The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University

The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University

The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University


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a new order. Nobody bothered <strong>to</strong> ask when such an order would arrive, or inquire as <strong>to</strong> thenature of that order. Amidst heavy silence, Kirpichenko uttered the mysterious phrase,“Somebody is stringing us along.”<strong>The</strong> next morning, Karmal, Anahita, and other members of the future Afghanleadership flew back <strong>to</strong> Tashkent.Within several days, almost all military groups that had arrived in Bagram—theMuslim Battalion, Zenit operatives, and the paratroopers—received an order <strong>to</strong> relocate <strong>to</strong>the unfinished barracks near the Tajbeg Palace on the edge of Kabul. <strong>The</strong> official reasongiven was <strong>to</strong> protect the future residence of the head of the Afghan state.It was at this point that Valery Kurilov fully unders<strong>to</strong>od the absurdity of the planthat they were supposed <strong>to</strong> have implemented on December 14. <strong>The</strong> night march on Kabulwould never have been the swift advance that their bosses had in mind. One third of thearmored vehicles broke down while riding on the paved highway. <strong>The</strong> vehicles had <strong>to</strong> be<strong>to</strong>wed. Communication worked intermittently or not at all. <strong>The</strong> soldiers of the MuslimBattalion were at a loss in the simplest situations, could not carry out basic mechanicalrepairs, and ignored their commanders’ orders. It <strong>to</strong>ok the column four hours <strong>to</strong> travel sixtykilometers. When it entered Kabul, it looked miserable. Only the paratroopers in their newBMDs looked presentable.When General Magome<strong>to</strong>v received reports of the failures of the night attempt <strong>to</strong>redeploy, he grew outraged. He ordered the immediate removal of the commander of theMuslim Battalion, Major Halbaiev. Only with great difficulty was the major’s postpreserved. However, the GRU leadership in Moscow decided <strong>to</strong> reinforce its position byurgently sending Colonel Kolesnik and Junior Colonel Shvetz, who were in charge of697

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