that acutetoxicity will not arise and that the mixing zones will not act as barriers to prevent the passage ofmigratory fish. In addition, the following criteria should apply at outfal1s:-Effective screening and detritus c0nh0l must be in place to ensure the abseizce of visual oraeslheric nuisancefrom sewage derived debris.The discharge should be free of scum, ail andfloating debrisThe discharge shalcld befree of sccbstances which produce odour, colotir, taste or turbidilyThe discharge sl~o~tld not give rise to objectionable growth of nzcisance plarrts. seivagefungus oranimal species associated with selvageMore detailed operational data on the existing wastewater treatment plants, their current status andavailable effluent sampling data are contained in Appendix 5. In general, the smaller activated sludgeplants perform moderately satisfactorily with occasional solids carryover due to the difficulty ofcontrolling a stable sludge level. This can result fromoverload, flushing outsludge solids, or irregular desludging.For inspection purposes only.Consent of copyright owner required for any other use.<strong>EPA</strong> Export 26-07-2013:17:27:00

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