The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University

The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University

The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University


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But even the “special people,” in particular many leaders of the First Direc<strong>to</strong>rate ofthe KGB (Foreign Intelligence), in their conversations with me, never said with certaintythat U.S. special services had recruited Amin. <strong>The</strong>y allowed for the possibility of it, but nomore. <strong>The</strong>ir position, more often than not, was that it made little sense <strong>to</strong> speculate aboutwhether Amin was a CIA agent. <strong>The</strong> essence was that, objectively, he damaged the outcomeof the April Revolution, along with our interests, by committing his actions. That was whatplayed the decisive role behind making the decision <strong>to</strong> liquidate him and replace him withthe more loyal and predictable Babrak Karmal.Valery Samunin:Do you really think that “special people,” particularly senior intelligence leaders,would ever tell the whole truth <strong>to</strong> a journalist or a his<strong>to</strong>rian, and would go so far as <strong>to</strong>reference the source of the information? This is impossible. Even I, your co-author, haveleft a lot of information out of this book, as if I’ve “forgotten” it al<strong>to</strong>gether. A lot of it willfollow me <strong>to</strong> the grave.However, I can assure you that the operatives of the KGB Residency who wereworking in Kabul then, including Alexei Petrov, who worked with Hafizullah Amin prior <strong>to</strong>the April Revolution on an assignment from the CPSU’s Central Committee, suspected thatAmin was a trai<strong>to</strong>r and a CIA agent. <strong>The</strong>re were many signs of this. Moreover, this personwas watched by KGB intelligence long before he emerged as one of the leaders of the PDPA.His biography was scrupulously researched. <strong>The</strong>re was one vague moment in it inparticular. Before leaving for his studies in America, Amin published nationalistic and evenanti-Soviet articles in Kabul newspapers. Judging by those articles, he had absolutely no722

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