The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University

The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University


BibliographyBooksAblazov, V. I. Afganistan: Chetvyortaya voina. Kiev: RIA “Marko Pak,” 2002. [Afghanistan:The Fourth War]Afganskie uroki: Vyvody dlya buduschego v svete ideinogo naslediya A. E. Snesaryova.Moscow: Voennyi Universitet, Russkiy Put, 2003. [Afghan Lessons: Conclusions for theFuture in Light of Snesaryov’s Ideological Inheritance]Akhromeev, S. F., Korniyenko, G. M. Glazami marshala i diplomata: Kriticheskiy vzglyad navneshnyuyu politiku SSSR do i posle 1985 goda. Moscow: Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya,1992. [Through the Eyes of a Marshal and a Diplomat: A Critical Look at USSR ForeignPolitics before and after 1985]Aktualnye problemy afganskoi revolyutsii. Moscow: Nauka, 1984. [Contemporary Issues ofthe Afghan Revolution]Allan, P., Klei, D. Afganskiy kapkan: Pravda o sovetskom vtorzhenii. Moscow:Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya, 1999. [The Afghan Trap: The Truth About the SovietInvasion]Andogskii, A. I., Drozdov, Yu. I., Kurilov, V. N., Bakhturin, S. G. Afgan, snova Afgan… Moscow:Voenizdat, 2002. [Afghanistan, again Afghanistan]Andrew, C., Gordievsky, O. KGB: Istoriya vneshnepoliticheskikh operatsiy ot Lenina doGorbachyova. Moscow: Nota Bene, 1992. [The KGB: The History of Foreign PolicyOperations from Lenin until Gorbachev.]Andrew, C., Mitrokhin, V. The Mitrokhin Archive II: The KGB and the World. London: Penguinbooks, 2006.Belonogov, A. M. Na diplomaticheskoi avanstsene: zapiski postoyannogo predstavitelya SSSRpri OON. Moscow: MGIMO, 2009. [On the Diplomatic Foreground: Notes of a PermanentRepresentative of the USSR at the United Nations]Bearden, M., Risen, D. Glavnyi protivnik: Tainaya istoriya poslednikh let protivostoyaniyamezhdu CRU i KGB. Moscow: Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya, 2004. [The Main Enemy: TheInside Story of the CIA Final Showdown with the KGB]Bobkov, F. D. Posledniye dvadtsat let: Zapiski nachalnika politicheskoi kontrrazvedki.Moscow: Russkoe Slovo, 2010. [The Last Twenty Years: Notes of a Director of the PoliticalCounter-Espionage Agency]732

Bogdanov, L. Afganskaya tetrad. Moscow: Natsionalnoye Obozreniye, 2000. [AfghanNotebook]Brutenz, K. N. Tridtsat let na Staroi ploschadi. Moscow: Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya,1998. [Thirty Years on the Old Square]Brzezinski, Z. Velikaya shakhmatnaya doska. Moscow: Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya, 2000.[The Grand Chessboard]Chazov, E. Zdorovye i vlast: Vospominaniya ‘kremlyovskogo vracha.’ Moscow: Novosti, 1992.[Health and Power: Memoirs of the ‘Kremlin Doctor’]Chekisty Leningrada v Afganistane, 1979-1989. Saint Petersburg, 2009. [Leningrad KGBServicemen in Afghanistan, 1979-1989]Chernyaev, A. Sovmestnyi ishod: Dnevnik dvukh epoch. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2008. [CombinedOutcome: The Diary of Two Epochs]Coll, S. Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the SovietInvasion to September 10, 2001. London: Penguin books, 2005.Drozdov, Yu., Kurilov, V. Operatsiya “Shtorm–333.” Moscow: Vympel, 1999. [Operation“Storm–333”]Feifer, G. The Great Gamble: The Soviet War in Afghanistan. New York: Harper Perennial,2009.Gai, D., Snegiryov, V. Vtorzhenie: Neizvestnye stranitsy neob’yavlennoi voiny. Moscow: IKPA,1991. [Invasion: The Unknown Pages of an Undeclared War]Grinevskiy, O. Tainy sovetskoi diplomatii. Moscow: Vagrius, 2000. [The Secrets of SovietDiplomacy]Gromov, B.V. Ogranichennyi contingent. Moscow: “Progress”-“Kultura.” [Limited Contingentof Forces]Gromyko, A. Polyot ego strely: Vospominaniya i razmyshleniya syna. Moscow: Nauchnayakniga, 2009. [The Flight of His Arrow: Memoirs and Reflections of the Son]Gruppa spetsialnogo naznacheniya KGB SSSR “Vympel”: Sozdanie i stanovlenie, pobedy ineudachi, unichtozhenie i vozrozhdenie. Moscow, 2008. [KGB Special Forces Team “Vympel”:Creation and Implementation, Victories and Failures, Destruction and Renewal]Internatsionalnaya missiya: Vospominaniya sovetnikov MVD SSSR ob afganskikh sobytiyakh(1978-1992 gg). Moscow, 1999. [International Mission: The Memoirs of the Ministry of733

BibliographyBooksAblazov, V. I. Afganistan: Chetvyortaya voina. Kiev: RIA “Marko Pak,” 2002. [<strong>Afghanistan</strong>:<strong>The</strong> Fourth War]Afganskie uroki: Vyvody dlya buduschego v svete ideinogo naslediya A. E. Snesaryova.Moscow: Voennyi Universitet, Russkiy Put, 2003. [Afghan Lessons: Conclusions for theFuture in Light of Snesaryov’s Ideological Inheritance]Akhromeev, S. F., Korniyenko, G. M. Glazami marshala i diplomata: Kriticheskiy vzglyad navneshnyuyu politiku SSSR do i posle 1985 goda. Moscow: Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya,1992. [Through the Eyes of a Marshal and a Diplomat: A Critical Look at USSR ForeignPolitics before and after 1985]Aktualnye problemy afganskoi revolyutsii. Moscow: Nauka, 1984. [Contemporary Issues ofthe Afghan Revolution]Allan, P., Klei, D. Afganskiy kapkan: Pravda o sovetskom v<strong>to</strong>rzhenii. Moscow:Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya, 1999. [<strong>The</strong> Afghan Trap: <strong>The</strong> Truth About the SovietInvasion]Andogskii, A. I., Drozdov, Yu. I., Kurilov, V. N., Bakhturin, S. G. Afgan, snova Afgan… Moscow:Voenizdat, 2002. [<strong>Afghanistan</strong>, again <strong>Afghanistan</strong>]Andrew, C., Gordievsky, O. KGB: Is<strong>to</strong>riya vneshnepoliticheskikh operatsiy ot Lenina doGorbachyova. Moscow: Nota Bene, 1992. [<strong>The</strong> KGB: <strong>The</strong> His<strong>to</strong>ry of Foreign PolicyOperations from Lenin until Gorbachev.]Andrew, C., Mitrokhin, V. <strong>The</strong> Mitrokhin Archive II: <strong>The</strong> KGB and the World. London: Penguinbooks, 2006.Belonogov, A. M. Na diplomaticheskoi avanstsene: zapiski pos<strong>to</strong>yannogo predstavitelya SSSRpri OON. Moscow: MGIMO, 2009. [On the Diplomatic Foreground: Notes of a PermanentRepresentative of the USSR at the United Nations]Bearden, M., Risen, D. Glavnyi protivnik: Tainaya is<strong>to</strong>riya poslednikh let protivos<strong>to</strong>yaniyamezhdu CRU i KGB. Moscow: Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya, 2004. [<strong>The</strong> Main Enemy: <strong>The</strong>Inside S<strong>to</strong>ry of the CIA Final Showdown with the KGB]Bobkov, F. D. Posledniye dvadtsat let: Zapiski nachalnika politicheskoi kontrrazvedki.Moscow: Russkoe Slovo, 2010. [<strong>The</strong> Last Twenty Years: Notes of a Direc<strong>to</strong>r of the PoliticalCounter-Espionage Agency]732

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