The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University

The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University


“Everybody is here,” Kurilov assured him. “The whole gang!”“Great!” laughed Sarwari. “Then victory will surely be ours. Death to bloody Amin!”Kurilov was about to return to his tent, but was suddenly approached by anunfamiliar special forces operative. The man was enormous, and armed to the teeth. Valerydidn’t yet know about the existence of the elite counterterrorism Group “A.” Theyintroduced themselves. It turned out that Valery’s new acquaintance was in charge ofsecurity for members of the future Afghan government.“Don’t approach them anymore,” he told Kurilov, nodding towards the Afghans.“Don’t tell anybody that you saw them. It’s important that we keep this a secret.”“So,” Kurilov concluded, “this means that we will advance on Kabul to overthrowAmin soon.”The next day, his assumptions were confirmed. At first, the Zenit fighters wereassigned to a fleet of armored vehicles of the Muslim Battalion, and were ordered toprepare to advance on Kabul. Then the commander of one of the Zenit units, YashaSemenov, came and said that he had been invited to the commander’s tent for a meeting.The participants of the meeting looked strange in the faintly lit tent. All of them, those whosat at the table of the “presidium” and the regular participants, were dressed in thesoldiers’ overcoats and hats. The bosses could be distinguished by the ribbons on theirepaulets. Sergeants’ signs signified that their carrier was actually a colonel. Almost all ofthem were unshaved, with shadows of fatigue on their faces. Commanders of the MuslimBattalion, Zenit, and paratrooper detachments all participated in the meeting.One of the unfamiliar parties, an older-looking man (Kurilov figured that he must bea general) gave a lecture on the topic of Hafizullah Amin’s character flaws, his alleged ties692

to the CIA, and his alleged behavior in favor of the United States, all of which pointed to thenecessity of his ousting. This was confirmed by Yasha Semenov, who was next to speak.Yasha put forth a specific military assignment. He listed the license plate numbers ofarmored vehicles and distributed target sites in Kabul for those vehicles to attack. Kurilov’svehicle was in the most “honorable” group, which was tasked with the capture of the ArkPalace.Listening to the instructions, Valery suddenly realized that it all seemed like a baddream. Here they were at an airdrome surrounded by strange foreign mountains, under anunstable tent, their unshaven faces huddled around a faint heater. Most important, ofcourse, was the impossible task that they had been assigned. How could one militarycompany of Army special forces, a group of paratroopers, and two dozen Zenit fighters gaincontrol over the well-guarded Ark Palace in the center of Kabul? They say that twothousand guardsmen loyal to Amin guard the palace. Also to be reckoned with was a closegroup of guards consisting of his relatives, as well as the army brigades based in centralKabul.The plan was as follows: five armored vehicles would break through the gates of thepalace driving at full speed, enter the palace territory, and quickly suppress the defensivepositions before an interpreter would announce via a loudspeaker that Amin’s anti-popularregime had fallen and recommend that the guardsmen lay down their arms and surrender,at which point they would raise their arms and walk out towards their liberators.Valery looked around to see how his comrades had reacted to the instructions. Theywere clearly dismayed. Semenov and Golubev looked sideways. They were obviously veryuncomfortable.693

<strong>to</strong> the CIA, and his alleged behavior in favor of the United States, all of which pointed <strong>to</strong> thenecessity of his ousting. This was confirmed by Yasha Semenov, who was next <strong>to</strong> speak.Yasha put forth a specific military assignment. He listed the license plate numbers ofarmored vehicles and distributed target sites in Kabul for those vehicles <strong>to</strong> attack. Kurilov’svehicle was in the most “honorable” group, which was tasked with the capture of the ArkPalace.Listening <strong>to</strong> the instructions, Valery suddenly realized that it all seemed like a baddream. Here they were at an airdrome surrounded by strange foreign mountains, under anunstable tent, their unshaven faces huddled around a faint heater. Most important, ofcourse, was the impossible task that they had been assigned. How could one militarycompany of Army special forces, a group of paratroopers, and two dozen Zenit fighters gaincontrol over the well-guarded Ark Palace in the center of Kabul? <strong>The</strong>y say that twothousand guardsmen loyal <strong>to</strong> Amin guard the palace. Also <strong>to</strong> be reckoned with was a closegroup of guards consisting of his relatives, as well as the army brigades based in centralKabul.<strong>The</strong> plan was as follows: five armored vehicles would break through the gates of thepalace driving at full speed, enter the palace terri<strong>to</strong>ry, and quickly suppress the defensivepositions before an interpreter would announce via a loudspeaker that Amin’s anti-popularregime had fallen and recommend that the guardsmen lay down their arms and surrender,at which point they would raise their arms and walk out <strong>to</strong>wards their libera<strong>to</strong>rs.Valery looked around <strong>to</strong> see how his comrades had reacted <strong>to</strong> the instructions. <strong>The</strong>ywere clearly dismayed. Semenov and Golubev looked sideways. <strong>The</strong>y were obviously veryuncomfortable.693

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