The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University

The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University The Road to Afghanistan - George Washington University


married?”“I wonder whose side those soldiers are on. I counted about thirty armored vehiclesin just one column,” one of the operatives muttered.“Who cares whose side? Undoubtedly they will spill a lot of blood on both sides,”came a nervous response.Valery very quietly, as if speaking to himself, said, “But where are Victor and Yuri?”Everybody heard him though.Valery’s partner, the experienced officer who was supposed to go into the city withhim, jumped up and quickly ran out into the corridor, eyes leading his feet, silently. Valerynoticed that his face was mortally pale and his eyes dull, motionless.Soon the resident summoned Valery into his office.“How are you?” Osadchiy asked him in an insinuating tone. The resident consideredValery to be his friend. He was closer to him than to other officers from the KabulResidence.“I’m fine,” Valery replied cautiously.“Well, it appears your partner has suddenly fallen ill. Must be his blood pressure. Hewent to the clinic. I’m not sure who to team you up with now. Maybe you shouldn’t go thereat all.”Valery remained silent out of deference to his superior.“Okay, go on, we’ll figure something out,” concluded Osadchiy.Valery returned to the common room, considering the sudden illness of hiscolleague and the conversation that he had just had with the resident. He wasoverwhelmed by conflicting feelings. On the one hand he feared being killed, or worse,54

maimed. On the other hand, he was very curious to see what was happening in the city withhis own eyes, and he also felt the need to test himself in a truly dangerous situation.When Victor and Yuri returned to the embassy, the mood in the common roomimproved immediately. As soon as they stepped out of the car, they headed immediately tothe resident’s office. Colleagues greeted them as returning heroes in the corridor in front ofOsadchiy’s office.“What’s going on there?” “Who’s winning?” “Are there many casualties?”Yuri didn’t respond. Victor used one choice word to characterize the situation in thecity. Both entered Osadchiy’s office. Yuri came out a couple minutes later holding a notepadwith blank sheets for encrypted cables. He headed to the office of the resident’s deputy,Orlov-Morozov, to write an urgent cable to the Center. The resident then called Starostininto his office.“Victor will go with you,” he said.“Understood,” Valery responded, energized by the news. It would be a dream towork with Bubnov. Victor was his close friend. Everybody knew him as a reliable andcourageous person.“Don’t say anything to Tamara yet,” warned the resident, “otherwise she won’t beable to work. Right now she is our most important source of information.”“Certainly,” replied the operative.Tamara, Valery’s wife, worked as a Residency interpreter. While Valery was meetingwith the resident, she was sitting in a separate room with a special radio receivermonitoring the communications between different headquarters and military detachments,as well as the communications between the many different units within the military55

maimed. On the other hand, he was very curious <strong>to</strong> see what was happening in the city withhis own eyes, and he also felt the need <strong>to</strong> test himself in a truly dangerous situation.When Vic<strong>to</strong>r and Yuri returned <strong>to</strong> the embassy, the mood in the common roomimproved immediately. As soon as they stepped out of the car, they headed immediately <strong>to</strong>the resident’s office. Colleagues greeted them as returning heroes in the corridor in front ofOsadchiy’s office.“What’s going on there?” “Who’s winning?” “Are there many casualties?”Yuri didn’t respond. Vic<strong>to</strong>r used one choice word <strong>to</strong> characterize the situation in thecity. Both entered Osadchiy’s office. Yuri came out a couple minutes later holding a notepadwith blank sheets for encrypted cables. He headed <strong>to</strong> the office of the resident’s deputy,Orlov-Morozov, <strong>to</strong> write an urgent cable <strong>to</strong> the Center. <strong>The</strong> resident then called Starostinin<strong>to</strong> his office.“Vic<strong>to</strong>r will go with you,” he said.“Unders<strong>to</strong>od,” Valery responded, energized by the news. It would be a dream <strong>to</strong>work with Bubnov. Vic<strong>to</strong>r was his close friend. Everybody knew him as a reliable andcourageous person.“Don’t say anything <strong>to</strong> Tamara yet,” warned the resident, “otherwise she won’t beable <strong>to</strong> work. Right now she is our most important source of information.”“Certainly,” replied the operative.Tamara, Valery’s wife, worked as a Residency interpreter. While Valery was meetingwith the resident, she was sitting in a separate room with a special radio receivermoni<strong>to</strong>ring the communications between different headquarters and military detachments,as well as the communications between the many different units within the military55

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