The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University

The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University


[Afghanistan: Opposition and the Authorities (The 1960s–1970s of the 20th Century)]Snegiryov, V. Ryzhiy. Moscow: Novaya Gazeta; Saint Petersburg: Inapress, 2003. [Red]Snesaryov, A. E. Afganistan. Moscow: Russkaya Panorama, 2002. [Afghanistan]Spolnikov, V. N. Afganistan: islamskaya kontrrevolyutsiya. Moscow: Nauka, 1987.[Afghanistan: Islamic Counter-Revolution]Tanner, S. Afganistan: Istoriya voin ot Aleksandra Makedonskogo do padeniya “Talibana.”Moscow: Eksmo, 2004. [Afghanistan: A Military History from Alexander the Great to theWar Against the Taliban]Tenet, G. (with the participation of Harlow, B.). V tsentre shtorma: Otkroveniya eks-glavyTsRU. Moscow: Eksmo, 2008. [At the Center of the Storm: My Years at the CIA]Tikhonov, Yu. Afganskaya voina Stalina: Bitva za centralnuyu Aziyu. Moscow: Yauza; Eksmo,2008. [Stalin’s Afghan War: The Battle for Central Asia]Tukharinov, I. Yu. Sekretnyi komandarm. Moscow, 2002. [Secret Army Commander]Tsvetkov, A., Surodin, V. Vsya zhizn–ataka. Moscow: Granitsa, 2010. [The Whole Life as anAttack]Varennikov, V. Nepovtorimoe, V 7 t. T. 5. Afganistan. I doblest, i pechal. Chernobyl. Moscow:Sovetskiy Pisatel, 2001. [Inimitable: 7-volume edition. Volume 5. “Afghanistan. Valor andGrief. Chernobyl”]Vassiliev, E. Persidskiy zaliv v epicentre buri. Moscow: Politizdat, 1983. [The Arab Gulf in theEpicenter of a Storm]Voina v Afganistane. N. I. Pikov (Ed.) Moscow: Voenizdat, 1991. [The War in Afghanistan]Voina i obschestvo v XX veke: V 3 kn. Kn. 3. Voina i obschestvo v period lokalnykh voin ikonfliktov vtoroi poloviny XX veka. Moscow: Nauka, 2008. [War and Society in the 20 thcentury: 3-volume edition. Volume 3. War and Society During Local Wars and Conflicts ofthe Second Half of the 20 th Century]Woodward, B. Priznanie shefa razvedki. Moscow: Politizdat, 1990. [Veil: the Secret Wars ofCIA]ArticlesWestad, O. A. Nakanune vvoda sovetskikh voisk v Afghanistan. Novaya i noveyshaya istoriya,736

no. 2 (1994). [On the Eve of the Soviet Invasion in Afghanistan]The documents of the Soviet government in regards to the situation in Afghanistan. Novayai noveishaya istoriya, no. 3, (1996).Merimsky, V. A. Voina v Afganistane: Zapiski uchastnika. Novaya i noveishaya istoriya, no. 3(1995). [The War in Afghanistan: The Notes of a Participant]Safronchuk, V. S. Afganistan vremyon Taraki. Mezhdunarodnaya zhizn, no. 12 (1990).[Afghanistan During the Taraki Times]Safronchuk, V. S. Afganistan vremyon Amina. Mezhdunarodnya zhizn, no. 1 (1991).[Afghanistan During the Amin Times]Tainyie mysli midovtsa v moment vvoda sovetskikh voisk v Afganistan. Nezavisimayagazeta. 15 September, 1994. [A Ministry of Foreign Affairs Staff Member’s Secret Thoughtsat the Moment of Soviet Invasion in Afghanistan]Other SourcesThe Archive of the President of the Russian FederationRussian State Archive of Contemporary HistoryThe National Archives. UK mission to AfghanistanThe National Security Archive (Washington, D.C.)InterviewsAlexandrov-Agentov, A. M. — The assistant of four general secretaries of the CentralCommittee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Brezhnev, L. I., Andropov, Yu. V.,Chernenko, K. U., Gorbachev, M. S.).Babushkin, A. N. — Major general, served in the Information Analysis Department of theKGB First Chief Directorate in the 1970s, later was the head of the KGB Secretariat.Basov, V. V. — A prominent Soviet expert on Afghanistan.Bakhturin, S. G. — KGB colonel, served as a security officer at the Soviet embassy in Kabul737

[<strong>Afghanistan</strong>: Opposition and the Authorities (<strong>The</strong> 1960s–1970s of the 20th Century)]Snegiryov, V. Ryzhiy. Moscow: Novaya Gazeta; Saint Petersburg: Inapress, 2003. [Red]Snesaryov, A. E. Afganistan. Moscow: Russkaya Panorama, 2002. [<strong>Afghanistan</strong>]Spolnikov, V. N. Afganistan: islamskaya kontrrevolyutsiya. Moscow: Nauka, 1987.[<strong>Afghanistan</strong>: Islamic Counter-Revolution]Tanner, S. Afganistan: Is<strong>to</strong>riya voin ot Aleksandra Makedonskogo do padeniya “Talibana.”Moscow: Eksmo, 2004. [<strong>Afghanistan</strong>: A Military His<strong>to</strong>ry from Alexander the Great <strong>to</strong> theWar Against the Taliban]Tenet, G. (with the participation of Harlow, B.). V tsentre sh<strong>to</strong>rma: Otkroveniya eks-glavyTsRU. Moscow: Eksmo, 2008. [At the Center of the S<strong>to</strong>rm: My Years at the CIA]Tikhonov, Yu. Afganskaya voina Stalina: Bitva za centralnuyu Aziyu. Moscow: Yauza; Eksmo,2008. [Stalin’s Afghan War: <strong>The</strong> Battle for Central Asia]Tukharinov, I. Yu. Sekretnyi komandarm. Moscow, 2002. [Secret Army Commander]Tsvetkov, A., Surodin, V. Vsya zhizn–ataka. Moscow: Granitsa, 2010. [<strong>The</strong> Whole Life as anAttack]Varennikov, V. Nepov<strong>to</strong>rimoe, V 7 t. T. 5. Afganistan. I doblest, i pechal. Chernobyl. Moscow:Sovetskiy Pisatel, 2001. [Inimitable: 7-volume edition. Volume 5. “<strong>Afghanistan</strong>. Valor andGrief. Chernobyl”]Vassiliev, E. Persidskiy zaliv v epicentre buri. Moscow: Politizdat, 1983. [<strong>The</strong> Arab Gulf in theEpicenter of a S<strong>to</strong>rm]Voina v Afganistane. N. I. Pikov (Ed.) Moscow: Voenizdat, 1991. [<strong>The</strong> War in <strong>Afghanistan</strong>]Voina i obschestvo v XX veke: V 3 kn. Kn. 3. Voina i obschestvo v period lokalnykh voin ikonflik<strong>to</strong>v v<strong>to</strong>roi poloviny XX veka. Moscow: Nauka, 2008. [War and Society in the 20 thcentury: 3-volume edition. Volume 3. War and Society During Local Wars and Conflicts ofthe Second Half of the 20 th Century]Woodward, B. Priznanie shefa razvedki. Moscow: Politizdat, 1990. [Veil: the Secret Wars ofCIA]ArticlesWestad, O. A. Nakanune vvoda sovetskikh voisk v <strong>Afghanistan</strong>. Novaya i noveyshaya is<strong>to</strong>riya,736

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